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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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"The Hokuto Essay: The Waterfowl . . . Kobayashi Brewery, Kuriyama-cho, Yubari-gun, Hokkaido . . . Today, or rather, I think I posted it a while ago💦 It's Kobayashi Shuzo's Hokuto Zuisou Shizukudori! This one was purchased at the newest and hottest liquor store in Obihiro, Kumada Shoten. Kumada Shoten is the only liquor store in Obihiro where you can get Hokuto Zuisou! Kumada Shoten's account is here. https://instagram.com/tokachi_zinosake_kumadashouten?igshid=1vabptiva07ns Inevitably, because of my job, I tend to pay attention to the liquor stores and drinking establishments that are closest to the people who drink the most💦 Hokuto Zuisou is the sake that got me hooked on sake. When I was living in Sapporo at the time, I found out that I could buy the limited edition sake nearby, and when I did, it was insanely delicious. Since then, I've always bought Hokuto Zuisho, which is only shipped once a year in February. For a taste review, see the one I did last time! LOL! All I can say is that I think the ones that have not been shipped for a long time taste better!
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"Freshly brewed sake. . . . Kushiro City, Hokkaido Fukushi Sake Brewery . . . The breweries are in the midst of a freshly brewed rush Especially in the Doto area of Hokkaido. Kita no Katsu Shiboritate from Usui Katsusaburo Shoten in Nemuro City Kushiro City's Fukushi Shuzo Brewery's Fukushi Shiboritate It seems that these two are very popular. Especially Kitanokatsu Shiboritate is so popular that people line up for numbered tickets in Nemuro. It's almost impossible to get outside the area. But! It's actually shipped to a few stores in the Tokachi area, so if you know where it's coming in, there's a better chance of getting it than standing in line in Nemuro! We couldn't get our hands on this premier sake Kitanokatsu, but we did get another Doto premier sake, Fukushi Shiboritate! It is indeed a raw sake, with a fruity taste. Even so, you can still feel the alcohol, so it's well-controlled and prevents you from drinking too much and getting drunk! Today, I was drinking it while eating curry and rice, and it was unexpected! I don't know what a marriage is, but for me, the combination of these two seemed to be good!
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Classic Senkou . . . Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture . . . This is one of the bottles I bought at Shumasa Doi Shoten in Asahikawa. I've never been to Doi Shoten before, but I think it's one of the biggest liquor stores in Hokkaido. Even though it was a weekday, there were a lot of customers. Well, I've always wanted to try Senkou! Because there's a youtuber I watch a lot called "Sakelabo Channel", and he introduces a lot of different kinds of sake, and he especially recommends Senkou, so I wanted to try it! The taste has a strong fruity aroma. When I opened the bottle, I heard a sound, so it was slightly fizzy? Is it fizzy? It's delicious, but it's hard to find in liquor stores in Hokkaido 🙄. I think I may have raised my expectations a bit too high 🙄. I'd love to try it again when I have the chance! #assa no sakasuta guramu #Senkyo #Senkin Co. #Tochigi Pref. #Sakura City #Doi Shoten #Sakemasa Doi #Japanese Sake #I want to connect with people who love sake. #japanesesake
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"Bijyutai Tama Label . . . Tano Town, Aki County, Kochi Prefecture Hamakawa Shoten . . . Drinks I forgot to post 4 This is one of the bottles I bought at Kumada Shoten, a new sake shop that opened in Obihiro City in 2020. I don't know why, but Obihiro seems to have a lot of sake shops in Hokkaido. This was a complete mistake on my part! I was drinking Toyoupai before the Bijou, and after the fruity, full flavor of Toyoupai, my sense of taste was out of whack💦. I'll say no more about it💦 Too honest 🙄. #assa no sakasuta guramu #Bijou #Hamakawa Shoten #Kochi Prefecture #Tano Town #Kumada Shoten #japanesesake #japanesesake #I want to connect with people who love sake.
