ぷろみゅHanaabi八反錦Nan'yo JozoSaitama9/7/2021, 12:25:28 AM3/6/20211ぷろみゅPineapple taste as they say. It has a nice bitterness that keeps you coming back for more. I hope I can find it again!Japanese>English
ぷろみゅHarushikaさくら純米Imanishiseibee ShotenNara9/7/2021, 12:21:58 AM3/21/2021ぷろみゅIt had a sweet taste that gently spread the flavor of the rice. It was great lukewarm.Japanese>English
ぷろみゅHiroki純米吟醸Hiroki Shuzo HontenFukushima9/6/2021, 11:53:50 PM30ぷろみゅPersonally, it tastes like rum. I don't drink it often, but I'd drink it again.Japanese>English
ぷろみゅFujinishiki純米酒 池富士錦酒造Shizuoka9/6/2021, 11:50:04 PM19ぷろみゅThe pond that appeared in Yuru Camp△. Purchased at Hiroi Sake Store It was refreshing and tasty.Japanese>English
ぷろみゅAKABUf赤武酒造Iwate9/6/2021, 11:29:30 PM4/10/202121ぷろみゅThis was easy drinking and delicious.Japanese>English
ぷろみゅShichiken天鵞絨Yamanashi MeijoYamanashi9/6/2021, 11:26:58 PM3/11/202118ぷろみゅYamanashi Sake at Camping Ground in YamanashiJapanese>English
ぷろみゅDenshu特別純米Nishida ShuzotenAomori1/23/2021, 3:53:34 AM21ぷろみゅGentle sweetness and good flavor. I could drink it forever. Even when heated, it had a sharpness.Japanese>English
ぷろみゅKokuryu貴醸酒Kokuryu ShuzoFukui1/17/2021, 9:08:01 AM15ぷろみゅIt's very fruity and tropical. And yet it's so refreshing that it disappears in a flash. This drink is amazing.Japanese>English
ぷろみゅIwase純米酒純米Matsuzaki ShuzotenFukushima1/17/2021, 9:01:33 AM11ぷろみゅIt's like a banana feeling in your mouth. The mild sweetness and the spiciness that comes slowly were delicious!Japanese>English
ぷろみゅNanbubijin大吟醸NanbubijinIwate1/12/2021, 10:31:24 AM18ぷろみゅWhen you put it in your mouth, the sweetness and the gorgeous aroma spread quickly. After that, you will feel a little bitterness, and then it will be gone. As the name suggests, it is a beautiful sake.Japanese>English