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profile iconRyohei
日本酒飲みはじめて6年目。とにかくいろんなお酒を飲みたいと思ってます。お酒の感想は的を得ているかわかりませんが、とにかく楽しみたいです。 好みの味は次第に見つかると思います。 まずは全国47都道府県のお酒をいただくのが目標です。 2024正月現在好きな銘柄:寒菊、大嶺、仙禽、産土、赤武、光栄菊、風の森、みむろ杉、日日、写楽、吉田蔵u、新政などなど

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
This is the first time with SNOW CRYSTAL since the first year. At that time, I did not know about Koei Kiku, and this is my first SNOW CRYSTAL. Although it is labeled "SNOW," it is a clear sake, not a nigori sake. The name "SNOW CRYSTAL" is probably inspired by the freezing, skin-stinging coldness of winter when snow is falling. It tastes just like its name, and the colder it is, the better it tastes. It tastes like a grown-up version of rumune and is very easy to drink and delicious. I finished it quickly lol. I would like to buy it again when it comes out next. Thank you very much for the treat.
AkabuSNOW EXTRA 2024
We got it again this year, Snow Extra. I still prefer the Extra to the Snow series. I think this one is creamier and has a stronger flavor. The taste has a fruity flavor reminiscent of Akatake's melon, with a touch of sizzle, and a silky, rich flavor that is typical of nigori sake. For those who like classic sake, it may seem like juice instead of sake. It is such an easy-drinking sweet sake. This is a sake that I really want to buy every year. Thank you for the treat. Personal nigori sake ranking 2023-2024 Koei Kiku Sunokure Yamadanishiki = Hirotogawa nigori>. Urasato Usu Nigori = Daimine Fuyu no Otoshi = Senkyu Yukidaruma = Ona Nigori Sake = Akabu SNOWEXTRA> Hakuginumi = UA Yukidaruma = Mimuro Sugi = Aizu Miyazumi Nigori Sake = UA DRAGON >> Hiran Rinne Tensei 2024 = Yamamoto Do = Akabu SNOWXMAS = Houou Mita Akaban Special = Shichibonjari Activated Nigori> Izumo Fuji Banshu Issen Shippo Lees Tangle
I opened the bottle during the live delivery of SakeLabo Chanen. It was so delicious that I almost opened it in one day. Not to mention the acidity that is typical of Senkou, the very easy drinking mouthfeel with flavors reminiscent of melon and lime is very impressive. I had this at the restaurant when I visited SAKELABO on February 11, and it was like I was moved again. I think that the Risshun morning pressing must be Sentori's. It was very delicious! It was very delicious! Thank you very much!
Yoshidagura u百万石乃白 生酒
We had a draft version of our favorite Yoshida Kurau, this time Hyakumangoku No Shiro. First of all, I wish for a speedy recovery. The taste is cleaner and fresher than I expected. As stated on the label, it has a clear taste. It does not have a strong umami flavor, so I think it can be used as a food sake. Since it is a nama-shu, I thought it would have a strong effervescence, but I got the impression that it has the same slight effervescence as the hi-iru sake, and is fresher than the hi-iru sake. It was so easy to drink that I finished it right away. We also have Noto support sake and Ishikawa-mon namaishu, so I am looking forward to the other two bottles!
I bought this at the train station when I was in Akita for a Next Five event. After finishing the Kangiku, I wanted something to drink, so I emptied this one-gouple bottle of sake lol. When I bought it, I had a hard time finding a local sake, but I decided to go with Kariho, which had a good reputation as an Akita Ginjo. It was a sweet sake with a strong rice flavor, yet it did not reek of sake at all, making it very easy to drink. I bought a 1 gou bottle, but it would have been better to buy a 4 gou bottle. If I see it again, I will buy it again! Thank you very much for the sake!
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 凪 -Spring Misty-
We had our favorite sake from Kangiku. As I said, Kangiku's sake is delicious, and this Nagi was superb. It has just the right amount of nigorigo, silky, and banana-like flavor, and is very fruity and delicious. I also liked Hakuginoumi with its nigori sake, but I think I prefer Nagi this season. The ocean99 series is a brand I like very much because it is reasonably priced and has a lot of tasty overpriced sake. I am looking forward to the next blue ocean! Thanks for the treat!
Kouei Kiku's newest product, Biyun! We were very excited to receive this sake made with Miyamanishiki. The label is also very cute. My first impression is that I personally like the taste very much. It does not have the usual acidity and piquancy of Koueikiku's sake, and the quality is relatively mild, but I could really taste the umami of Miyamanishiki rice, and it was not a typical sake rice flavor, but a fruity lychee flavor that I liked very much. I have often found that the flavor trends are similar no matter which sake I drink, but this sake is a little different from the usual Koei Kiku and Koei Kiku sake, but I feel that it has shown the world a new taste. I would like to buy it again when it comes out. Thank you very much.
