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居酒屋 酔い処

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酒屋 巡


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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
I can't decide the composition... No, after all, the main character is sake and the bottle, and the prawn is a supporting role. But if I don't get a good shot of the prawns, I won't be able to convey the charm of the two! ...What kind of Shinokishin are you, really? This is a message in a fake Kansai dialect. I apologize to everyone in Kansai. Well, now, Chie Hijin. Sweetness and a hint of sourness. It is easy to drink and has a sense of rice while feeling the umami. Well, I can feel its youthfulness. With a young girl like this.... I think the drinking feeling is the same, but the label is ????! What? A makeover? Kinpatsu, Ganguro, Tsukema? (lol) With salted sweet shrimp. I think this is bottled. It takes time and effort. I can't wait to get back to work. Where's my tie...?
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
Home after a while. It's the end of the year, isn't it? Anko and tachi-pon. It's a good stomach for drinking (laugh) Mie Nishiki. I wonder if the koji is healthy. There is little aroma, and the bitterness and sourness are quite stimulating. It is pure rice, so there is a slight rice-like taste, but... it may be a sake that does not fit the times. However, it is the best for drinkers, meat, and bean jam (^O^) Oh no, I have to work at 20:00 in the neighborhood after this. Seriously, I must not get drunk. I had two highballs and the first sake which will probably be another one. Oh, there's no picture of the ankimo (lol).
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
The best way to finish is with miso ramen! ...Well, I know it's bad for my stomach, liver and belly... (lol) This is probably my first Hitomi. It has a refreshing taste. The sourness is on the strong side. The aroma is small, and the umami is so-so. There is a little watery taste. I wonder if it goes well with Miso Ramen. Oh, no, wallet ... I wonder if it is enough (^_^;)
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
Monkfish... a little early, isn't it? I remember getting an early ankimo (seaweed liver) in September at a sushi restaurant near my house, but if you don't choose the right one, ankimo is indeed too early. HOKEN. We thought that the image of the shochu liquor would be close to Hiroshima. Well, we have drunk it before. It has a light taste, but a bitter taste and a sour taste. It seems to have little umami. It's a sake. I don't really know what that means (laughs). I need to study more in order to enjoy sake. Together with fried monkfish.
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
Luxury from Monday (lol) It's been about a month since you've had sake? It's been about two months since I've been to a restaurant. The live sashimi is full of elasticity. It's been a long time since I've been here. The menu "rich" is also a nod. It has a strong bitterness and a thickly scented ginjo aroma. Although it has umami, it has a bitter taste and an astringent taste of acidity, so there may be many people who don't like it. However, it goes well with food. Sashimi, grilled food, fried food.... Oh, I think I made grilled squid. Because I have a slight cold, it is sake to disinfect.
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
It's called Tiger Eye. It's subtle because the lighting is warm, but it's faintly amber? It's a little early, but I'd like to wear it with ikura. Isn't it nice to have it in soy sauce? I don't have to say it's from my hometown in Hokkaido, but soy sauce pickles are delicious. As you can see in the menu from tomorrow, it has a strong rice flavor and a faint ginjo aroma. It has the sourness and the acidity. It may be a little weak with oil, but it makes you want to try it with everything. I'm looking forward to drinking it at room temperature.
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
明日から出るらしい秋酒を頂いてしまった(>_<) おかみさんもまだ試していないお酒の口開けっ(>_<) これはアカンやつや…。 飲み口、お水。 とこがどっこい、後からくるお米の旨味と爽やか果実香…。 冷酒だからかもしれませんが、べたっとした感触はなく、スイスイスイーッと…。 こっ、これは危険なヤツや…。 獺祭をお水、純米酒をお酒とするなら、その丁度間!? 常温かぬる燗…いや、ぬる燗だと香りがとぶな。 これは危険なヤツやで…。 (思わず似非関西弁)
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
First time on home turf in about 2 months. It's been hard to get out of the north in this heat. I haven't even gone out for a drink, but my wallet is cold and my belly is hot. ...A wife is just a dream, isn't it? I think it's the first time... immobility. It has a refreshing mouthfeel, with a sad sweetness and a hint of bitterness... Although it is undiluted sake, there is no swooshiness or harsh bitterness. It is like a first love in summer... Yeah, I'm getting chills writing this... (laughs) We had a party on the second floor today. I'm glad it was a big success. Kappo in the back right near me, is your boyfriend a video enthusiast? I wonder if the woman is enjoying it. Well, I will be careful about a wallet and drinking too much, and enjoy after a long time.
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
本日、2杯目。 お忙しいようで、なかなか声がかけづらく。 本日は大盛り上がりの団体さんに遭遇。 今はビデオテープからのカセットテープの話題で、若者2人、自分のちょい上2人でハイテンション(笑) …ちょいと声が大きいですが…まぁ、さっきの節足動物Gよりは存分にましだわな(笑) 食い物屋天敵の話題で盛り上がって酒が飲めるとは…本州はスンゴイところさ(笑) 荷札酒。 あんまり見ないレア酒だからとオススメの一杯。 しかも口開け。 吟醸の甘い香り。生酒原酒なのに、苦味がほとんどなく甘味満載。 さっきの仙禽が水ならこっちは大人の甘酒。 飲みやすいお酒ですが、今日の気分には少し甘過ぎかな。 イイ人でもいりゃあ話は別ですがね(笑) 唐突に思い出した、歌丸師匠に献杯。
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
Home ground after a long time. Senkou. Light, light, and smooth. It has a faint fruity aroma and a faint bitterness. When you drink it, it is easy to drink like water even though it is a solid sake. It doesn't have a harsh character, but rather a simple, crisp, energetic feeling. What kind of analogy is that? Be careful not to drink too much or eat too much, and keep your wallet in moderation. Let's do it slowly.
