SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
日本酒どハマリして記録用に始めてみたやつ 飲みすぎると途中から味の違いわからなくなるの防止し隊 ・超絶リスペクト→血界戦線のチェイン皇🍷、ぼざろの廣井きくり🍶 ・ギリギリ平成生まれの30代、生物学上は♀だが性格はおっさん風 ・普段はXに生息してる📱音楽とゲームが生きがいの酒クズ ・インスタ始めた→mia_sklife

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Denshu Check-in 1
Denshu Check-in 2Denshu Check-in 3
A gift from a friend🍶. Delicious, the kind you can drink clear and swish! My fridge is getting full of happy 🍶 so I'm going to drink more and more 💪.
Good evening, Mia 😃. I'd love to open the door to a fridge full of happiness 🤗It's getting lonely at my house 🥲I need to go shopping again 😄.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby ☀. You can never have too much booze in stock👍 lol. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and going shopping...
Michisakari Check-in 1
Sakae Sake Square ⑦th (last!) drink Slightly sparkling, a little bit peculiar. Personally, it was perfect for the end of the day 👏. I thought I could drink more 💪, but the alcohol had already gone down quite a bit, so I had to leave the party in tears. It's an event until you get home safely. After returning home, I was curious to find out how much was in a cup of sake. I measured it while washing my hands and found it to be 80ml... I drank 80ml x 2 cups at YATA before the event... So, total of 80ml x 9 cups... Events are scary🤗()
Good evening, Mia-san! You are drinking a lot (laugh). I have experienced it myself. I am usually dead by the time I get home.
Good evening, Kano😄. I don't know why I'm so drunk. I thought I was drunk 🤗 lol I had already experienced that it's okay to drink up to 5 gos... but it was a close call... I'm afraid of the event 🤦.
Azumaryu純米吟醸 龍の舞
Azumaryu Check-in 1
Sakae Sake Square (6) cup I bought some Taraba with Waragamizu and drank it again 🍶. The mouthfeel is firm, but it's very smooth. Delicious. You can drink it in small sips. It was fun to see so many people enjoying themselves in the venue 🎶. There were soloists just like me, people in groups, a wide range of ages, men and women of all ages! Everyone is my friend! I was so happy to be a part of this group 😊.
米宗 Check-in 1
Sakae Sake Square (5) Cup This sake seems to be familiar to me. It is said to be aged for 3 years. The sake! The impression of the sake is clean and crisp. Delicious. Sad news here! I don't have enough water to drink... I want to go pick flowers... So, I went to the restroom and took a break to refill water when I ran out of coins.
Kinshachi Check-in 1
Sakae Sake Square (4) Cup Mmmm, sake! Sake with gusto and a strong aftertaste. Dusty 😌 as it is brewed in my hometown. At the snack booth, we had cheese marinated in koji miso. It was delicious and gone in an instant 😋.
プリンセスギンコ Check-in 1プリンセスギンコ Check-in 2
Sakae Sake Square (3) Cup My main choice at Naito Brewery was "Momogenkyo" (I was in love with the name and wanted to drink it at any cost, but they were sold out 🥹! ), but they were sold out 🥹. I was disappointed that they didn't have it, but the staff at Naito Brewery recommended it to me and I drank it. I was so disappointed that they didn't have it, but the staff at Naito Brewery recommended it to me. It's too good! I heard they use ginkgo yeast, so it's beyond fruity, it's more like juice! I was howling because it was so delicious! It's so delicious that I even got the staff involved on the spot 👏! and I got involved on the spot 🙏 and they let me take a picture of the label and asked me to spread the word 😋. This is something I will buy again 💪.
Kunpeki Check-in 1
Sakae Sake Square (2) Cups It had a strong sake-like mouthfeel, but with a refreshing aftertaste. I remember it being delicious! The starter set included a bottle of Turmeric Power and an extra bottle of Chilled Pita. I missed the timing to drink the Turmeric Power and drank it after I got home. It was too hot to use the cold pita, so I put it on the back of my neck to make myself comfortable ✨.
特別純米生酒 Check-in 1
Yesterday. After YATA, I went solo to a sake event in Nagoya called Sakae Sake Square with a twilight starter ticket for 3pm entry 🍶. I wasn't allowed to take pictures of many of the sake labels, so here are some pictures I took during the event 🙏. First was Sekiya, which I'm used to drinking! A summery raw sake! The first one is a summery draft sake! It was as refreshing as it was introduced! It has a familiar Houraisen taste. Sekiya's booth was a big success, with a long line of people waiting from the beginning until around the time I left.
Zaku Check-in 1
Zaku Check-in 2Zaku Check-in 3
Second of two sake tasting courses at YATA 🙌 I thought that was a crop! I was so excited. There are 4 versions of this sake, and I chose the one that is Junmai (Junmai is a pure rice). Originally, there was silver around the stopper (apparently) but it was removed... 🤔. It's a bit fruity, but I think it's refreshing. It's my first time to try it, it's different but delicious 😋.
