まな谷echoesTamaasahi ShuzoToyama9/15/2024, 10:07:19 AM9/14/202414まな谷Echoes Act Three Sweet and sour, like a white wine. Easy to drink and deliciousJapanese>English
まな谷MansakunohanaHinomaru JozoAkita9/15/2024, 10:04:33 AM9/15/202413まな谷Medium dry Felt sweetJapanese>English
まな谷SanshorakuSanshoraku ShuzoToyama8/15/2024, 10:26:23 AM8/15/20241まな谷has a sense of rice It's dry. It's just like sake.Japanese>English
まな谷HokuyoUozu ShuzoToyama8/15/2024, 10:23:30 AM8/15/2024宇奈月温泉 ホテル桃源1まな谷Lightly Sake Flavored Strong sake flavor Sake made with only 30% of the rice cut down to give the sake its rice flavor.Japanese>English
まな谷水のささやきToyama8/15/2024, 10:16:21 AM8/15/20241まな谷Delicious Refreshing, a little sweetJapanese>English
まな谷MasuizumiMasuda ShuzotenToyama8/15/2024, 10:15:45 AM1まな谷refreshing and refreshingly full teaJapanese>English