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Very soft and gentle sake from a wild rose. It has a soft and gentle texture and a fluffy sweetness🌸 It has no sourness or bitterness, but but not too much and a good aftertaste☘️.
Kazenomori秋津穂 657 扁平精米
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More than the usual Akitsuho 657 Soft impression🌸 The sweetness, sourness, and bitterness are well balanced. It is a little more elegant to drink.
Senkinさくら OHANAMI純米吟醸生酒無濾過にごり酒
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Senbori-san's lightly muddled sake Sakura 🌸 OHANAMI🌸 It's a seasonal sake for spring✨. The aroma is fresh and gorgeous 🎆 It has a fresh and gorgeous aroma. It has a slight sweetness but also a good sharpness🎵. It's very well balanced🤗. I like it better than the "Snowman" I drank before✨. It's delicious❗.
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Today, we went to "Imadeya" in Chiba station. I pre-ordered this bottle✨. 🌸Jyoshito Kuheiji Lightly Nigori🌸 It has an elegant aroma with a moderate sweetness. The slightly strong acidity, umami, and sourness It has a juicy impression, but You can drink it crisply wrapped in a gentle bitterness❗ I'd like to pair it with fish with oil on it 🎵. I want to pair it with fish with abura. I'd like to pair it with some fish with abura. When the temperature rises a little, the aroma in the mouth becomes more pronounced. I'd like to pair it with a fish that's on the bone.
KazenomoriALPHA type1純米原酒生酒無濾過
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This time, I chose Kaze no Mori after a long time✨. I hadn't had it yet. 🍃ALPHA type1🍃 Juicy, but the sweetness is in the background. Fruitiness and sourness up front. Crisp with a hint of bitterness and a sourness that lasts until the end Coupled with the slightly low alcohol content. It's light and picks up the pace ⤴️. When the temperature rises a little The sourness and swooshiness subside. the mellowness will come out🎵! Yeah, delicious🤓✨!
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I've been looking forward to Senkou "Snowman" ⛄✨. I noticed that the bottle was overturned😱💦 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The bottle is now ready to be uncorked. The sound of a powerful puff🎶. The sedimentation of the oli is incredible❗ Mix it to some extent. Take a sip from the wild rice while it's still thick like sweet sake The bubbles and the flavor flow into your mouth. and then it goes away quickly. but a little ori remains in the mouth. It's not as sweet as I thought it would be. When the temperature rises a little, the sweetness of the entry increases🎆 I don't know if I'll be able to drink it without the ori. ❔ Looking forward to seeing how the taste changes after the second day of opening the bottle😄✨.
Takachiyo59 愛山 × 一本〆純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I've been drinking from late December to New Year's. Fudo and Instrument Masamune are now available✋ 59 Takachiyo Aizan x Ippon Sime I've always wanted to try a sake made with Aizan🎶. The sweetness, sourness, and umami The sweetness, sourness, and umami come together with a soft texture The ginjo aroma and a hint of bitterness linger on the palate✨. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. The pace seems to be quicker 😀 lol Yes, I like it rather well 🎵. It's a 500ml bottle, so even if I'm slow I think I'll finish it soon lol
Gakki Masamune別撰 生詰特別本醸造生詰酒
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New Year's Day Fun✨Part 2 My cousin-in-law brought this for me. Instrument Masamune White Label🎵. I've had the green label before I've had the green label before so I had high expectations🤗. It has a soft sweet taste with a slight fizz I can feel the slight sourness and umami taste coming through. Green Label with a little bit of elegance and calmness❔ It also has a bit of a "wind forest" feel to it🤔. It's a good price at 1200 yen 👌.