Ryu小藤隆 2021年度醸造 特別純米 雄町60 火入
Ryu Check-in 1Ryu Check-in 2
Ryu Check-in 3Ryu Check-in 4
Daytime Drinking 🍶 Two sake tasting courses at YATA KITTE 🙌 I want to drink Senkou! I thought it was not enough for one glass... so here it is 💁! I didn't know about this one, but it was delicious! It's refreshing, and the moment I drank it, I said to myself, "This is delicious! I could hear myself saying "Delicious! Just a small story here 🍶. There was a discussion about the English translation on the labels of the sake in the lineup, and I asked, "Drunken...Twist? What does that mean? A foot? I said, "Staggered feet, isn't it?" (Tekito). Nice translation, even for me👍()
Shikishima夏めく 季節限定酒
Shikishima Check-in 1Shikishima Check-in 2
Shikishima Check-in 3Shikishima Check-in 4
I finally got it 👏. Purchased it at Kamekuchi (direct from the brewery) 🙌! The store has a great atmosphere and it's very nice to be able to take your time and choose! They have a business card (taste chart) for each sake and it's fun to compare them 🍶. Pop open the bottle 🎉! It's quite different from the Yumesansui and Yamadanishiki I've had so far! Bittersweet first taste, sweetness follows and then it goes away! Delicious! Postscript (7/11) Opened the bottle with a pop (I was so surprised that I wasn't paying attention...) A little schwar. Rounded off and easy to slurp. Good taste. Just a quick story here🍶. I've been working hard on updating my Instagram. It's fun to learn about different kinds of alcohol 🥳.
Shikishima山田錦 特別純米 無濾過生原酒
Shikishima Check-in 1Shikishima Check-in 2
Shikishima Check-in 3Shikishima Check-in 4
Long time no see(?)! I'm sorry to hear about the long time(?) absence of Mr. Shikishima! 👏 I went to buy a bottle of Natsume, but they were out of it or didn't have it, so I bought a bottle of Yamadanishiki, which I had never had before. The bottle was opened with a splash 🎉. High aroma Just the right amount of effervescence. A little bit peculiar (peculiarity of Yamadanishiki?) Flavor that lingers in the mouth Delicious. I like Yumesansui better 🤔, but I'm used to drinking it. I drink it slowly while growing! ...with the masking tape (too precious to use) I bought when I visited Shikishima-san's brewery the other day. Postscript (7/05) Still schwaggy. Has it become a little less peculiar? Taste more intense? More sweetness. Note (7/11) Almost no schwash. More sweetness. Lingering bitterness. Spread Postscript ✍ (7/17) Almost no fizziness. Rounded and extremely sweet(?) Maybe it's my favorite time of the year. No.4 bottle: 1870 yen By the way 🍶. I started instagram! mia_sklife, named after mia's sake life. Sake-no-wa is only for Sake, and I'm going to post about other alcohol and things I like on instagram 💪(I'm also posting back in the past now). Please take a peek if you like 🙏.
Tedorigawahand in hand 純米大吟醸 無濾過原酒
Tedorigawa Check-in 1
Tedorigawa Check-in 2Tedorigawa Check-in 3
Souvenir of my trip to Kanazawa🍶. This is also a gift from a friend of mine Hand in hand, local connection, I see. Opening the bottle, a pleasant sound 🎉. More like micro carbonation than micro bubbles, with a refreshing sizzle. Sweet! →Aroma and depth → Quickly wears off! Delicious! Tetorigawa is very good, stable 👏. ✍Addition (6/24) It has a nice, balanced mouthfeel with little lingering aftertaste. Delicious. ✍Addition (6/26) Slightly fizzy. Sweetness spreads, slight aftertaste. Not much has changed in the balance 👏. Postscript (6/30, drank out) The bottle was opened with a pop. The fizzy feeling is almost gone. Full sweetness, sharpness, and alcohol chases after it. Too easy to drink. By the way, a small story. I heard that there is a supermarket in the prefecture that sells Hokuriku sake, and it is rumored to have a well-stocked local sake corner. Let's go there and explore! I decided to go there ✊.
Hi Mia 😃 Cool and cool Tedorigawa 🤩Tedori-san has a wide swing from Japanese painting like labels to modern ones 🤗. Super local sake from Hokuriku! Looks like it's worth pioneering😄.
Hi Jay & Nobby! It's interesting to see labels with different tastes ✨For a moment I couldn't read the hiragana and read 'te...tori, gawa' 😌. I wish you good sake in the supermarket too 🙏.
Kazenomori秋津穂 657
Kazenomori Check-in 1Kazenomori Check-in 2
Kazenomori Check-in 3Kazenomori Check-in 4
Souvenirs from a recent trip🍶. We agreed that when we meet up with our sake friends, we would each bring a four-pack of sake 🍶. They found a bottle of Kaze no Mori that I had seen at Sake-no-wa and had been clamoring to try 🙏. Opening caution⚠ When I opened it with more trepidation than necessary, I was surprised to find a nice aroma 🍺. More slightly carbonated than slightly sparkling. Strong acidity, light taste, and a refreshing aftertaste 🍶. Sake-like flavor is light, in a good way, like juice 👏. This is good! I want to try the others. I wish my local liquor store would carry it! ✍ Postscript (6/21). I wonder if it has become sweeter, sweeter from slight effervescence, with a lingering aftertaste. ✍Addition (6/24) Bitterness mashimashi. Bitter from microbubbles, with a lingering aftertaste. Drinking out. Just a small story here 🍶. I regretted not buying a Kutani-yaki cup the last time I was in Kanazawa ✨. Each color is my husband's and my favorite. They are very nice and gentle to drink.
