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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)

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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
Junmai Nama Sake ✨Nakadarare It has a strong attack, and the flavor is sizzling 😆 . A little melon-like aroma🍈There is also a hint of pomegranate. It is sweet but spicy. I took out the Chokodama set from Jizakuya Kodama. They were all very good😋. Take out at Jizakuya Kodama @ Otsuka 20210129
MiyakobijinRafale 山廃純米 無濾過原酒純米山廃原酒無濾過
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
This was my second time at Miyako Bijin, and it's really good, too! The citrus aroma reminds me of the freshness of summer sake. It has a muscat aroma and a clean mouthfeel. It has a very good acidity that reminds you of Yamahai, although it is only a little. The bitterness that comes after the characteristic aroma and umami runs away is refreshing and pleasant. After enjoying the various flavors, you will say, "Oh, by the way, it was not so sweet. I really like dry sake. I often feel that it's like my favorite classic Senkou, isn't it? So maybe I like sour, fiery sake. Please let me know if you have any recommendations for sour, fire-roasted sake😊.
Okunoto no shiragiku夏越酒 純米にごり純米にごり酒
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
When it comes to Ishikawa Prefecture, I've been drinking famous brands like Kikuhime and Sougen. I've never had Shiragiku from Okunoto before, but... I can smell a hint of citrus. It also has an aroma of semedyne and rice itself, which is very distinctive. On the palate, it has a freshness like a pear. When you hold it, you can feel a hint of grape. Overall, the first impression is of fresh fruit. However, I'm not sure what kind of fruit it is...or maybe it's not even fruit. After carefully exploring the flavor, I realized that this is the taste of rice itself. The aroma and taste of the rice is distinctive and refreshing without being obnoxious. It is rich and fruity, but not too sweet, and the rich flavor expands softly. The reason it is so cloudy but not sizzling is because it is Hiiri. The goodness of Hiiri is this calmness, isn't it? It has a similar taste to Tamagawa's Nigori or Kikuhime's Nigori. The nigori of Hiiri is very thick, so it is the best when you want to drink it hard.
ShokiDomiso Kusemonojya!純米
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
This shop (地酒屋こだま) is famous for letting sake sleep for some time to give it a more aged flavor so I can't say if this is the original flavor, but for shure I can say that this is one of my favourite! In the label it say that it is like the miso, and yes has some deep salty presence that reminds me something fermented. OK probably it's not the best description of a sake, but I can assure that it is very well balanced and drinked with some cheese is the best!
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
Yamahai Junmai ✨Koji rice: Yamadanishiki🌾, Kake rice: Gohyakumangoku🌾. I had it with cold sake 😋melon candy, dark, dry, not so much acidity like Yamahai 🤔 good bitterness is interesting. First purchased at the famous sake shop Kodama in Otsuka👍. Purchased at Jizakuya Kodama@Otsuka Drinking at home 20201113
Yauemon彌右衛門 別品 おりがらみ生原酒生酛原酒生酒おりがらみ
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
This is not the Iwate rooster Yoemon, but the Fukushima Yaemon. This is the old form of it, Yaemon. The fresh and youthful notes of citrus and apple are very noticeable. Then you can feel juiciness, sourness, grapefruit feeling by bitterness, umami, sweetness and so on. It's not that sweet, but it's so catchy that it's hard to believe it's a +4 sake. This is probably because of this complexity. By the way, the similar sake, Shirarotadarajyu Sunrise Red, has a similar flavor. On the fourth day, the taste becomes more balanced, and the rice flavor becomes very pleasant. I'd call it melon-y... mmmm really good! Maybe I should let it age a little longer before drinking it to my liking from the start.
