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手打ちそば・地酒 杉並まん月

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PIGEROCKよっちまつちよkemuKohei Shinfukuyuta0210yukkyan777
Shuho純米大吟醸 赤磐雄町
Shuho Check-in 1
Another drink recommended by the waitress. The first aroma is fruity and sweet. When you put it in your mouth, it has a refreshingly sweet and juicy taste. The elegant Daiginjo taste was the best. It was my first time drinking Shuho, and it was delicious. I think I prefer it to the next one I ordered, Jyushiyo.
Seiko特別純米生原酒 五百万石 つるばら酵母仕込
Seiko Check-in 1
I asked the waiter for a recommendation for a sweet and savory sake 🍶. The first aroma is sweet. When you put it in your mouth, it is thick, sweet and juicy. I really like strong sake! This is the only one I've had, but the Tsurubara yeast sounds interesting. I can't put it into words, but the aroma is a little distinctive. This is probably the first time for me to drink sake from Yamanashi. I've had wine before, but sake is delicious too.
Hi Matsuchiyo-san 👋😃😃 I love this sake too 😋. Yamanashi is a hole in the ground for 😋 sake, hidden behind wine.
Hello Morinin 🍶. I saw someone uploaded this on sakéwa a while ago, and I was wondering if it was Tsurubara? I was thinking about it, but I wanted to try the others.