Good morning, Mia 🐥. Kutani Yaki gugumini, beautiful colors ✨I was surprised to see such a modern pattern 😳I think it tastes even better when it's your favorite 😳❣️
Hi Pon, 🐔. Yes, I was told that silver foil (not gold foil?) is used and you can't use the microwave. I'd like to use it carefully so that it doesn't break 😄. I want to use it carefully so as not to break it ✨.
Tedorigawa Check-in 1
Kanazawa Live Expedition & Sightseeing The one I went drinking with my local drinking buddies 🍶. I was thirsty and hungry anyway, so I just went to random places & they didn't serve sake bottles on the table, so I'll just record what I remember ✍. 3-sake set (1980 yen) (From left to right in the picture) The first one is "JOKIGEN" and the second one is "JOKIGEN". I think it's good, but it might be inferior in my opinion if I compare them. Tengu Mai Yamahai Junmai Sake→Drinkable in moderation. I thought it had the best balance. Tetorigawa Hoshi→Sweet and refreshing. Why is it so easy to drink? Also, I ordered something else. Naohiko Noguchi Laboratory→Dark. It has a strong aftertaste. It seems to go well with strong-flavored snacks. Tetorigawa - very dry. Tengumai Shiro Yamahai Junmai Daiginjo I think there was one more sake, but I can't remember.
加賀金沢紀行長生舞 特別純米酒
加賀金沢紀行 Check-in 1
加賀金沢紀行 Check-in 2加賀金沢紀行 Check-in 3
Kanazawa Eki-naka Drink Comparison Part 3 I found out later that I had had this drink when I visited Kanazawa in January half a year ago. It is made from 100% long-lived rice. Surprisingly fishy flavor on the palate 🤔. I don't know how to describe this feeling. I felt it with other sake at a standing bar the other day... It's a bit peculiar, but I enjoyed it 🙌 By the way 🍶. There was also a store in Kanazawa station where you can drink Naohiko Noguchi's sake, But I had already had a glass of Noriguchi at a pub in front of Kanazawa station the day before with my drinking buddies, so I decided to pass on it this time 👋. The Nooguchi bar was also quite crowded 👏.
Goshoizumi Check-in 1
Goshoizumi Check-in 2Goshoizumi Check-in 3
Kanazawa Eki-naka drinking comparison #2 A fantastic sake! It is labeled as I remember it was written that it is not available outside of the prefecture (?). I remember that it said something like "You can't get it outside of the prefecture. Brewer's alcohol added It was easy to drink and I would have enjoyed it, but personally, I often get sick after drinking alsobe, so I drank it with trepidation 🍶(though it was delicious).
Good evening, Mia 😃. Maboroshi 🤗I'd like to drink this locally 🤗I read that it goes down a treat! I saw "bikbikbik😰" as "gubigubi🤤"!
Good morning, Jay & Nobby ✨ When you hear phantom, you have to drink it! There's one that makes me think: ☺️ I'm freaking out but gulping it down...it's a dangerous pretense 🤤()
Fukumasamune金沢涼風 純米吟醸生貯蔵酒 金沢酵母仕込み
Fukumasamune Check-in 1
Fukumasamune Check-in 2Fukumasamune Check-in 3
Drink comparison on a trip to Kanazawa (1) I visited this place six months ago and liked it. Kanazawa Sake Brewery is located in "Ant", a souvenir shop in Kanazawa station. 3-sake set (with snacks) 1,000 yen🙌 Perfect for when you have some extra time to buy some souvenirs and then take the train, shinkansen, or highway bus 💡. This one was my favorite of the three. The royal road! Tasteful, with a light aftertaste.
Tedorigawa Check-in 1Tedorigawa Check-in 2
I got something that is hard to get! and a sake friend. He shared a glass with me 🍶. This is delicious! That's right, it's one of the rare bottles of Tetorigawa that got me into the sake swamp. It's sweet, but refreshing, and not too sake-y in a good way, so you can drink as much as you want.
Juyondai生酒 中取り無濾過
Juyondai Check-in 1
そば処 大藪
3rd cup 🍶 This one is also half and half. It is expensive. It's sweet and tasty, and it was gone in an instant. If I could drink it again, I would... Precious drink 🙌
Hi Mia 😃 A buckwheat noodle shop with a good selection of drinks! That's nice 👍 We are thinking about a trip to Hokuriku, so Oyabu's is on our list 🤗! I'll put it on my list 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I recommend you to go to Sake-no-Wa as they had a lot of sake (and from all over the country) that I had seen and wanted to drink & a wide variety of snacks: ☺️