hirachanKamoshibitokuheijiEAU DU DESIRBan JozojoAichi1/8/2024, 10:58:59 AM35hirachanSake like wine.Japanese>English
hirachanKamoshibitokuheiji純米大吟醸生原酒Ban JozojoAichi12/26/2023, 11:59:50 AM44hirachanI got it from my hometown. I couldn't wait for the date listed on the label as the best time to drink it. I couldn't wait and flown. I'm not sure if it is 😁. But it is delicious.Japanese>English
hirachanKid純米大吟醸スパークリングHeiwa ShuzoWakayama12/3/2023, 10:42:49 AM44hirachanMaybe instead of champagne at Christmas.Japanese>English
hirachan鴨方純米大吟醸Marumoto ShuzoOkayama8/19/2023, 10:32:22 AM31hirachanThe sake was fruity and easy to drink.Japanese>English