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This is the world's best regular sake from Yumeshin Shuzo. I had it at room temperature. It is a delicious sake that is full-bodied, deliciously sweet, with a touch of dryness in between 🎶.
Good morning, Oyaji! Good morning, Mr. Oyaji. 😊 I drank this drink before, recommended by the president of a tree-planting company. I drank it before, as recommended by the president of a plant shop 😋. A bottle costs less than 2,000 yen! and I remember it was very I remember I enjoyed it very much. I remember it was very tasty. I remember it being very tasty 😍. I liked it best at room temperature 😂.
Good evening, Hanapin-san. It's true, it's an unusual regular sake 🍶.
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Tachinomi Nagi (立呑み なぎ)
There is a strong standing aroma. The return aroma is not so strong. It's strange, isn't it? The butterbur sprouts in white soy sauce were just right to my liking. Every time you bite into it, the flavor comes out.
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A little sweetness and a refreshing taste. As the temperature rises a little, the sweetness increases even more and the texture becomes mellower.
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I bought fried anglerfish and tempura conger eel. and anago (conger eel) tempura that we bought. I have been buying I started to buy this sake at Uekiya Shoten, I started buying at Uekiya Shoten, and it's one of my favorite sakes. 😍😍 Naraman brand sake from Yumeshin Brewery. I love this sake. 😂. This is a sake that Uekiya Shoten asked the president of Yumeshin Brewery and filled it with ori. The amount of the cage is about one centimeter, about one centimeter. The amount of oli is about one centimeter. Slightly effervescent, with a juicy mouthfeel. 😆 😆 The elegant sweetness and sharpness, combined with the special taste, makes it unstoppable. Combined with the specialness, it just won't stop. 😫 No roughness, gentle sweetness on the palate. So, if you're not careful, you can end up with a whole bottle at once. It's hard to keep a good pace with it. It's hard to keep a good pace. (It's hard to keep a good pace. I want to see how the taste changes, I want to see how the taste changes, so let's take our time with it. I'll take my time 😁.
Yumegokoro純米大吟醸 別注生純米大吟醸生酒
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This is a special order sake of Yumeshin Jun Da-Spec, a locally distributed brand of Yumeshin Shuzo 🥰. Nationally, the Naraman brand is well-known 😁. I don't remember what month it was (maybe March?). I heard they used a different yeast than the one they normally use because it's a hanpukai sake from Kadoya 😊. I don't know what the difference is because I don't know what the regular yeast tastes like since I don't have any history of it in the sake reviews, but it is a very well-rounded sake with a perfect balance of junmai daiginjo-like umami and acidity 😋.
Yumegokoro純米大吟醸 別注生純米大吟醸生酒
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Rafa papa
Yumeshin Junmai Daiginjo Bespoke Nama Sake from the March hanpukai at Kadoya Sake Shop... Kitakata Ramen is famous. Yumeshin Sake Brewery in that Kitakata 🍶. It is well known for "Naraman" 😆. The local favorite is "Yumeshin"... The sake this time is... Yumeshin Junmai Daiginjo Bespoke Sake! They use a yeast that Yumeshin Brewery doesn't use... It seems to be a so-called aromatic yeast 😊. A solid sweetness and a refreshing acidity 😋. Well balanced and easy to drink... 🥰. Unfortunately I couldn't tell the difference between the yeasts... I could not tell the difference between the yeasts... 😿💰.
Naraman is delicious, and Yumeshin looks really good too 😋.
Hi Rafa papa. 😊 I drink a lot of sake, but you are right. It's a hanpukai. 😍It's my first time I've seen it. 😆
Rafa papa
Good morning, Manachie 😃 You can't drink many local brands outside your hometown 🥲I probably drink more Yumeshin than Naraman thanks to the hanpukai... 🤣
Rafa papa
Good morning, Hanapin-san 😃 I envy you 😊You drink a lot of Yumeshin 😆The hanpukai at Kadoya Sake Shop is very interesting because they plan with the brewer and offer sake that you can't drink anywhere else 🤣.
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A version with more nigori and full of shuwashu, specially ordered by Kadoya Sake Brewery. Refreshing acidity, gentle sweetness, and a hint of astringency. The gentle sweetness lingers on the tongue at the end. The sweetness lingers in the mouth for a while. It is indeed delicious until the aftertaste.
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A sake brewery known for its "Naraman" brand, which I have yet to try. Yumeshin" is consumed locally and not sold outside of the prefecture. It has a clean, dry taste. It's a little thin. Maybe if you warmed it up a little, you'd appreciate it more. Rice: Aizu-grown rice suitable for sake brewing Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol 15%. Sake degree +4 Acidity 1.1 Yeast: Utsukushima dream yeast Taste 3.2
YumegokoroNaraman Junmai Muroka Bin Hiire
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Opened and drank room temp. Very full flavor on the front, big cantaloupe and melon, full texture. Finish is lingering and acidic with a hint of bitterness. Soft and dry all around. A pleasurable drink. Will try again when cold.
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It is basically a very crisp sake with a bit of a robustness. However, it also has the gorgeousness of a Junmai Daiginjo, which gives the impression that it is well balanced. It goes well with fatty foods such as beef tongue and duck confit.

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