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居酒屋 酔い処

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酒屋 巡


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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
久々のホームグラウンド。 いやぁ、春なのにお財布が真冬並みで。 こりゃ失礼。 今日は推薦されている夏酒3種! まずは聖山から。 純米のどっしり感もありつつ、鼻に抜ける香りがなんともいい感じ。 香りに甘味はあるものの、無濾過の苦味、生原酒の旨味。 う~ん、涼やかに飲めますなぁ。
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
飲んだことがあるようなないような。 「梵」だけに、平梵なのか梵字なのか。 人は酔いにつれ、酔い酒につれ。 当たり前が当たり前にあるのは夢現。 とはいえ、現は夢と思いたくもある空蝉世。 いとあはれなれ。 なむあみホトトギス …そして、いまさ知る、味種別わけ機能 字余り。
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
After payday. I went to my usual restaurant and had a few drinks. It is contraindicated to drink when you are drunk, but... (laughs) Anyway, this is my home ground. The battery in my phone won't last, but I'll drink. This is the first sake I drank at the restaurant. I'm not a drinker.
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
That's it, that's it, that's it, that's... that's three? I remember when I first started drinking it! The taste of KAGATOBI Yamahai is yogurty overall. Depends on the workings of the Nyusankin... well, lately, Chichis... Oh, is it too early for 11PM? ↑When's the showa... lol Akabuto -> Chievijin -> It's a sake with a sense of history in terms of taste (I dare you to use a double expression). Looking back, I think the theme of today's sake was yeast, lol. I don't pay attention to it when I drink it, but... Ii~ikanjii~ by Pafui Lately, puff puff... Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm... Excuse me, that was too fast, lol.
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
はてさて二杯目。 みむろ杉 飲みながら上司の電話に応え、微妙に仕事をし(笑) ヤケのヤンパチ(?)、残りを飲み干しての二杯目。 折角表面張力ギリギリまでついでくれたのに、グラスを動かしてこぼしてしまった(T-T) 純米酒吟醸らしいお酒。 香りは強くないものの、やっぱりどこかふるーてぃ(笑) 一杯が赤武だから、苦味酸味がやや雑味に感じる(笑) 1合でこうもまわるとは…上司の電話、恐るべし(>_<)(笑)
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居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
Payday~ (^^^) So, it's my home ground (lol) That's right, spring is coming and my wallet is in the middle of winter lol The first drink Akatake Hire It's a hired sake, so it doesn't have the bitterness, acidity, and astringency of yeast, which are considered "dry" or "dry". It is a pure sake, so it has the sweetness of rice and a nice aroma. It has a strong impression, but is refreshing to drink. You can catch the salt in this one, lol.
居酒屋 酔い処
酒屋 巡
I drank it lukewarm for the first time. It feels light even though it's a junmai-shu. Lately, Junmaishu has been feeling heavy, but this one is intoxicating. The aroma is not strong, and the mouthfeel is like a junmai-shu, but it feels like a ginjo.