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A friend of mine came to visit from Chiba for a long time, so we opened the bottle: ‼️ The first impact is the rich ginjo aroma and the rich melon-like sweetness, but the really great part starts from here, there is no aftertaste at all. It's been a long time since I've checked in... I had mycoplasma pneumonia for a week from the 12th and the fever never went down to 38-9 ℃❗️ it was tough 😭I thought I was cured and went to work for 2 days and woke up in the morning with severe pain in my leg‼️ gout 😱 what bad luck, I'm only in my 20s though 😨.
Hi there, life is jammed 😃. Apar😫It's been a tough week with high fever and gout 😢 but don't worry 🙆🏻🙆🏻‍♀️ you're not stuck yet 🤗 Don't let the pudding get the best of you 🥹.
Thank you Jay & Nobby 😭 it was much harder and I got to the point where I was 45% stuck in life 😢 I will live with the pudding.
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59TakachiyoI've been curious about this for a while and I'm glad I got to try it. ❗️I love the aroma of this one, similar to Christmas Takachiyo 😘. It's sweet 🥰It's quite similar to Christmas Takachiyo in taste, with a hint of apple🍎, but this one has less acidity and a nice bitter accent at the end, so you can drink it without getting tired of it 🥰. It's delicious and a favorite of mine. ⭐️
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Sometimes we drink outside 🍶Part 3 ‼️ FOMALHAUT Imperial Sake by Abe Sake Brewery Abe Sake Brewery x UNITED ARROWS Limited Collaboration Sake at ❗️ This sake is made from Kijoshu, a type of sake made from the highest grade of sake. We use the sake made last year for a part of the brewing process. I'm not sure what you're talking about, but it's true. The smell is rich and sweet 🤣It's very sweet like honey, but it has a sourness and a bitterness at the end of it that makes it rather refreshing to drink. ❗️
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Sometimes we go out for a drink 🍶 Part 2 We have our first Shinsei color series too: ㊗️ This is...unique...‼️ one of the most unique 🤔 I've ever had! I felt a strong acidity and astringency, almost like wine, and a woody aroma that was not from the rice or koji. I also felt a kind of woody aroma that wasn't from rice or malted rice. To be honest, I didn't like it. It didn't suit me, as I am not particularly fond of acidity and astringency. I should have drank No.6 since it was also placed together😅.
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Sometimes we drink outside 🍶The first one‼️ It was the first Jikin ❗️ I have it in the fridge at home but I've been saving it too carefully and lost the timing to open the bottle😅. The aroma is fresh and has a clean sweet aroma😊Oh, it has a dark sweetness like melon, but it also has a fresh aroma so you don't get tired of drinking it❗️This is delicious, and I look forward to opening more of it in the fridge😊.
Mr. Life is stuck, konbanhasan ¡Thanks for the decision! Congratulations on your first bottle of Jikin 🎉! We had a bottle of Jikin in the fridge too, but the first time we drank it outside... and then we were so drunk we didn't know what to think about it 🤣.
Good evening Eirin 🌙 I'm in the exact same situation ❗️ I wonder if that's a thing now 🤣 that would have been a waste of time lol
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Senkori × UNITED ARROWS UA.1st reprint edition: ❗️ The UA collaboration is very popular and every store has a very small stock of it, including Sentori Yukidaruma, but we were able to get it☺️ bottle and label are so integrated that it's hard to focus when you try to take a picture😅. Now, ❗️ I'll open the bottle right away and the aroma is quite light🤔The mouthfeel is beautiful and the rice polishing ratio is 90%, but it's beautifully finished. The taste is almost like a white wine 😅😅It's a white wine with a sweet rice taste from the mid-palate with a very low acidity and astringency lol. I was surprised when I first tasted it, but when I tasted it again, I found that the acidity and astringency are not too much and the sweetness of the rice is lifted...‼️I'm not good at white wine or wine in general and can't drink it at all, but this sake is good. It was great with cheese 🧀.
