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Sweet and sour, delicious cold, room temperature 212111 Taste so good you won't believe it's a regular sake! Sake with good cost performance Happy to have found a great sake!
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Whale sashimi and ryuji. Along with fried enoki. 😊 All whale sashimi. (waterfall sweat) I also deep-fried shiitake mushrooms I have found that deep frying mushrooms (including the one I did last time) is also a new discovery. 😅 Special order from Uekiya Shoten! 😍The president of Uekiya had it filled with The middle drop is a special order item, made by I'm sure you'll enjoy it. (I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but it's a fun thing to do twice a year. 😂This is a fully ripe version. This is the fully ripe version. The spring one is full of freshness. full of pizzazz and freshness, but this one juicy sweetness. 😍 I guess the president of the gardener is friends with the president of Naraman. I see that you are friends with the president of Naraman. (😆 😆
Hanapin, good evening 🌙 This sake sounds delicious! It's a special order so you won't be able to drink it here 😅It's a very autumnal tasting sake ✨.
Hanapin konbanhaa (Translated by. I'm going to try 🍄 fried tofu. Sake drinkers get high in calories with 🍶, so 🍄 looks good ☺️.
Good evening, Pon. 😆 I think it goes well with everything. I think it goes well with everything. I think it goes with everything 😄. Please buy it from mail order. I'm sure you'll love it 😁.
Good evening Erin. 😊 I recommend it because it's inexpensive and good for you. I recommend it because it's good for you. I recommend it. 😂
Rafa papa
Good evening, Hanapin-san 😃. The liquor store I often go to is also a special seller of Yumeshin sake brewery😊I drank it at a sales meeting in August 😋 it was delicious 🤤I have whale sashimi envy... 😭
Rafa papa. Good morning. Good morning, Rafa papa. 😊 Yes, I see! I see that you have a special store are there? 😂 It's the fish store I always go to and I always buy it because it's so cheap. I always buy them. 😅
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On the day the bottle was opened, a faint feeling of gas was followed by a discreet sweetness that spread, and then a slight bitterness that kicked in all at once. As the day progressed, the acidity and bitterness provided excellent support, bringing the umami to the forefront. This sake is delicious even when served cold or on the skin.
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Aizu Uekiya's special order Yumeshin❗️ Unfiltered raw sake with orikagarami ‼️. My favorite word 😆. Melon-like aroma and citrus bitterness! Silky texture on the tongue with the deliciousness of the rice, but not too sweet. Not too sweet, but with just the right amount of bitterness and gasiness to make it a refreshing drink👍 It's delicious by itself or with a meal ❗️. I knew it would be good because it is from the Nara Man brewery. I was surprised at how delicious it was 😍. It's a great sake with good cost performance 👍
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Sake made in spring and aged in ice temperature was given to us at Kadoya Sake Shop, and then aged at low temperature in our refrigerator for about one month. It has a very light gaseous taste, which disappears after a while. Sweet and soft aroma. Round texture on the tongue. The acidity lingers at the end. Delicious!
Rafa papa
Hi Andrew 😃 This Yumeshin is so good 😋I was also surprised when I drank it at Kadoya Sake Shop's hanpukai 😳️‼️.
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Purchased in a set sale with Tobiroki. Yumeshin? I thought, "I don't know this..." and then I found out that it is the brewery of Naraman. I was relieved and at the same time I was relieved, but at the same time I was relieved, but at the same time, I was reminded that preconceived notions are not good 😅. Fukushima's original yeast "Utsukushima Yume Yeast" is used. The brewery uses Fukushima's original yeast, "Utsukushima Yume Yeast". It was launched to the ISS last year and spent 37 days in a zero-gravity space. It was launched to the ISS last year and spent 37 days in a zero-gravity space. It has a light touch of sweetness, followed by a slightly dry taste. It is a bit dry after a light touch of sweetness, but it is rather fruity.... But it's a bit fruity.... But after drinking Takachiyo, which is +19 on the sake level, I realized that Yumeshin is not dry at all. I realized that Yumeshin is not dry at all 😂.
Yumegokoro純米無濾過生原酒 中垂れ純米原酒生酒無濾過
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The second bottle of ministry️. July's hanpukai item from my usual liquor store! A mid-drop version of an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake from Yumeshin Shuzo, a well-known sake brewery. It's a Junmai Nakahudorari, so the flavor is quite robust, but the mouthfeel is smooth 😋. It's not heavy at all and you can drink it in many sips ✌️. It also has a good umami flavor, so it would be good to pair it with crisp sashimi and pickles 😊.
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Kadoya Sake Shop's hanpukai. Sake made in winter and aged for six months. It has a light gasiness, a clear acidity, and a hint of bitterness. Sweet and sour softness. As the temperature rises, the sweetness gradually increases.
Yumegokoro純米無濾過生中垂れ 蔵元氷温貯蔵純米原酒生酒中取り無濾過
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Rafa papa
Yumeshin Junmai Unfiltered Nama-nakadorari Ice storage at the warehouse Kadoya Sake Shop July Hanpukai Sake This was a surprise 😳‼️. It's so delicious 🤣👍‼️ Lightly carbonated and juicy sweetness intertwined with refreshing acidity Indescribable taste 🤤. Sake with acidity is light and lackluster but 😅 this sake has a strong flavor and is very tasty. This sake has a firm umami flavor Not too much, but just the right balance 👍 It is probably because it is a stable Nakadaretsu with ice-cold storage. I wonder if it is because it is matured in ice storage... 😋. The relationship of trust between the owner of Kadoya Sake Shop and the owner of Yumeshin Sake Brewery can be felt 👍🤣🤣. You can feel the trust between the owner of Kadoya Sake Shop and Yumeshin Sake Brewery 👍🤣️‼️.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 I have never heard of this sake. I'm not a member of hanpukai, but it's based on the trust between the liquor store and the brewer, so I'm sure you can find good sake even if it's not well known 🤗.
Rafa papa
Hello Haruei Chichi 😃 Yumeshin Sake Brewery is located in Nara, Japan, but Yumeshin is mainly local and I don't think it's available in most of the country 😊. It makes me happy when you tell me about some of the tasty sakes that I wouldn't normally choose for myself 🤣.
Ah, the brewery of Naraman ❗️ I haven't had a cup of Naraman either 😅.

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