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"Mutsuhasen ISARIBI . . . Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture Hachinohe Sake Brewery . . . Sake I drank and forgot to post 3 This is the bottle which I bought at the sake shop in Kiyota-ku, Sapporo. This is also drunk quite badly in a good way😈. I'll buy it again when I go to Sapporo in February if they sell it. Please stay still, Mr. Joy Sake Shop! LOL! #assa no sakasutaguramu. #Ruokuhassen Isaribi #Ruokuhassen #Hachinohe Sake Brewery #Aomori Prefecture #Hachinohe #Joy Sake Shop #japanesesake #japanesesake #I want to connect with people who like sake
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"Kawanakajima Dry Special Junmai". . . . Nagano City, Nagano Sake Senzano . . . Sake I drank and forgot to post 2 This is the bottle which I bought at the sake shop in Kiyota-ku, Sapporo. It is attracted by the label which is not in the refrigerator, and it buys it though the eye is drawn to the sake displayed in the refrigerator when it goes to the sake shop. I don't remember what I thought of the taste, but it was a bad sake in a good sense that made me drink more and more without getting drunk. #Asa no sakasutaguramu #Rawanakajima #Sake Senzano. #Nagano #Nagano #Joy Sake Shop #Japanesake #japanesesake #I want to connect with people who love sake.
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"Tokachi Junmai Daiginjo. . . . Kamikawa Daisetsu Shuzo, Kamikawa Town, Hokkaido Obihiro City, Hokkaido Kamikawa Taisetsu Shuzo Hekiun Brewery . . . This is the first sake I drank in January and forgot to post. I also forgot how it tastes💦 It's just a record of what I drank! #assa no sakasuta guramu #Kamikawa Daisetsu #Hekiunzo #Hokkaido #Obihiro #japanesesake #japanesesake #I want to connect with people who love sake.
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"Toyopai Special Junmai Sake . . . Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture Miura Sake Brewery . . . Another bottle purchased today at Takano's Sake Shop Perhaps because I drank the Junmai Daiginjo first, the apple-like aroma that I felt is subdued. However, it is much easier to drink than the Junmai Daiginjo. It seems to be suitable as a midday sake👍🏻.
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"Toyofuji Junmai Daiginjo Rainbow Label". . . . Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture Miura Sake Brewery . . . The first bottle of 2021! I've always wanted to visit, and this is one of the bottles I bought at Sake Shouka Takano in Otaru City, Hokkaido. Toyofuji is delicious (vocabulary). But there is no liquor store that sells it near me, and I have no other way to drink it except at a corner bar called Ura-Sakesho Takano in Odori, Sapporo. I can't believe I can drink one bottle of Toyohana by myself! Green apple? Melon? It tastes like a green apple or melon, has a sweet aroma, and goes in smoothly! It's a shame to empty a bottle of this delicious sake by yourself... But I'm not going to finish it 🙄. #assa no sakasuta guramu #Toyoupai #Miura Sake Brewery #Aomori #Hirosaki #shu-sho takano #japanesesake #japanesesake #I want to connect with people who like sake
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"The Hokuto Essay: The Waterfowl . . . Hokkaido Kuriyama-cho Kobayashi Sake Brewery . . . Continuous posting This is one of the bottles purchased at Shinsaku Mart in Uenopporo, Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo. Shinsaku Mart is a special distributor of Kobayashi Shuzo! Hokuto Zuisou is a limited edition sake that you can only buy at the special agent! Shizukudori is a very limited sake that only comes out in February every year! Such a limited sake, and I drank it! (Vocabulary) When I was a university student, I would always bring it to our club's farewell party (in February) and tell everyone how delicious sake was! I made a lot of people drink it. LOL! In fact, there are quite a few people who came to love sake from Hokuto Zuisou. LOL! The aroma in the glass is fruity and almost strawberry-like. It's not so much that it's outstandingly great, but that it's well-balanced and there's nothing to miss! I've been drinking it for 3 years and I still can't find what to pair it with, so if you've ever had a Hokuto Zuisou, please let me know! Please let me know if you have any recommendations! #ahsa no sakasuta guramu #Hokuto Zuso Shizukudori #Hokuto Zuisou #Kobayashi Sake Brewery #Hokkaido #Kuriyama Town
Hakkaisan瓶内二次発酵酒 あわ発泡