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Today's sake is Shin Takachiyo V-Type, which had been sitting in the fridge, holding its breath: ⭐️ I found only one bottle left at the liquor store. I found one bottle left at the liquor store 👍I opened the bottle immediately❗️ and as soon as I opened the bottle, a fresh and sweet aroma spread out. ❗️ It has a very strong aroma, but it is not too sweet. ‼️ I started to drink it. It has a slight bitterness and sourness from the moment you put it in your mouth, and as the temperature rises, the sweetness spreads out in a flash❗️, but the bitterness and sourness accentuate the sweetness without leaving it in your mouth, and it goes down your throat.
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I bought it at a local liquor store 🍶It was a complete first for me: 🙆♂️ I heard it was sweet and easy to drink, but when I drank it, I found it to be pineapple 🍍It tasted lighter than the Hana-yosu, but with a strong bitter taste and not too sweet after taste: ❗️ For example, HahayoYoku is 100% pineapple juice🍍 with a strong flavor, while Kudokitoe is 80% juice and has a refreshing taste with an assertive bitterness that makes you drink it in gulps. 🙆♂️ It would be interesting to compare the tastes of the two if everyone tried them together. ❗️
Hello, life is full 😃. Kudukaki is delicious 🎵It is true that for fruity sake, it might be easier to understand if it is labeled as ◯% fruit juice rather than ◯% polished rice percentage 😉 Excellent way to describe it👍.
Good evening, Mr. King of Noodle Wine😁I had it for the first time and it was delicious❗️It's much more similar in flavor, so it's easier to understand that way🙆♀️
Good morning, life is full! ❄️ This sake is delicious--❣️ I drank the same one from Kudoki for the first time at the end of the year😊sweet and tasty, fresh and awesome! I envy you that you can compare it with Hahoyo 👍
Good evening, Mr. Ponchan. ⭐️ It's a nice and tasty drink. ❗️ It's also much easier to get than the Huayangbao 👍
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I bought it in a bottle because I didn't have a 4-gang bottle 🙆♀️. One bottle won't fit in the fridge💦but that's ok! This is Niigata❗️Outside temperature is not even 10℃, so go to the natural refrigerator covered with plastic and go into the snow❗️In case the temperature goes up and down, so drink it as soon as possible💁♀️. I had a hard time opening the bottle, I didn't know it was this hard... I was too hard and my dry hands were bleeding 🩸I'm glad it stopped 😅I managed to use the handle of a spoon to open the bottle ❗️. I only had the supernatant without mixing the orikashi first...the sweet aroma of rice makes me so happy! I felt it was a little spicy and bitter since I've been drinking fruity sake lately. Then, I mixed ori with the sake and enjoyed it. I'm afraid I'm pouring two or three cups before I realize it ‼️I'm afraid I'm going to wake up early tomorrow morning for work 💦.
Good evening, life is full 😃. Yes, this is Hokkaido, I thought it would be safe if I put them outside in the storage room, and when I checked on their safety due to the extreme cold weather, I found that Shiki Sensation White and Kitakata Tenoir were a little frozen 😭 -20 degrees was not good enough!
Hello, Noodle Sake King! -20°C is too much 😅I'm not refrigerating it, I'm freezing it lol.
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My granddad gave it to me, "My father gave it to me, but I like shochu better 👴🏻" He drinks 2 cups of shochu every night and a glass of brandy in bed 😅I hope he will live long with moderate drinking, though I can't speak for others 😂. The smell of alcohol is a little bit strong, but when you drink it, the mild sweetness spreads and it's easy to drink for the smell❗️There's not much spiciness! I was right to choose taro stew as my drink of choice! I think I'll try it with hot sake and oden next time 🍢🍶🍢🍶🍶.