Choyofukumusume山田錦 辛口純米酒 うすにごり 生
This is the first time I have had Choyo Fukumusume. As the name suggests, it is a very dry nigori sake. It is not very silky, and the nigori sake has more umami from the rice. If you like dry sake, you may be disappointed in this aspect, but I would tell you not to drink nigori sake if you do. For someone like me who does not drink that much dry sake, this nigori sake is very easy to drink and I found it very tasty. It is on my list of dry sake lol. Personally, I have the impression that it is similar to Shichibonjari's nigori sake. It has a stronger sense of "shuwashu" and degree of nigori, but if you like that one, I think you will like this one as well. Thank you very much for the sake.
abe純米 おりがらみ
去年からコンスタントにいただいているあべ。こちらは今のシーズンならではのおりがらみです。 メロン?バナナ?を思わせるフルーティな味わいに生酒ならではのぴちぴち感がたまんないです笑 安定の美味しさで、すぐに開けちゃいました笑 スターシリーズもこれから揃ってくるので、また楽しみにしていきたいです。 さて、本日9日は次の日の遠征に備えて早く寝ます。 ご馳走様でした。
SenkinUAコレクション UA. 1st あか 能登半島地震支援酒
Following on from the last time, this is a support sake from Senkou. This one is also delicious. Or rather, I prefer this one. This sake, which is made from a traditional sake yeast yeast, has a very lively taste, and the fruity flavor reminiscent of lime, which is typical of Sengoku, spreads not only on the tongue but also throughout the mouth, leaving a lingering aftertaste. UA's assemblage is very good and I would like to have it as a regular sake lol. This one seems to be less preferred than the blue one, and I think beginners to Sentori may want to try this one. I am looking forward to the second bottle. Thanks for the treat.
SenkinUA 1st あお 速醸火入
This is a charity sake for the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. We purchased two bottles each of two kinds of sake in hope of recovery. We will also donate a small amount. There are still some bottles of sake left in stock, so if you are not sure about donating, please do so by purchasing sake. The sake we received this time was a fast brewing type. It is a modern SENKYO in the usual category. It is very light and has a unique sourness that is typical of SENKYO, and I have the impression that it is well assembled. It is not a pure sake, so there is no effervescence, but it is a very refreshing sake. I think that SENKYO has a taste that is not to everyone's liking, so some people may not like it. It was such a sake that is typical of SENKYO and gives a stable satisfaction to SENKYO fans. Thank you very much.
Sawayamatsumoto守破離 山田錦 うすにごり純米
It has been four years since I had a chance to try Mori-Ba-Ri, which I have been away from for a while since Mr. Hidehiko quit. I was told that it was a limited edition. The taste was clean, crisp, and very easy to drink. There was no sake odor, and I felt the quality was very high indeed. Personally, however, I was not as impressed as I was when Mr. Hidehiko was there. It tastes good, and I will buy it again if there is another sake that interests me. It was good to know where Sawaya-Matsumoto is now. Thank you very much for the sake.
I was able to enjoy Urasato's Usunigori this year, which was highly praised by Kai of Sakelabo. As for the taste, it is a strain that I like very much. It has a very good match between the schwashiness, silkiness, and the deliciousness of the rice. It is a sweet nigori sake that can be drunk like a juice and does not tire me out at all. I would like to have it again next year. Thank you very much for the sake. Personal nigori sake ranking 2023-2024 Kouei Kiku Snokure Yamadanishiki=Hirotogawa nigori>Urasato Usunigori=Omine Fuyu no Otoshiri=Senkou Yukidaruma=Ohna nigori>Shiraginoumi=UA Yukidaruma=Mimurosugi=Aizu Miyazumi nigori=UA Dragon>Firan Rinne Tensei 2024=Yamamoto Do=Akabu SNOWXMAS=Hohoh Mida Akaban Special=Shichibonsuryo Akagori>Izumo Fuji>Banshu Issen Shippo Lees Tangle
This is the first time I have had Yamawasei. I have never had Hakurakusei and Yamawa, so this was the first time I had both of their sake. My impression is that it is really the ultimate food sake. It is a clean and crisp sake that does not interfere with any food. I think this sake by itself is not enough. I think it is best when paired with food. However, if you are too much of a beginner, you will not repeat drinking this sake because it is not enough for you. I would like to have it again if I have the chance. Thank you for the sake.
Akabu純米大吟醸 結の香 おりがらみ
Akabu-san is my favorite sweet fruity sake, and I had it in a UTAGE limited edition Akabu-san glass. In the UTAGE channel distribution, the toji, Ryunosuke-san, had a unique way of speaking, or rather, he was very funny. Now, as for the taste, this sake has the usual Akabu flavor as well as the gorgeousness of a Junmai Daiginjo and a lingering aftertaste. The umami can be tasted especially strongly because it is an ogara-mi sake. It is a fruity sake reminiscent of a basic banana, so it is highly recommended for beginners. This sake is not available on the market, but I believe there are other sake of the same class available for sale, so I encourage everyone to pick up a bottle. It was a very tasty sake. Thanks for the treat.
