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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)

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Gakki Masamune山田錦 中取り純米吟醸
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
It is clean and beautiful, with a good acidity. Although the rice used is Yamadanishiki, I thought the sweetness was restrained. However, as the temperature rises slightly, the sweetness seems to increase, and the taste reminds me of pears. The aftertaste is surprisingly bitter. It also has a full-bodied taste.
Utashiro〜試験醸造 白麹〜原酒
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
It has a crisp yet lingering acidity! Casual and light drinking, perhaps due to the 13.5 alcohol content. I think the acidity is fruity. It is not strong, but I feel there is some natural sweetness and bitterness. According to the back of the label, "Usually Gagakuyo is designed with a sake quality that does not produce acidity. It is true that the ones I have had so far seem to have less acidity as the main ingredient. I thought this sake was just right for the end of this hot summer.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Spring Tenmei, Peach Heaven🍑 has arrived! Flowering is finally declared 🌸 They say it's 2 weeks later than last year! Fresh and citrusy 🍊 sweet and tasty! Okay, spring is in full bloom, let's go 😁. Home drinking 606
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Apple sensation, definitely there! Fruity acidity in the aftertaste. I think it is connected to the appleiness. Very fizzy mouthfeel. The taste has umami, or depth. I wonder if this is the effect of brewing in wooden vats. If I were to introduce this sake simply, it would be a delicious apple cider vinegar that can be guzzled down. The rice used is 100% Omachi.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Clear sake with a "hard" image. It has a bittersweetness, but also a gorgeousness that opens up in the mouth. Therefore, the sweetness is extremely restrained. The acidity may also contribute to the "hard" image. There is also a slight sense of alcohol. The specs are once-fired, but it doesn't seem as fresh as I thought it would be. I prefer it after a day. It seems to have more flavor!
Atagonomatsuひと夏の恋 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
This sake claims to be the ultimate food sake. As a whole, the acidity stands out. There is also a light sweet nuance on the palate, but the bitter impression that follows is stronger. It is a sake with few peculiarities, and has a sharpness that resets the palate. This seems to complement food well.
TamagawaIce Breaker 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Summer mood, good mood! Because of its flavor, it tastes great even when served over ice. Not only because it was chilled to a crisp, but also because it has a cool aftertaste. I was able to drink it on the rocks for the first time in over two years.
Tenbi純米大吟醸 廣島千本錦純米大吟醸
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
The unctuous sweetness lingers in the mouth. I thought it would be more refreshing since it is an amami, but considering that it is a junmai daiginjo, it is very flavorful! Perhaps it is because of the gasiness, but the heaviness is not that strong, and I felt it was just the right mouthfeel. It has a delicious flavor, and I wonder if it has a little bit of a grain-like nuance.
Nito純米吟醸 山田錦五十五 火純米吟醸
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Transparent Yamadanishiki! Sweetness is restrained. The initial mouthfeel is a bit floral, and sweet nuances are felt. Overall, bitterness may slightly prevail. The color is a little yellowish and there is a light acidity that gives it a refreshing feel. The Yamada-Nishiki feeling is not fully apparent, but I think I can catch a glimpse of it.
Bakuren超辛口大吟醸 虹色大吟醸生詰酒
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Dry, but with a little sweet nuance! It is light and crisp. É It gives a sweet impression especially on the palate. It is a very easy-drinking sake, perhaps thanks to its freshness. It has a complex flavor, and I thought it had a light umami and richness. However, overall, it is refreshing and makes the cup go down a treat! The sake rice is Dewanosato and Ogawa yeast (Association No. 10) is used.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Mild sake with a clear taste. Light bitterness and acidity! There is also a hint of sweetness. You will not get tired of drinking it. On the back of the front label, there is a red and black goldfish illustration. It looks like a goldfish bowl. It gives a sense of coolness from its appearance.
TENBU赤磐雄町 搾立生酒純米吟醸生酒
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Strong impact when just opened! Sweetness plus a fruity acidity that is different from citrus. There is also a bitter aftertaste. Tingling on the tongue, strong acidity. The taste is complex and gives the impression of being somewhat dense. At first I thought it didn't seem like Omachi, but in the end it was still Omachi.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
The cool, sweet ♩ taste receded quickly and left a light impression on the tongue. Although the taste is clear, it is surprisingly not boring to drink. A delicious sake that can be recommended to those who like sweet sake. I haven't had many drinks with brewer's alcohol added, but I got a good image of it!
Mimurosugi夏純 山田錦純米
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Refreshing summer sake! It is very refreshing, with a real light soozing sensation in the mouth. The taste is sweet and sour, similar to fruit. Perhaps because the rice used is Yamada-Nishiki, the sweetness is a little more pronounced. Therefore, the sweetness lingers on the tongue. I thought this was a sake that one could associate with summer.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
From the moment it enters the mouth, the lightness and sweet-sourness of this sake make it very approachable. It has a complex aftertaste in some areas, but the overall impression is refreshing! The alcohol content of 14 degrees may be one of the reasons for this. This sake is made by an assemblage of sake mixtures. The rice used is listed as 20% Kame-no-o, 50% Yamada-Nishiki, and 30% Omachi. On the back of the label, there is also a Ukrainian flag and STOP WAR. The message of the assemblage, that all we need is to join hands and get together, really resonated with me. It tastes better after a few days!
Edo Kaijou純米吟醸 原酒純米吟醸原酒
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Gentle and dry! Clean, clear, watery mouthfeel. Acidity can be felt, but it is not the type that cuts through. The aftertaste is light and bitter. Although it is made from Yamada-Nishiki, it does not have a characteristic sweetness. I think it has a high degree of perfection as a food sake!
Good morning, shitakke 😃. It's a real Edo-style sake ❗️ I'd like to meet him at least once 👍
Hello, Haruei Chichi! This brand name has a sense of The Tokyo Sake, ♩
Kamoshibitokuheijiうすにごり 黒田庄産 山田錦純米生酒
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
This is a raw sake with a touch of sweetness. It has a ginjo aroma and a gentle mouthfeel immediately after opening. After a little while after pouring, it gives a different impression. The crisp acidity is very good, and the aftertaste is complex! The sweetness does not linger, but rather lingers in the elegant aftertaste. There is just a tiny orikori floating on the surface, leaving a delicious taste on the tongue. I see more umami riding on it as the day goes on! The acidity has settled down and is a bit mild.
Raifuku純米酒 さくら純米生酒
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Enjoy the sharp impression and beautiful flavor. There is enough acidity to make the tongue tingle. The umami shines through because there is more orikomi, but the taste is rather moderate. It has a pleasant aftertaste that does not linger too long. The alcohol content is 17%, but it is incredibly light to drink. Junmai Ginjo in terms of specs. Sakura yeast is used, but as expected, there is no cherry blossom feeling. The bottle is lightly pink in color. We live in a world with many problems, but for now we look forward to the coming of spring soon and wish you all good fortune. A toast.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
The lingering umami on the tongue is a blur! It's a thick, sweet sake with a very nice astringent acidity. It's good on its own É♩I personally like the lingering taste. It's the kind of sake you can't stop drinking. Detailed specifications are not given on the label, but I think it is Junmai-shu. The name "Gattolibero" means "free cat" in Italian, as symbolized by the cat on the label. As the tail represents "6," they use the famous Kyokai No. 6 yeast from Shinsei. Since the yeast is the same, I think the vector itself is in the same direction. No.6" has a more sophisticated image, though. I have a strong impression that the label of "No.19" is decorated with animals. I haven't had it in probably three years, but it's a great sake, both in label and taste! The cat is made of felt, so it's nice to touch!