SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I had never heard of it, but the clerk at the liquor store recommended it to me and I bought it! I found out that Ota Shuzo, famous for their Hanzo brand, started a new series this year. It seems to have been aged for one summer, so is it hiyaoroshi? The aroma is mild, not fruity, and when you put it in your mouth, it has a slight umami of rice and some acidity, and when you swallow it, it has a sharp taste. It was a little too light for my taste 🤔. I felt it was too thin 🤔. If I compare it to my favorite Masumi, it tastes between Hakumyo (lighter flavor) and Kayo (stronger rice flavor). I can drink it with a gusto as if it has 12 degrees of alcohol, but in reality it is 15 degrees, so I got drunk lol.