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"In-bottle second fermentation sake Awa Hakkaisan". . . . Minami Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture Hakkai Jozo Co. . . . A bottle purchased at Shinsaku Mart in Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo City. I got my hands on a more expensive sake than usual 😫. It's Hakkaisan sparkling sake! People who don't like sake often say that they can drink sparkling sake, but how is it really? If I had to sum up my impressions in one word, it would be "delicate". It's easy to use words like "refreshing" and "easy to drink," but this may be the first time I've ever had something so easy to drink. With an alcohol content of 13%, it's lower than most sake, and I'm sure even people who don't like sake will enjoy drinking it! It's one that I'd like to swap out for white wine and pair it with western style food! #assa no sakasuta guramu #Hakkaisan #Bottled secondary fermentation sake awa. #Hakkaisan Sake Brewery #Niigata Prefecture #Minamiuonuma City #Shinsaku Mart #japanesesake #japanesake #I want to connect with people who love sake! #I recommend it for people who don't like sake
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"Northern Blizzard . . . Takasago Sake Brewery, Asahikawa, Hokkaido . . . Today's gift, Takasago Shuzo's "Kitabuki", is Japan's northernmost pure rice sake, I'm told. The northernmost brewery in Japan is Kunisaki Shuzo? Hokkaido's Towebetsu Town is the northern limit of paddy rice production, and since the rice is called "Hakucho" made in Towebetsu Town, it seems to call itself the northernmost rice in Japan. The aroma and sweetness are moderate. Easy to drink without any peculiarity. It goes well with spicy cod roe from "Seicomart", the northernmost convenience store in Japan.
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"Otoko-san, various circumstances. . . . Asahikawa, Hokkaido Otokoyama Co. . . . Otokoyama, to me, born and raised in Hokkaido, is the image of Otokoyama in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, but there are many other breweries in Japan that bear the name Otokoyama, too. I'm sorry for my lack of study. This one was made by blending surplus sake that was affected by the spread of the new coronavirus. I don't remember what they mixed in. There were two types of sake, a regular sake and a junmai ginjo, and this is a regular sake. My impression is that sake can be blended and drunk (bomb). The aroma is subdued, as it's a regular sake that's been reheated, but the sweetness is subtle and easy to drink. To be honest, I don't want you to have to deal with this kind of situation anymore, and I'd like to continue drinking for that reason, but I can't help but wish that there was a story where we could drink a lot of Otokoyama sake for 550 yen (laughs). #Asa'sSaketagram #manmountain #Omanzan Matters #Ottoman's Mountains Ordinary Sake #Otokoyama Shuzo. #Otokoyama Sake Brewing Museum #Hokkaido #Asahikawa City
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Kamikawa Taisetsu Special Junmai . . . Kamikawa Daisetsu Brewery, Kamikawa, Hokkaido . . . Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery, which was established in my hometown, Obihiro. Today's bottle from the Midorigaoka brewery in Kamikawa town It was a gift, but even though I left it there for a while, it still tastes as good as ever!
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Kuniyoshi no Natori Sake . . . Otokoyama, Asahikawa, Hokkaido. . . . Continuous pitching. Normally, I'd spend a month drinking a quadruple bottle, and after payday, I'd go to a liquor store that my boss at work told me about and scrounge up a supreme bottle, but this time it was a 300ml mini-bottle. . There are many sake breweries in Japan that bear the Otokoyama name, but as I was born and raised in Hokkaido and have not drunk sake for many years, I thought Otokoyama was only in Asahikawa. . Kuniyoshi no Natori Sake is a bottle I was given at a farewell party of my university's theatre club. It's a very dry sake with a refreshing taste, yet it's easy to drink without any strong alcohol feeling. . Otokoyama-san is not worthy of the name Otokoyama (excuse me), because I had an image in my mind of a sweet sake from the image of "Koi Sutorie" and "Haru no Teaser", so I like the big dry sake! . (P.S.) For me, a 300ml mini bottle seems like a good amount to drink if I have to work tomorrow. LOL. . #Assa'sSaketagram. #Kokuyohono Natori Sake #manmountain #Asahikawa #Hokkaido #Hokkaido's Sake #Japanese Sake #japanesesake
