かつめぐるKoeigikuSUKAI 晴海2024特別純米原酒無濾過Koeigiku ShuzoSaga12/15/2024, 1:31:23 PM12/15/2024Matsuzakaya North (松坂屋 名古屋店 北館)家飲み部21
かつめぐるBanshuikkonSan'yohai ShuzoHyogo8/4/2024, 1:47:29 PM8/4/2024浅野日本酒店sannomiya26かつめぐるWe had a three-drink comparison.Japanese>English
かつめぐるあらい彗星浦野Aichi6/2/2024, 11:31:14 AM6/2/2024清酒 菊石 浦野酒造(資)27かつめぐるI was able to drink it at the brewery opening.Japanese>English
かつめぐるUsuzumizakura純米原酒Shiraki Tsunehiko ShotenGifu2/11/2024, 10:05:01 AM2/9/2024SAKEのたぼうず31かつめぐるIt's a reminder. It tasted like sake. It tasted like sake.Japanese>English
かつめぐる中島屋純米吟醸Nakajimaya ShuzojoYamaguchi2/11/2024, 9:59:52 AM2/9/2024SAKEのたぼうず28かつめぐるIt will be a reminder. In the midst of the freshness The flavor remains strong.Japanese>English
かつめぐるYukinomatsushima立春しぼりTaiwagura ShuzoMiyagi2/11/2024, 9:53:05 AM2/9/2024SAKEのたぼうず29かつめぐるIt will be a reminder. Refreshingly sweet. I can't get enough of it. Delicious 😋.Japanese>English
かつめぐるChikuhaたれ口生原酒Kazuma ShuzoIshikawa2/11/2024, 9:45:26 AM2/9/2024SAKEのたぼうず28かつめぐるIt will be a reminder. I asked for three kinds of dishes recommended by the owner. I personally enjoyed I personally enjoyed this tareguchi.Japanese>English
かつめぐるしぼったそのまま純米丹山酒造Kyoto1/15/2024, 1:34:42 PM1/15/2024家飲み部38かつめぐるIt will be a reminder. From the moment you drink it, you will feel the taste in your mouth with a gusto. The taste spreads in the mouth. I don't think it has a fruity taste. Yamadanishiki Junmai GenshuJapanese>English
かつめぐる雪月花 嵐山純米大吟醸丹山酒造Kyoto1/15/2024, 1:24:28 PM1/15/2024家飲み部36かつめぐるIt will be a reminder. It is refreshing and smooth to drink. It has a light impression and is not too sweet. I guess.Japanese>English