boukenI bought it, along with the pine blossoms, at Kinoshita Meishu Store in Senri-chuo.
It has a clean sweetness and a flavor like lactic acid bacteria drink or yogurt. It's a new sake, but it has a mysterious atmosphere as if it has been laid down.
For the sake of my refrigerator, I bought a 300ml bottle, but I should have bought a 4-gallon bottle. boukenIt tasted better when it was heated. boukenI bought it at Kinoshita Meishu Sake Shop in the Senchuu Palu area. It was my first time to drink it. I've only seen it at Keihan Department Store in Moriguchi.
It is a little fizzy. It has a dry taste. The acidity is strong. It is easy to drink and delicious though it is quite dry. A dangerous one because it is 20 degrees.
It's also the first time I've seen it in a store. I couldn't buy it because it was point based😅.
I've never heard of it being sold that way, so I made a point card for it now lol.
I also thought that some of Kawanakajima, Saku and Hanamura's products were also point based. 
boukenI bought it together with Ayu Masamune at Kinoshita name sake shop in Senri-chuo. When I tried to buy it in another liquor store, it was the one that was killed instantly.
Fruity aroma. Very fresh feeling. The bitterness is preceded by a sweet flavor. I didn't know there was such a gorgeous type of sake in Tottori.
As Mr. Chanmaya P said, it has a similar atmosphere to Eikoh Fuji. It's the glamorous type that's all the rage these days. People who like Takachiyo may also like this. T-KajiGood evening, bouken👋!
I've been curious about this after seeing your post, it looks delicious😋.
I can't imagine how fruity or gorgeous it would be in a Tottori sake, but the legend says it's a must 🤗. boukenT-Kaji-san Good evening😃!
I was surprised to see you here, because I have an image of Tottori sake as a thick, warmed sake😮. ちゃんまやPbouken-san, did you drink it!
I'm glad that bouken-san, a sake legend, can relate 😆. boukenChanmaya P. Good evening 🌃.
It was a taste that overturned the image of Tottori sake 😀. 

boukenI bought it in a hurry because I heard it was sweet and fruity.
I bought it at Kinoshita Meishu in Senri-chuo, though I can't register it because it hasn't been opened yet and it doesn't show up in searches.
The number of products is limited, but I thought the staff was nicer than the main store in Minami Senri.
It is sweet and sour. The sweetness is gentle to the palate. The koji feeling is also strong. hondaThis nigori looks good too
This is not the time to say that❗❗
📢Sake no wa minasanasan❗
I'm in my 30s 🤣 boukenhonda, you don't have to spread the word💦. takeshonGood evening, bouken😃.
Over 1,500 and you are in your 30s? Have you been drinking sake since you were in junior high school? 🤣 boukenNo, no, I only started drinking seriously in the last 3 years. Before that, I went from Awamori, to beer, to wine, and then I got to sake😸 hondatakeshon you like to get involved in the 30s🤣 takeshonAm I correct in my interpretation of Awamori in middle school, beer 🍺 in high school and wine 🍷 in college? 🤣 hondaFirst of all, Awamori start is bad 🤣. boukenI guess high school is chewy 🤔. takeshonAwesome start to a great adventure 🤣.
So many 30-something alcoholics 🥴. boukenI was in my mid 20's when I started to enjoy Awamori 😅. グラbouken-sama Excuse my comment. I agree with you very much about the deliciousness of Zanba lol. boukenGreysingerGood evening😺
Zanba is delicious😄Whenever I go to a restaurant that doesn't specialize in sake, I drink Awamori or potato honda30s hit it off🤣It all started with Awamori グラSorry, I didn't comment on this sake... It was a brewery I didn't know about. The review made me want to drink it. I'll check it out! boukenMr. Greisinger, I hope you don't mind 🤗 you all go off on so many tangents 🙄. Rafa papabouken-san Good evening😃.
It's good to eat 😋
Zanbaku-ha❓Zanboku-ha⁉️ boukenRafa papa, good evening😃.
I'm Zanpaku 😋.
I go to the same liquor store as you so we might have met😁. Rafa papaMany people who like Zanba are Zanpaku fans.
I still drink Kikunoro when I don't drink sake ☺️.
I'm always referring to your reviews since I'm covered by a sake shop 😆. ゆかちんI'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. Ayu Masamune, it's a Niigata sake 🤔. boukenGood evening 🌃
I used to drink awamori or potato until I started to like sake😝. しんじょうGood morning!
I didn't think you had a shorter sake history than me!
It was the biggest surprise of the year!
I lived in the Okinawan cultural area, so I started with Awamori as well.
If it's Zanba, I've always been in the black camp. boukenHi Shinjo-san😃.
I've been a serious sake drinker for the last 3 or 4 years💦.
I said I'm a white person but black is delicious too😄. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title