Yuki no Bosha純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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New Year's Day Fun✨Part 1 I've been curious about it for a long time. I've been looking forward to it for a long time. It comes in easily. The sweetness and the ginjo aroma 🌸 It's a beautiful sake that goes down well It does not interfere with the meal I think it's a great sake for a meal
Fudo雄町 純米吟醸 生原酒特別純米原酒生酒
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To the Nabedana restaurant in Inzai Visit to find your weekend offerings❗ "A slightly sweet and crisp filling. When I told them what I liked, they introduced me to this dish. It's brewed in a pot shop. Fudo Omachi Junmai-Ginjo Junmai-Ginjo Raw Raw Sake It's juicy and sweet like a grape, but It fades away quickly, leaving a soft acidity and ginjo aroma. Yeah, I'm a big fan of yours 🎵. It would be nice to find a sake of your choice 🤗 I bought another bottle. That one will be another time❗🆙❗
Sorry for the comment. Pot shop! Sounds good! My parents' house is relatively close to this area. I used to almost never drink sake, but there's some great sake in the northwest of Chiba! Five Girls and Koko. It's too late now, but I should have drunk it!
Thanks for your comment, tuna fishing boat ❗ I've been drinking a lot in the last couple of years too, so I'd like to drink more of the local Chiba sake 🎵I'm torn between too many different types of sake, lol.
Sometimes the taste of the same brewery can be completely different. It's fun to worry about that again 😃 I'm looking forward to your posts again!
Nice to meet you, Takahiko. I often go to Nabedana, too. You talk to me a lot, don't you, the owner? You're a butcher these days! Here! But the horse sashimi is also delicious.
Thank you for your comment, adako❗ There are so many different types available that I get to talk to you every time I'm confused 😀 lol I buy horse sashimi sometimes ✨This year they also carried eels!
Ippakusuisei純米吟醸 神力仕込み純米吟醸
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Enjoy the holidays! At Idelia Chiba Echinaka Store It was recommended. Isshaku Mizunari Junmai-Ginjo Shinkiki-Shikomi Buy ❗ This is an original! This is the brewery's first attempt at making a sake using 50% milled rice and Akita yeast from Kumamoto Prefecture. After the crispy sweet and sour taste of 🍋. The aroma and flavor of the rice comes through smoothly Does it feel like it goes up your nose all at once? And sharp ✨. When the temperature rises a little. The sourness is rounded out and mild 🤗 I personally like the taste of it ✨
Romanしもふりロ万 うすにごり原酒 一回火入れ純米吟醸原酒にごり酒
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This week, as before. I took home a copy of the "Roman" series It's "Shiburi Loman"❗ The maturation of the The sweetness and depth of flavor in the The acidity and spiciness is a little milder🌸 It's not too sweet. It leaves a pleasant afterglow 🤗. It's delicious!
Raifuku純米酒 ひやおろし純米ひやおろし
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Purchased because of the auspicious name❗ Fragrant and gorgeous🌸 There's just a hint of acidity. The sweetness of the rice is enhanced and lingers on for a long time It was my first time to drink "Dewa San San San", and it was also my first time to drink the sake rice "Dewa San San San", and it was an elegant bottle ✨
Roman純米吟醸 一回火入れ純米吟醸
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First time in the Ro-Man series The aroma when the bottle is opened is gorgeous🌸 Firm flavor and crisp acidity Slight bitterness in the aftertaste It's not too sweet. I could drink forever, lol. I'd like to drink some of the others ✨
Denshu純米吟醸 山廃純米吟醸山廃
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We ran out of sake in our stock. Take home a bottle of Denshu Junmai-Ginjo Yamahai This week's special offers are limited to one per person❗ I was hit by... Yes, I have a weakness for limitations 😅. The aroma is similar to yogurt. The sweetness is moderate, with slightly stronger acidity and flavor. Clear and refreshing taste with bitterness It's so sharp, it's like a cup of coffee ✨
Gakki Masamune中取り本醸造中取り無濾過
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For your enjoyment this weekend. I was trying to decide which one to use🤔 It was recommended to me by the lady at the store. If you like "Forest of the Wind" you'll fit in ✨✨ said Certainly ❗ Drinking mouth is close to the wind forest It's lightly sweet and tasty, and then the bitterness, piquancy, and acidity will kick in nicely! I also appreciate the costuming!