Honkin純米吟醸 「諏訪」 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
I've been curious about it for a long time, but I decided to buy it when I heard a comment on Sakelabchannel that "Honkin is an irreplaceable sake. In Kodama-san, Omachi or "Suwa" here is easy to understand, and was recommended to me as an introduction that seems to be Honkin. The aroma is very gentle, but it has a beautiful mouthfeel without miscellaneous tastes. However, this "Suwa" has no miscellaneous flavors, but it has a perfect drinkability. Above all, the flavor of the rice is amazing! There is a characteristic in the quality of the umami. It's like the taste of the rice is drawn out. It is the acidity that makes it surprisingly refreshing to drink. Especially when it is cold, the citrus acidity tightens it up and leads to a crispness. There are many sakes that are characterized by their flamboyance, but I've never had a sake that focuses so much on the flavor of the rice, so it was too interesting! It is a masterpiece of Nakaguchi! The characteristics fade from the third day, so drink it as soon as possible.
Honkin, are you going to sell it? It's such a simple shop, isn't it? I missed buying one the other day, so I'll get one next time I'm in the neighborhood!
fukusuke san I actually just bought this in Tokyo and have never been to Honkin 😂💦. It looks so simple yet quaint in the pics! The taste is amazing so please do (^^)
Yes, sir. I'm looking forward to it. ♪
Ookura特別純米 無濾過生原酒 あらばしり R2BY特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
Bought at a local sake shop Kodama in Otsuka. It tastes like a dark melon. And, it is high spa. It is the sake which I want to keep drinking even after 10 years and 20 years.
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
Let's start with the supernatant. Very strong gaseous sensation. The glass is completely white with bubbles. This is enough to satisfy me. The aroma is weak, but it is slightly berry-like. The flavor is crisp and sour. Not so strong. In the aftertaste, a light bitterness continues. It has a characteristic impression of bitterness with a sense of umami. It is not bad. Next, mix the ori. The sweetness and umami increase, and the aroma of koji can be felt. In the aftertaste, the bitterness decreases and the umami can be felt. It finishes comfortably. This was my first time trying the Freaks series, and I was very satisfied. Next time, I want to try Freaks 2.
Naruka特別純米 直詰め生 青特別純米生酒
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
It was chosen by the shop owner on the condition that it was "refreshing, crisp, and tasty, and I especially like Shinomine in the shop's lineup. As a result, I was surprised that I liked it exactly! The work of a professional is amazing〜! The aroma is like a young green apple, which is pale but looks delicious. When you taste it, it has a juicy feeling like a pear. It's also slightly fizzy, so it's a bit like ramune. It's nice and summery. The sourness (citrusy?) is also delicious. It is also delicious. There's a sweetness to it too, but it doesn't leave a crisp aftertaste after drinking, which is wonderful... It's a beautiful, delicious mid-palate masterpiece. If you drink it in the winter, it might be a little underwhelming on some days, but it's great for the summer! Swissy is exactly what it sounds like! It usually takes me 4 days to a week to drink it, but I finished it in no time at all.
Miyakobijin山廃特別純米 紺ラベル特別純米山廃原酒生酒無濾過
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
I told the shop that I hadn't drank much Yamahai with it in mind, so I was looking for a sake that would give me a sense of its characteristics, and they helped me choose. I asked the staff to choose a sake that would allow me to feel the characteristics of Yamahai with a good balance, so I chose this one from several recommendations. You can tell from the yellowish color and standing aroma that it is a rich, sweet and sour sake. ...It is my favorite aroma. Although it is sweet, it is not sticky at all due to the acidity, and it is crisp and easy to drink. Furthermore, the rice flavor and bitterness give the taste depth. You can enjoy the change of each flavor after you drink it, and you can also taste the volume. What should I do...I like it very much. Come to think of it, it also has something in common with Tsuchida 99. I'm not sure if I like Yamahai or Miyako Bijin, but I think it was the best choice for me as a sake that gives me the feeling of Yamahai. It's a powerful yet delicate sake that is sure to impress! I was able to pair it with almost anything, from light to dark, crisp to oily. I thought the acidity and richness of the Yamahai would go well with it, so I bought some nuts for the first time in a while, but it was a perfect match!
