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日本酒には強くも詳しくもないですが、少しずつ飲み始めていたら、毎日飲みたいくらい好きになってしまいました。 好きな銘柄は長野の真澄と石川の神泉です。 芳醇甘口、生原酒が好きです。 宅飲みメインで、たまに旅行先で飲みます。

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Hanaabi純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Last year, the liquor store I had been going to many times finally sold me Hana-yoso! At any rate, I'm a meek person who wants to try rare sake. I had been abstaining from drinking, so it had been a long time since I had had sake, Sake is still as delicious as ever! Now, HANA-HANA-YOUKAKU. The aroma is pineapple, just like you said. Quite pineapple🍍. Rolling on the tongue, it had a gorgeous sweetness, and as I swallowed it, I also felt a spiciness and a slight bitterness! It was definitely a delicious drink and a valuable experience! But to be honest, there are many other sakes that taste similar lol! I don't know why it is so rare myself 🙇‍♂️ I'm looking forward to the Asian Cup tonight!
Good morning, Roba 😃. I see you have been sober during the New Year's holidays 😕It's been a long time since I had a bottle of Huayangyu 🍍It was worth the trip to the liquor store 🤗Honest thoughts...I know what you mean 😁. Asian Cup⚽️ change your mind and it's on to the next one!
Hi Jay & Nobby! Maybe it's like a rating check wine. lol It's a matter of taste, but I can't forget the local Houou Mita sake future 😆. I hope you win the Asian Cup next time!
Morishima山田錦純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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This is Morishima from Ibaraki. I enjoyed the Miyamanishiki junmai sake I had previously, so I tried an unfiltered, unpasteurized ginjo sake of Yamadanishiki. First of all, the label looks cool and classy! It tastes like THE unfiltered, unfiltered, unadulterated, unadulterated sake 😋. It tasted quite similar to a new sake I recently drank from Toyoka in Nagano! My preference is for a refreshing junmai sake, but this is also delicious!
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Memorandum of past alcoholic beverages This is a barrel sake from Masumi in Nagano. It tastes rich and slightly dry. Masumi's sake is never out of place and all of them are delicious! The aroma is of rice, which is typical of junmai sake with a little polishing! I bought it in the summer at a brewery in Suwa, but I wanted to drink more sake and let it sit in the fridge for too long... Maybe that's why I couldn't smell the cedar so much 😂.
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As a reminder of past alcoholic beverages This is Shinsen from Ishikawa. The name "Onikoroshi" suggests it is super dry, but it tastes exactly the same, light and dry! The sake has a sake strength of +15 🤣. I recently learned about sake degree from a book called "Sake Bible" and I learned another thing!
Denshu特別純米酒 生 2023新酒特別純米生酒
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With meat directly from the farm that my father-in-law gave me! I wanted to try some of this famous sake. Since I was able to buy it, I kept it in the fridge for later use with something delicious! It's a popular sake, and it's still delicious 😋. It had a fruity ginjo aroma, umami, sweetness, and when swallowed, it was sharp and lingered for a long time!
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It was my first experience with the taste (aroma)! Before swallowing, it has a nice aroma, a little different from fruity, but moderately good! It is a common aroma of sake. However, when I swallowed it in my mouth, I was surprised to find out what this aroma was! It may be peculiar to some people, but it was a characteristic aroma that is hard to describe 😋. This aroma that could be felt when drinking on an empty stomach could not be felt when drinking as a food sake, but in any case, it was a delicious sake!
Sharaku純米吟醸 一回火入れ純米吟醸
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As a reminder of the sake I drank in the past! The balance of flavors was right in the middle of the spectrum of flavors, yet still of high quality👍. No wonder it's the most popular at the liquor store, everyone seemed to like it 😋.
十六代九郎右衛門山廃純米 美山錦13 火入原酒純米山廃原酒
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The weather was so bad that it was hailing so I had to drink during the day 🤦. But more of my favorite sake! The low-alcohol original sake, fire-aged ver. which was launched in 2021. The colorful label is beautiful! The aroma is a nice aroma of rice with a slight yogurtiness, and that flavor remains in the mouth and when swallowed, which is a new sensation 😲. It is light at 13% alcohol but has a strong flavor, perhaps because it is not watered down? The label says "Smoothly extending acidity that is pleasant!" was also true👍. The Morishima special junmai was also delicious, but this one is in a similar vein and I love it 😍.
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I had never heard of it, but the clerk at the liquor store recommended it to me and I bought it! I found out that Ota Shuzo, famous for their Hanzo brand, started a new series this year. It seems to have been aged for one summer, so is it hiyaoroshi? The aroma is mild, not fruity, and when you put it in your mouth, it has a slight umami of rice and some acidity, and when you swallow it, it has a sharp taste. It was a little too light for my taste 🤔. I felt it was too thin 🤔. If I compare it to my favorite Masumi, it tastes between Hakumyo (lighter flavor) and Kayo (stronger rice flavor). I can drink it with a gusto as if it has 12 degrees of alcohol, but in reality it is 15 degrees, so I got drunk lol.
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I converted YouTuber FUKU's kangaroo soft cooler that he had because of his love of camping for buying alcohol lol. It is a Cinderella fit with a height that fits a No. 4 bottle perfectly!
