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Taiheizan艸月 別誂 ひやおろし 純米純米生酛ひやおろし袋吊りおりがらみ
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<Lightly nigori, sour and fluffy, hiyaoroshi The color is slightly white and lightly nigori. It is rare to find a lightly nigori hiyaoroshi. The aroma is almost imperceptible. On the palate, there is a gentle sourness with a moderate sweetness and umami. It has a full-bodied acidity, sweetness, and umami that is similar to Usu-nigori. After drinking, the aftertaste recedes quickly and disappears nicely. When the temperature rises a little, the sweetness opens up and it becomes even more delicious. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Satsuki and Mei's mother from "My Neighbor Totoro". This is Ms. Yasuko Kusakabe. In the movie, her kindness and weakness stand out, but I think she's actually a very interesting person. "She says, "I can't wait to get out of the hospital and see the ghost. When he gets out of the hospital, his gentle sweetness and deliciousness will open up and he'll be even more fun. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I will post the full version on the blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.