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"Bijyutai Tama Label . . . Tano Town, Aki County, Kochi Prefecture Hamakawa Shoten . . . Drinks I forgot to post 4 This is one of the bottles I bought at Kumada Shoten, a new sake shop that opened in Obihiro City in 2020. I don't know why, but Obihiro seems to have a lot of sake shops in Hokkaido. This was a complete mistake on my part! I was drinking Toyoupai before the Bijou, and after the fruity, full flavor of Toyoupai, my sense of taste was out of whack💦. I'll say no more about it💦 Too honest 🙄. #assa no sakasuta guramu #Bijou #Hamakawa Shoten #Kochi Prefecture #Tano Town #Kumada Shoten #japanesesake #japanesesake #I want to connect with people who love sake.