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木下名酒店 千里中央店

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ヤスベェboukenRafa papa


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木下名酒店 千里中央店
On May 21, we will be drinking at home. I originally got into sake because it was a sweet and umami sake, so I decided to change things up a bit and try a dry sake. The sake I chose was Ame-no-tsuki. I had heard the name before, so it seemed like a good challenge. And when I took a sip...it wasn't that spicy. But as I continued drinking, I began to understand why it is called "super dry. But it was a delicious sake, so I think my repertoire will increase little by little.
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木下名酒店 千里中央店
On May 14, I got it for the first time and drank it at home. I had heard that Hana Yuu was a very hard-to-find sake, so I tried it and its taste was right in my middle of the pack. The taste was right in my middle of the pack, with an unbelievably fruity and deep flavor. Since then, I have been addicted to Hana Yuu the most. I can't always find it at my favorite liquor store, so I bought a sake refrigerator that can hold one bottle of sake and always have a few bottles in stock.
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木下名酒店 千里中央店
Momonosato is my personal Hall of Fame brand. I have been addicted to it since I went to Okayama 4 years ago to buy some 😊. It's been a long time since I bought it this time. I have had it in the past, but the specs have changed, so I bought it again. It's now 11 degrees Celsius instead of the previous 15 degrees Celsius, so it's a lower alcohol. I don't know if it is written on the label, but I believe the brewery here squeezes the wine into bags. The price is quite reasonable for the time and effort put into it. If you look at my past posts, you will see that Junmai Ginjo and 40% Junmai Daiginjo are priced the same, though the pricing is not right 🤣. The taste is still very sweet and pineapple sweet and tasty. I wish it were a little easier to buy. The taste reminds me of Hanahayo. Kinoshita Meishu-shop doesn't have many kinds of sake in stock, so you have to go to the brewery, mail order from the brewery, or go to the Tambaya Sake Shop in Kakogawa....
bouken, good evening, I'll make love to you! It's gorgeous like a hana-yori, isn't it? I have never seen this one before. As a pineapple lover, I'm very interested, I'll look into mail order 😊.
Good evening Joe 😊. I'm sure you'll be able to find a good bottle of it. By the way, I bought Reimei 2 years ago at Keihan department store 😁.
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木下名酒店 千里中央店
I've been curious about this for a while, but this is my first time in Beian Daikoku. The rice is Hitogokochi, though it is not written on the label. Juicy sweet flavor. It is juicy, sweet, and delicious. It is fruity but not too fruity. It is not flashy, but it has a gentle taste that you will not get tired of drinking. It is said to be -9 in Sake meter, but if that is the case, it must be spicy. I think it tastes sweeter and stronger after a few days.
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木下名酒店 千里中央店
It's been a long time since I've had a Buntaro, and I never thought I could buy one in Osaka. The aroma is not very nice, a strain that I find smelly. Sweet and spicy coexist in good balance. It is thick and drinkable for a polished sake. Is it a pure sake? It has a certain amount of ginjo aroma, but it is a classic type of sake. A 4-goupe bottle costs over 2,000 yen, which I think is a bit expensive for an Ihyakumangoku sake. It's a small brewery, so I guess it can't be helped... The unfiltered unpasteurized sake named "Yuki no Shirahama" that I drank before was sweeter and tastier.
ShichisuiEXCITING SERIES 夢ささら純米生酒
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木下名酒店 千里中央店
The liquor store we visited was promoting Nanamizu, and there were more of them in line than usual. The sake shop I visited was promoting Nanamizu, and there were more of them in line than usual. I was quite torn between this and Aizan. A little gassy. Pineapple aroma is only a little. It has a ripe fruitiness. Sweet and juicy, with a little acidity. A little bit of ripeness. Honey-like sweetness.
Good evening, bouken 😃. I want to taste the taste of aging 😊 I'm going to look for Tochigi sake👍
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. It's an interesting sake with a rich sweet flavor, ripeness and complexity 🤗.
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木下名酒店 千里中央店
The rice is comet. It is sweeter than the junmai ginjos I have had in the past. After the gentle, fluffy sweetness, the bitterness comes quickly and then converges. It gives the impression of being sweet and bitter. Well, I regret buying Gokotsuru when I had a hard time deciding.
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木下名酒店 千里中央店
Pon-chan told me that Mizuo was coming to Isetan, but I couldn't go because of the timing 😢. After working half day on Saturday, I happened to go to Kinoshita Meishakuten on my way to Yamamoto Sake Shop and found it there. The label was damaged, so I tried to get the sake from the back, but the back was fire-brewed and the raw was the last one. As it says, it really is a medium-bodied sake. Not too sweet, sweet and sour, the type I like. It is easy to drink. I don't know if it's not a good description, but it's like adding sweetness to slightly sparkling soda water. Cider for adults It's too late to say this, but I looked it up and found out that it is an unfiltered unpasteurized cider made by direct pumping.
Hi bouken😊 I see you got it! That's quirky ✨ Looks delicious!!! I wanted this one too but I missed out on buying it and went with a different label 😅.
Sorry for repeating 🙇⤵️Shiga sake mini info Takefujima, which had been looking for a buyer, has been taken over by a new company called "Yume Sake Brewery", which will take over the brewery and protect it 💦I'm sorry if you know this 🙏.
Good evening, Pon-chan. I'm glad to hear that it will be succeeded as some breweries are going out of business due to the Corona disaster 😢 I'm glad to hear that it will be succeeded.
Sounds like a company founded by a Gekkeikan retiree for the purpose of taking over breweries across Japan that have no successors! I hope they will rescue various breweries 🥺.
Kaga no Tsuki虹 袋しぼり純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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木下名酒店 千里中央店
I first learned about this sake in the store. It is interesting to find minor sakes mixed in with the well-known ones at Kinoshita Meishu-shop. They had Asukai, a sake I didn't know about, among others. I was torn between Asukai and this one, but decided to go with it. According to the official website, Hakutsuru-nishiki rice is used. Since they use rare rice, they should write it on the label. It has a sweet aroma and fruity sweetness. The second half is spicy, but the overall impression is sweet. It has a bitter pineapple taste. It has a slightly different nuance. It is interesting. It's a strange and addictive taste. I can't explain it well because I don't have the vocabulary. I have the impression that sake made with Hakutsuru Nishiki from other companies is much more expensive, but the fact that it is a Junmai Daiginjo squeezed into a bag is very conscientious, keeping the price under 2,000 yen! By the way, my mother said to me after drinking this sake, "It's like climbing up to the clouds" and "like sinking into the water" 🤣.
Hello bouken ☀️ I'm new to both the brand name and the rice, so hehe! I was reading the hmmmmm and then I read your mother's thoughts at the end 😳‼️The glamour of climbing the clouds, the firmness of sinking into the water? Your mother is a poet ✨.
Hello Pon-chan 😃 I was trying to listen to you properly and then I heard this statement and I had to listen back 🤪.