I have recently started to get into the Abe series of special sake. This year it is ARANAMI. Last year it was SAZANAMI. They say ARANAMI is made in years when the rice is hard to dissolve. It is a very crisp sake, with a refreshing rather than sweet taste. It is a perfect sake for those who are tired of sweet sake. Abe Shuzo seems to be producing a lot of light sake this year. I am looking forward to another sake from Abe Shuzo. Thank you for the sake.
The first Hiran I received was from a zodiac bottle. This year, I would like to drink various kinds of Hiran. I was curious about it because it has a very good reputation. I could understand why it is so popular. This sake tasted like a sparkling wine with a sense of sizzle, which is a recent boom in the market. The umami flavor was also very good, with the gorgeous taste of Yamada-Nishiki being present. We enjoyed it while thinking about what to have next. Thank you very much. Personal nigori sake ranking 2023-2024 Kouei Kiku Snoqualmie Yamadanishiki = Hirotogawa Nigori>Omine Fuyu no Otoshiri = Sentori Yukidaruma = Ona Nigori Sake > Hakuginoumi = UA Yukidaruma = Mimuro Sugi = Aizu Miyazumi Nigori Sake = UA Dragon > Hiran Rinne Tensei 2024 = Yamamoto Do = Akabu SNOWXMAS = Phoenix Mita Akaban Special = Nanabonsuryo Active Nigori> Izumo Fuji > Banshu Ikken Shippo Lees Tangle
Ubusuna穂増 四農醸
My favorite San-do, this time it is Hozu. San-do is my favorite brewery because they commercialize their products by rice and regulation, so it is easy to understand the taste and level of their products. I still like the marriage of wildness and minerality in Hozasu. I haven't had Yamadanishiki sake for a while, so I want to buy it again. I heard that Sansho will be releasing another sake made with a different rice, Kako. I am very much looking forward to it. Sourness, minerality, and wildness. That is the characteristic of San-do Hozu, and when it is made in a wooden vat, it seems to add a wooden vat feel to it. I bow down to Hanaka Shuzo for their new and original sake brewing, with a flavor that is not bound by sweet or dry. Thank you for all your hard work. Thank you very much.
Good morning Ryohei 😃 I'm looking forward to Kabashiko, the ☺️ red bottle is beautiful and I'm excited about the taste 😄I couldn't buy it at the UTAGE pre-sale 🥲I just hope there will be enough to buy normally 🙏.
Yamamotoど 純米
We have finally opened the bottle of Yamamoto's "Do" Nigori. This nigori sake is so nigori that a certain government agency said it was already dobrok. But this is sake. By law, if it is strained a little, it is sake. As a legal expert, I cannot compromise on this point. We are strict with the government. The taste is, as one would expect from an almost dobrok sake, the silkiest of all the nigori sake we received this year. However, rice is not sugar. Therefore, although it is sweet, the taste is clean and refreshing, with a slight tanginess that is very pleasant and easy to drink. The bottom part is closer to the expression "eating," perhaps because of the lees buildup. I have another bottle of this sake, and I will definitely buy it again next year and beyond. It was a very satisfying sake. Thank you very much for the sake. Personal nigori sake ranking 2023-2024 Kouei Kiku Snoqualmie Yamadanishiki = Hirotogawa Nigori>Omine Fuyu no Otoshiri = Sentori Yukidaruma = Ona Nigori Sake > Hakuginoumi = UA Yukidaruma = Mimuro Sugi = Aizu Miyazumi Nigori Sake = UA Dragon > Yamamoto Do = Akabu Snow Xmas = Hououomita Akaban Special = Shichibonsyu Activated Nigori> Izumo Fuji > Banshu Issen Shippo Lees Tangle
My favorite Sentori's UA collaboration zodiac bottle! This sake is a kijo-shu version of the snowman, and it is richer than the regular version and seems to have more depth than the UA snowman. It seems to be the most complete in the Snowman series. Anyway, it is a very delicious sake, sweet and rich, with a sourness that is typical of Senkou. I had a chance to have another bottle, so I would like to have it after a while! Thank you for the sake. Personal nigori sake ranking 2023-2024 Kouei Kiku Snoqualmie Yamadanishiki = Hirotogawa Nigori>Omine Fuyu no Otoshiri = Sentori Yukidaruma = Ona Nigori Sake > Hakuginoumi = UA Yukidaruma = Mimuro Sugi = Aizu Miyazumi Nigori Sake = UA Dragon > Akabu Snow Xmas = Hououomida Akaban Special = Shichibonjari Active Nigori> Izumo Fuji > Banshu Issen Shippou Lees Tangle