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The most delicious sake made from "white" rice and "water It's pretty cool and I like it. I like it because it's pretty cool. I know it sounds like that 😅. But that aside, I bought this sake at a liquor store without any previous information, and I think it might be my favorite sake ever. It's very fruity, but not too sweet, and the accent of sharpness that comes in the second half is also very well timed. Anyway, I never get tired of it! I never get tired of drinking it!
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Merry Christmas 🎅🎄 out of season! Many stores in Niigata Prefecture carry Takachiyo, but it's very popular and hard to find. I found it at a liquor store in front of a shrine where I went for my New Year's visit! It has just the right amount of sweetness and sourness - maybe it's the label, but I'd love to drink it with something sweet like strawberries!
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I bought 2 bottles in November and there are only a few bottles left, it's so good that I end up drinking too much lol. I bought 2 bottles in November and there are only a few left, it's too good to drink too much lol. It makes me smile when I take a sip! I love the fresh gassy taste of a freshly opened bottle, but the alcohol taste is so strong that it makes me swell up lol. I'll be checking in more and more this year, thank you 🙇♂️️.
Happy New Year 🎉㊗️🎉Hanahyangyu Origami is wonderful👍Hanahyangyu is very alcoholic but you can't go wrong with the taste 🤗Let's have a great year 🙇♂️!
Happy New Year, Masa! It's hard to find, which makes it even more delicious lol. I look forward to working with you again this year!
Happy New Year to you, Mr. Life is Stuck 🎍 and we look forward to working with you in the new year ✨. I'm looking forward to seeing you check in more and more this year 😆.
Noodle Sake King Happy new year! I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇♂️. I'll be back tomorrow to get some new sake lol
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It's been a long time since I've had this drink, but it's still good! I love how refreshing it is, and it's not too spicy, so it goes well with strong food! This Keitora was the first sake I ever drank, and it was from there that I was drawn into the world of sake, so I am deeply moved by it.
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I had it at a year-end party with my elementary school classmates. It was just as sweet and sour as the rumors said it would be, almost like calpis! But when the temperature rises and it becomes tepid, it becomes very sour, almost like tomato juice. It was like tomato juice. I don't like acidity, so it was not for me. It was not suitable for drinking while chatting.
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A day late for Christmas✨Homemade roast beef✨Wasn't it awesome! First time using it and this done!!!! 🍖 Well, I'll leave it at that, it's Sairai, no I love it so much, I was excited before drinking the rich aroma with a little bit of gasiness. It's not only sweet, but also has a gorgeous, ripe pear-like aroma. It's a little expensive, but I'm sure I'll be a repeat customer.
Good evening, Mr. Life Merit 😃. Let me dare to say that I am accumulating merits in my life 🙏That beef looks delicious ❗ Great pairing for pear type sake 😋.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Noodle Sake King! Thanks for the kind words lol it was worth all the time I put into it!
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I was attracted by the golden cosmetic box and bought a packet lol. I drank it chilled in the fridge. Ugh, the sourness spreading out, this might not be my favorite. I'm not a fan of sour food in general, so I thought I had made a mistake. The sourness disappeared...? It was easier to drink than that! It was like drinking spring water from the mountains... it was refreshing, but at the same time, it had a great flavor, and it did not interfere with the taste of the food.
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Fuminori Miyazaki, a certified SAKE DIPLOMA and owner of Kajiya, a sake specialty store in Joetsu, blended two types of sake that are currently being matured at the Kubiki Sake Brewery to create this sake. For more information, please visit Kajiya's website... The color of the bottle and the label are beautiful. When I opened the lid and smelled it, I found a sweet aroma, but it was not a sweet aroma, but rather a refreshing sweet smell. The sweet aroma spread out, and by the end, it was crisp and refreshing, like drinking a dry sake. It is a sake that you will never get tired of drinking, and you can enjoy it without any snacks.
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I had an extra coupon for national travel support, so on a whim I left home at 5am for Saitama and arrived at 8:30am and was able to buy it in line for an hour, I think I'll open it for New Year's.