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
だからぁ、谷中生姜の肉巻きだってば!! んぅんもぅ、隠し上手なんだからぁっ。 「わかむすめ」なんかよりも、色々オイシイんたからねっ。 …昭和感もとい小話感が満載ですね(笑)( どこの「雨の赤坂」「別れても好きな人」かっ。 熟成したお味。 スナックのママか、チーママか。 昭和的に「グッとくる」お酒ですなぁ。 …えっ、と酒の感想がないですな。。、
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
あっ、谷中生姜忘れた…。 雪の茅舎の味なんて、みなさんご存知でしょうっ!? 谷中生姜っ!! 谷中生姜の肉巻きっ!! これで呑むのっ(笑)!! ※ちなみに…呑んでる場所を添付するのは、別に何を貰ってる訳でもなく、宣伝の為でもなく…? しまった、隠れ家をさらされて迷惑ですかねっ!? ただただ、呑み友が欲しいのです。 居酒屋 酔い処 〒133-0056 東京都江戸川区南小岩7丁目26−3 03-3650-4272 https://goo.gl/maps/j3sP8ijiZdz
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
いやはや「わかむすめ」も、練れるとイイ味でますなぁ。 そんな娘さんにはとんと…っとと、イケネェ、せくはらだ(>_<) 2杯目(酒類は地味に3.9杯目)、ユキの…っとと、藍の郷ぉっ!? オニイチャン(自分も…と思いつつ、腹さすって、アラフォーを自覚する(笑))が間違えたようで。 んん"っ、んん"ぅぅぅぅ。 酔わして酒美人局かぁ(笑)? 純米酒にしては米感少なく。 艶っぽい甘さはあるものの、苦味も強く…。 アラ点…アル添かっ(笑)!? 本日は谷中生姜の肉巻きが個人的ヒット。 すでに3皿(1皿2本。4皿目を頼むだろう(笑))。 谷中の写真は3杯目にでも。
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
It has a good bitterness, which may be due to the fact that it was kneaded well (the last cup was not quite enough). The aroma of Ginjo is not too strong. Rather than the deliciousness of the rice, you can feel the slight absence of the flavor. Serve it with sashimi. I'm a chicken who can't be adventurous even though my stomach is full of lard.... They gave me a few leftover (but I had a glass and some leftovers) "wakamusume", which is a whole lot of both! Hinna hinna lol.
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
〆の4杯目、蒼田。 (写真は以前のものです。) ほろよったのど、飲んだら帰りますが…。 (やや呂律が回ってない…。) 量が飲めなくてもお酒が好きで、一緒飲める女子、いないかなぁ。 なんならハプニ… ん゙っん゙ん゙ん゙ぅぅ…しっ、失礼。
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
願いを込めて(?)3杯目。 (写真は以前のものです。) 名前の通りやや華やかさもあり、繊細さもあり。 吟醸の香りほのかに。 お米の味は軽やかに。 香りも味も甘味は少なく。 (コメントも以前のより抜粋〈笑〉) こういうイイ人に会いたいなぁと…。 なんでしょう、遅ればせながらの発じょ…。 最近、仕手ない…。 あ、今日は明るいうちから飲んでたんだ。 11PMにはまだ早いか(^_^;)
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
ほろ酔い「ほ」の2杯目。 1杯目と同じく純米酒吟醸だけど、性格がまるで違います。 こちらはちょっと糠漬けっぽい(笑)? 美味しいお酒を誰かイイ人と飲めたらいいなぁ。 と思う、妄想日曜午後6時(笑)(過ぎ) さてさて、次のツマミは…。
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
土日連チャンお休み出勤。 今日は前橋からの帰り道。 明るいうちに飲みたくて。 いつものホームグラウンド。 生酒な感じのお味。 香り高いけど、やや苦味が強く。 残さないようにのんびり飲んで、のんびり帰りましょう。
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
The second cup, "Wakamusume". As the name suggests, it is slightly flamboyant and delicate. The lingering scent of Wakamusume's passing makeup... I tried to attack it literarily, but I guess this kind of thing is also sexual harassment these days. The fragrance of the Ginjo is faint. The taste of rice is light. The aroma and taste are less sweet. It's not that the name is deceiving, but it feels like you've come to drink with a nice girl. I thought I could get her drunk with this, but I guess I'll be the one getting her drunk (lol). I need to tighten my purse strings (lol) and not pay too much (lol). (There is a lady who works with me and Shachosaan next to me, so I can't get lost in the atmosphere lol) Our conversation was full of implications, as it should be (lol) Thank you for your hard work, Onee-san.)