Hello flos_lingua_est!!! That's a rave review 😄. As a fan of Tokujun, I couldn't miss this review. I would love to drink it if I see it❗️.
Good evening, tkmt! That's a rave if you ask me lol! It's only to my taste, but it's well balanced and all the flavors were delicious 😋✨.
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
Opened on June 19, 2021 Purchased at local sake shop Kodama Gentle❗️Based on the soft sweetness of the rice, it is round and ... yet somehow very thick❗️There is a bit of alcohol stimulation. Of course it's great as a food sake, but it also works well for evening drinking^ ^ ^. Good ️️.
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
This is the second in a series of gifts that you don't know about, even though you like sweet and fruity. It's the first sake from Ehime that I've never heard of or seen before. And it's a limited edition with a lot number written on it. Even if it's a limited edition, even if you see it, you'll never be able to get your hands on the label. I don't hate it though. The aroma of melon. When you put it in your mouth, it's clear, sweet, juicy melon! And it disappears quickly. This is the best one. It's as good as the Igai Takaha's Ripple (very rare) that I had at a restaurant the other day. This is a definite repeat. I can't stop drinking sake that I don't know anything about. Kodama-san is to be feared. 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
I got this as a souvenir because I'm sure most of the major sweet and fruity types drink it. This is a completely new sake to me. And it's a 2019BY one-year aged raw sake. It looks almost like wine. I heard that it uses Saccharomyces sakei Yabe, the first sake yeast in Japan. It is sweet and sour. Grape-like. I think so. A little bit of caramel. It's very rich, sweet and fruity. This is addictive. It's delicious.
Hirotogawa純米 にごり生酒純米生酒にごり酒
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
My first ever Hirotogawa, here's a very popular one that's been sitting in the fridge for months! I opened it without a second thought and realized it was about to blow up, so I managed to close the bottle again and escaped. It was the active type, right? My first impression was that it was an adult apple squash. Some people have described it as an adult Calpis soda, and I agree. It even makes a swooshing sound in your mouth, which is fun too. It's quite sweet, but the acidity and fizziness make it crisp and well-balanced. I'd like to finish it as soon as possible before the acidity and fizziness wear off. The second day was the best with a lot of settling in, and the third day was surprisingly not too sweet, though the acidity was lost.
Shinomine純米 山田錦 超辛 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
It seems that dry sake is becoming popular among young people and women these days. I have become a (relatively) dry sake lover because of Ona, Yamashiroya, Wakakoma, and this Shinomine. The bottle was opened with a slight pushy sound. When you taste it, it is like a dry white wine. You can hardly feel sweetness, but you can feel citrusy acidity like grapefruit which is typical of No.9 yeast. You may feel a sense of fruit juice from the lack of sweetness, sourness (and its freshness) and bitterness. It goes well with Japanese food, of course, but also with fried food because of its excellent sharpness. It goes in smoothly like water and seems to soak into the body. If you don't control it, you can drink it as long as you like. From the third day, it became a little apple-like.
Shinomine純米 山田錦 遊々 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
This is yeast No.7... A mild aroma reminiscent of citrus. Juicy orange-like acidity and a slight sweetness. It is fresh and has a slight piquancy. As you'd expect from a +7 sake level, there's little sweetness, and the final impression is dry, so it's perfect with oily food! On the second day, the flavor becomes stronger, and as it approaches room temperature, it becomes banana-like, which is very tasty. It's great with karaage (fried chicken), and it's at its best on the fourth day when the flavor really kicks in! Kodama-san says it goes well with Italian food, so I paired it with Italian food... delicious! When it's freshly opened, you can taste the specs, but the flavor after a few days is a quality that can't be measured by "numerical values" such as sake strength. This is a bottle that taught me a new way to interact with sake. I'm sure I'll be repeating it again.