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☀️ Fukushima Sake Festival -Thank you for coming! This event was held at SL Plaza in front of Shimbashi Station😄. I started with this sake 🍶🙄. Thin sweetness and rice🌾. It is sharp as it disappears together. Mature ginjo aroma and a hackneyed feeling in the aftertaste. You can feel the careful craftsmanship: ☺️
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Gold medal for Gohyakumangoku, moderate ginjo aroma It has a moderate ginjo aroma, a broad flavor when it is contained, and a sharpness that is also delicious.
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With all due respect, I did not know the name of the brewery at all, so I did not have such high expectations. Later, I found out it was the sake brewer who makes Naraman. What is this? It's so good! Fruity and sweet, with no unpleasant sake-like taste, I could drink it in gulps without any snacks! Fukushima's sake is amazing!
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Not much aroma but rich taste and sweetness. We enjoyed the taste of Fukushima with Kashiwaya's thin-skinned buns!
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Dreaming! Aroma rich fruity🍈. The taste is also rich, The sweetness spreads to the palate, followed by a sourness and bitterness ✨. Easy to drink with just the right amount of gas 👍 All Fukushima sake is delicious 😋.
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Even though it is fire-aged, it has light gasiness, fresh acidity, and gentle sweetness on the nose. The taste is as expected.
Yumegokoro純米無ろ過生原酒 中垂れ純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Lion D'or (リオン・ドール 会津アピオ店)
Aizu souvenirs from the first half of GW: Riondor Aizu Apio store near the Aizu-Wakamatsu IC. This supermarket has a good selection of sake, including unfiltered, unpasteurized sake and freshly squeezed sake. Even though I just dropped by to buy a cup of coffee. I stopped by for a cup of coffee, but this was a mid-priced, unfiltered, nama sake from Yumeshin Sake Brewery, which was closed when I went on a one-man sake brewery tour of Kitakata! The aroma is clean and fresh, with a hint of rum, It has a fresh and crisp aroma with a rummy aroma, a gaseous, fresh, and crisp taste! The sweetness and bitterness are also refreshing, Refreshing bitterness like a soft drink or soda water with a clean, dry crispness, Light taste with sweetness and flavor, It's Swiss, delicious! === Ingredients: Rice (soda water) Ingredients:Rice(domestic),Rice malt(domestic) Rice: Aizu-grown rice suitable for sake brewing Polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 16 Sake degree: +2.0 Acidity: 1.5 Utsukushima dream yeast 1,540 yen for 720ml === ★★★★☆
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The shime saba (mackerel) that I bought, luji's with nuggets. 😂 We enjoy every year, Yumeshin Sake Brewery's Uekiya's special order version. 😍 The amount of oli is about an inch. 😊 Pitchy, juicy, sweet and moderate, bittersweet and sharp. sharpness, it is unstoppable. I'm sure you'll enjoy it 😋. Nara Man is good, but it also has a different It has a different charm. It's a very good one 😄. I also recommend the matured version that comes out in the fall. I also recommend the aged version that comes out in the fall. 😍😍
Hello, Hanapin-san: ☀️ I thought it was a nugget made from a material called ryuji🤣It is a nugget invented by ryuji, isn't it? And it's super high-cost ‼️ I'll try to make it next time 🍳. I'm sure it would go well with sake 🍶.
Good evening, Maru. 😊 The ingredients for the nuggets are canned tuna and tofu. I like it and make it often. I like it a lot 😄. I like to have them with aurora sauce, I like it a lot 😄 It is delicious. I like it a lot 😋.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Hanapin-san 😃 Is this a special order of Yumeshin this time 😳⁉️ jealous 🤣The liquor store I often go to sometimes has a special order of Yumeshin 😊I've never had the aged version 🙄.
Rafa papa, good morning. 😊 This freshly made and matured in the fall is an annual enjoy. We only have one bottle I am ordering it while adjusting the stock in the fridge, I'm ordering it while adjusting the stock in the fridge. I'm sure you'll enjoy it 😓.
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With yellowtail teriyaki. 😋 I bought this at Uekiya Shoten on a trip to a hot spring last month. The one I bought. I'm sure you'll enjoy it 😊. The president of Uekiya recommended it to me. I love it and buy it sometimes, I love it and buy it every once in a while. I have many kinds of regular sake I think it's the best including the price. I think it's the best. I can drink it cold or hot, It can be served cold or hot, and it goes well with It goes well with the dishes of the season. I think it's the best 😫. I think that a high quality sake brewery is also delicious. I'm sure you'll enjoy the sake as well 😄. After the event, I still wanted to eat ramen. I wanted to eat ramen after the event, so I went to bed early and went to Yamaoka Restaurant early in the morning. (I was so hungry for ramen that I went to bed early in the morning and went back to Yamaoka-ya. I knew it was bad for my health, but I did it again. I knew it was bad for my health, but I did it again. (I know it's bad for my health, but I did it again 😢. I'm going to go for a short walk after this. 💦
Rafa papa
Good morning, Hanapin-san 😃 I drink Yumeshin a lot and love it, but I've never had a regular sake 😅I'd like to try the regular sake that Hanapin-san raves about 😋.
Good morning Rafa papa! I have a bottle of wine for you 😊. A bottle of this wine costs a little over 1900 yen including tax. I would like to recommend this flavor. 😍😍
Hanapin konbanha(o´ω`o)no~~~ I want to try it in the morning 😆 Yamaoka family 🍜The fact that it doesn't make me sick to my stomach is awesome 😳.
Erin, good morning. 😊 No, I had a proper stomach upset. 😫. I know I should have zaru soba or something like that. I know it's better to eat soba or something like that. (I know I should have zaru soba or something like that 😓.
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A drink that you will never get tired of drinking. It is easy to drink and tastes great, with a strong Aruzoe character.

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