Good evening, Roba 😃. Great 👏A great container to have for your liquor store tours, whether in Nagano where you live or in Tochigi where your parents live 👍I'm looking forward to buying some 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. This will be useful to buy when we go back home!
Hououbiden酒未来 純米大吟醸酒無濾過本生純米大吟醸生酛生酒
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This is quite delicious 😋. Although my hometown is Tochigi, this is my second time to drink Houou Mita. The label is also modern and cool. I found out that the rare sake rice "Sake Mirai" was developed by Takagi Shuzo, famous for Jyushidai. The sake is also made with Nama-moto, which seems to take a lot of time and effort. The aroma is gorgeous and slightly creamy with a nice fragrance! The taste was not too sweet, but had umami, moderate acidity, subtle gassiness, and a short, gentle aftertaste at the end. It was similar in lineage to Saku's "Masa no Tomo," but this one was more "delicious" the moment I drank it! I would like to drink this sake again!
Good evening, Roba 😃. Oh! I see you are a local Tochigi 😃❗️ There are many good Tochigi sake 🤗 Enjoy it when you come back to your hometown 👋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! My hometown is Tochigi and I live in Nagano now! I always enjoy looking at your posts👍. This is the first year I got into sake, and I want to enjoy a variety of Tochigi sake...
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I tried sparkling sake for the first time. I expected it to be easy to drink, but it's a completely different thing from modern sake with a gassy taste 😅. In addition to the strong carbonation, which was as strong as cider, it had the strongest acidity ever, I couldn't feel the tasty part and honestly it was not my favorite sake 🥹.
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Purchased because of the cool label! The aroma is a gorgeous ginjo aroma. In the mouth, it has a good sweetness and umami flavor, with a nice sharpness when swallowed. I could also detect a subtle fizziness, which may or may not be present. I couldn't detect the vanilla aroma described in the official description, but it was a well-balanced sake that a wide range of people would find delicious👍.
Morishima美山錦 純米酒純米
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This is very tasty! I like unfiltered, raw sake and have only had sweet sake, but this was the first time I tasted it with clarity and freshness. It seems they were aiming for a good acidity, but the fruity aroma is not too strong, not too sweet, with just the right amount of sourness and bitterness to make it a refreshing sake 😋. According to the official description, the stones on the label seem to be pieces of the Oyaishi warehouse that collapsed in the 2011 earthquake. It was interesting to read about the efforts of the toji, Shoichiro VI, when I visited their website. I would like to try other sake from this brewery!
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My friend bought this sake for me at Gurukan! The only sake I knew of from Saku City was Kame no Kai by Tsuchiya Sake Brewery, and it was also delicious👍. The aroma was a mild ginjo aroma, not as sweet as Kame no Kai, and tasted more like umakuchi. I compared it to Masumi's hiyaoroshi and they tasted quite similar. The spiciness at the end was stronger in Makimizu! My preference is Masumi, but Makimizu is also delicious 😋.
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The aroma is mild and has a nice, subtle yogurt-like aroma. In the mouth, it has a mellow, umami taste with some acidity. When swallowed, it is weakly dry and leaves a long aftertaste. The balance of flavors is quite good! I have been drinking a lot of modern sake lately, but this sake is also delicious. I have been drinking only modern sake recently, but sake with a classic flavor is also delicious! All types of Masumi are distinctive, yet at a high level of taste 🤤.
Akanesasu純米吟醸 瓶火入原酒純米吟醸原酒
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Purchased at Shinshu Kurado on the 2nd floor of the Nagano Station Building. The aroma is a weak pineapple aroma. Taste was similar to Kame no Kai by Tsuchiya Sake Brewery 🤔. The sweetness in the mouth is sugary and strong (less than Kame no Kai unfiltered raw sake), a little gassy, almost no sourness or bitterness, and alcohol taste when swallowing? Sourness and bitterness are almost non-existent. The sake has a little bitterness and acidity, and there is almost no bitterness. It tasted a bit gassy, with almost no acidity or bitterness, and a little less alcohol? I think it will suit those who like sweet sake👍
When I drank the rest again after about two weeks in the fridge after opening the bottle, it felt dry and less sweet and I couldn't believe my tongue lol.
亀の海純米吟醸 無ろ過生原酒(黄ラベル)純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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My first turtle sea. The aroma is easily recognizable and strawberry type! Officially, it seems to be apple, lol. In the mouth, it is mildly sweet, with a slight tangy tang on the tip of the tongue. It felt quite dry when swallowed! The aftertaste is long and lingering. I would like to drop by the brewery when camping in Saku👍.
Fumigiku純米吟醸 13度生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Toyama's second line of Haneya? It is Tomiikiku, the second line of Haneya in Toyama. I was worried that it might be too sweet, given the gorgeous label, but it tasted more like the umami of rice than a fruity sweetness. I may be off the mark, but it tastes like a fruity sparkling version of Masumi's "Kayoiro," which is characterized by the umami of the rice 👍. The acidity and bitterness of Niimasa's Viridian are the best in my opinion, but compared to that, it tasted more of rice umami and less of acidity and bitterness! Addition After a couple of days after opening the bottle, the balance of the flavors improved and it became quite tasty!