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ソガペール エ フィスSogga pere et fils
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Brands from Obuse Winery

Sogga pere et fils

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571 Oshiha, Obuse, Kamitakai-gun, Nagano
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Sogga pere et filsRiz à Sake Naturel生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Herman Mok
Not very sweet in general - richer than the types using single yeast and still shows the strength of Yeast 1 which usually gives you sour and umami feel. Frankly a bit too full after all the obuse tasting.
Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル 生酛 田幸生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1
It is no exaggeration to say that the balance between acidity and sweetness is perfect. The flavor blooms from the moment it enters the mouth, and gradually the acidity strengthens and becomes refreshingly sharp. The bitterness that appears in the aftertaste is also nice and astringent. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sogga pere et fils6号酵母 ヌメロシス サケ エロティック ノーマルロット 生酛純米生酛
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
The previous drink was the Ikedalot. This time it is the normal lot. When I drank it, I couldn't tell the difference. It is a sogapale. It comes from the acidity, and the delicious taste of rice comes later. I had it with sea chicken and torakiyo as a snack. It was delicious.
Sogga pere et filsTROIS サケ エロティック純米生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
This is the third bottle of Sogape "Trois" this year and the first time I drink it 🥂 This is the most sake-like type I have ever had, a delicious sake with a good balance of complex lactic acidity, acidity, sweetness, and a slightly sharp alcohol taste with moderate spiciness. ☺️
Sogga pere et filsリアサケナチュレル
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Sogapère Ephis! I saw it for the first time at the liquor store I always go to and bought it immediately! The aroma is discreet and citrusy. It has an acidity like a white wine, but it's not sweet, and it's easy to drink, as expected from a winery! Pairing︰Chicken with Lemon Shio Koji, Cucumber and Tomato with Soy Sauce Koji Mayo, Pork Liver Pate with Bucket
Sogga pere et filsIL Y A 100 ANS生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Herman Mok
The name comes from Yeast No. 1 & No. 2 which was discovered 100 years ago. Among the seven Obuse Winery sake being tasted on the night, this version comes with the fullest body. Frankly, after 4 similar sakes, I feel it may be a bit too heavy for me. May not be fair, but thats what I feel. It is also more on the sourness and umami side instead of fruity sweetness.
Sogga pere et filsTROIS生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1
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Herman Mok
Trois used another ancient yeast - Number 3. Comparing with Numero Six, it is much leas fruity. It is overall quite light body and incline to the lactic acid side - cream, yogurt. Slight umami, well balanced.
Sogga pere et filsNumero Un生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Herman Mok
Using the oldest yeast Number 1. Comparing to Numero Six, Numero Un has a weaker smell, though the features are very similar, melon & banana on the sweet side and slight lactic acid - more like yogurt. On palate it gives you same stuffs, with clear umami spot towards the end, a little bit of cheese I think. Not a very full body one but clearly shows the difference.
Sogga pere et filsNUMERO SIX Domaine IKÉDA Propriétaire-Riziculteur生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Herman Mok
Comparing with the Normal version of Numero Six - the Ikeda version is a little bit sweeter which I think is more balanced with the lactic acid taste. The spice of alocohol only comes at the end which is very pleasant - also some nutty feel at end. Nicely done and well balanced and body is not heavy as well.
Sogga pere et filsNUMERO SIX生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1
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Herman Mok
First time doing a parallel tasting of Obuse Winery. This is the easiest to find Normal Numero Six version - fresh melon and banana sweetness with some feel of lactic acid on nose like cream and yogurt. On palate I would say it is a bit more bitter than the ikeda version, the alcohol feels come in the middle of taste - a bit too outstanding for me.
Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル 天神原純米生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Complex flavor Slight acidity and a sweetness and umami never tasted before in sake fill the mouth. The aroma is heavy, but the mouthfeel and finish are light. This is Sogapale... 4.5
Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル 農薬不使用米 収穫制限米 天神原生酛
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2Sogga pere et fils Check-in 3
Sweet smell with a touch of creaminess. Slightly effervescent, fluffy sweetness, mildly full mouthfeel as if the temperature is low. Pear, diluted lemon acidity, grapey feel, lychee whiteness, transitioning from pungent acidity to bitter acidity. Slowly becoming tasty and gradually juicy. The meal goes on. The lid of the Purple Space does not stick x The lid of the Imi does stick ◯.
Sogga pere et filsヌメロ シス サケ エロティック 生酛生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2Sogga pere et fils Check-in 3
熊谷 朋之
Well, I'm starting to worry about the time, so I'm staring at the fridge, thinking about the last brand... What? Could that be? No way! You can drink this in Morioka? Aren't we so lucky? Excuse me, is the brand next to the topmost one, that Soga? I asked the shopkeeper, and he replied, "Yes, that's right. Oh, Sogapale! I'm so happy to finally meet you! I was so happy~~~ that I ordered it right away. Well, I took a sip. Oh, a wine without sweetness? Interesting attack, a bit stiff. But it is even more interesting that it blends very well in the mouth. Oh no, it's delicious! According to the manager, it comes in from time to time. No, I'll have to stop by often when I'm on a business trip and check the fridge for this one (lol). No, it was very delicious! & I was happy that my wish came true~!
Good evening, Mr. Kumagai😃. Congratulations on your first sogape ㊗️ 🎉! It's important to check the fridge at your restaurant 🤗.
Sogga pere et filsリアサケナチュレル ドメーヌ田幸生酛生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Riasake Naturale Domaine Takou in Sogape. I want to know what's on the way, so order 🍷. The top nose has a white wine-like acidity and a slight astringent flavor. In the mouth, there is a slight acidity and sweetness. The palate is then quenched by a slight astringent taste. At the moment, it seems to be a bit light. I was thinking of opening one bottle at a time after the (mysterious) quality assurance period on the back label, but since I can drink a little bit at the master's store, I think I'll age the one I bought myself for a long time 🤔. It will leave my fridge space blocked though 😅

Brands from Obuse Winery

Sogga pere et fils

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