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Mutsu Hassen Red Label . . . Hachinohe Sake Brewery, Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture. . . . I bought it at a kurakuya in Obihiro. There were several different labels, but there was no particular reason for me to choose red. LOL! The aroma is fruity, like pineapple, with a tingling, carbonated sensation on the tongue. The aroma was strong before I drank it, but when I sipped it, the taste was quiet and reminded me of white grapes. If it had a bitterness to it, you might not even know it was a white wine. This time I drank it with just sake, but I think it goes well with meat-based dishes. #Asa'sSaketagram #Hachinohe Sake Brewing Co. #Rikyuha8sen #Aomori #Japanese Sake #I want to connect with people who love sake. #japanesesake
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Green apple" by Suzu Masamune . . . Yao Sake Brewery, Hino Town, Shiga Prefecture . . . I went to Takano's, a sake dealer in Sapporo, before returning to Obihiro. I bought this one at "Pleasure Sake Shop", which has a shop in Shinei, Kiyota-ku, where the passionate shopkeeper is impressive. . I proceeded to drink it, thinking that since it was called green apple, it must taste like that. At first I thought it tasted like green apple because of the rubbing, but gradually I didn't think so, and eventually I got a hint of pear. The aroma is subdued. . I shouldn't have drunk it with the sea urchin as a snack. The taste of the sea urchin overpowered the original flavor. Maybe something like grilled hokey fish would be a good accompaniment. . I like how the clear bottle reminds me of summer. . I don't mean to advertise it, but there are only 2 stores in Hokkaido where you can get Suzu Masamune, including Joyous Sake Shop in Kiyota, so if you're interested in it, be sure to visit them. I'll be in good physical condition next time. #Asa'sSaketagram #Suzu Masamune Green Apple #Suzu Masamune #Yao Sake Brewery #Delightful Sake Shop #Hokkaido #shiga #japanesesake #Japanese Sake #I want to connect with people who love sake.
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"Maesake Omachi Trilogy . . . Tsuji Honten, Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture. . . . My third bottle of Meishu Kakuchi Center Taka's relocation and closing celebration! Gozenshu Omachi Trilogy", a sake from Okayama It's time for my tongue to get stupid. LOL! The first and second bottles are gorgeous, while the third bottle is excellent. You can feel the sweetness in the mouth, dry and great 👏🏻. . #Asa'sSaketagram. #GomaeSake #TsujiHonten #Meishu Kakuchi Center Takano Odori #LiquorTakano #Japanese Sake #Hokkaido #japanesesake
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"Hojoi . . . Miura Sake Brewery, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture. . . . My second bottle to celebrate the relocation and closing of the Meishu Kakuchi Center Takano Odori Store! I'll post more and more today as I drink! LOL! The second bottle was the "Houpai" special junmai that was recommended to me. The other reviewers said it had an apple flavor, but I thought it was my own. The grape flavor was faint, with a faint hint of water that I would say (but not say) was the other side of it. LOL! Apples, apples, apples, apples...hmmm...is it your stupid tongue that you can't feel it? LOL! Basically, I like to make a decision based on just two choices: good or bad, not on the oracle, so this is delicious 😋 #Asa'sSaketagram #Phoenixes. #MiuraShuzo #LiquorTakano #Meishu Kakuchi Center Takano Odori #Japanese Sake #Hokkaido #japanesesake
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"Three Thousand Oaks. . . . Sanzen Sakurashi Sake Brewery, Nakatsugawa, Gifu Prefecture . . . Meishu Center Takano Odori Store Relocation and Closing Celebration #1! I'll post more and more today as I drink! LOL! Mr. Sanzencurro seems to be relocating his brewery to Hokkaido Higashikawa-cho at the next time, and I am looking forward to it. The taste is, hmm? Does it taste like melon? I can't find a word to describe it, but it's sweet, but it's not sweet and it's delicious. It has a moderate spread and a quick and sharp taste, and it is close to the Shibata Sake Brewery of yesterday. I am looking forward to the sake from Michisakura using the water of Higashikawa town and rice from Hokkaido after moving to Higashikawa! . #Asa'sSaketagram. #Three Thousand Oaks. #3thenSakura Sake Brewery #Meishu Kakuchi Center Takano Odori #LiquorTakano #Japanese Sake #Hokkaido #japanesesake