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Yokoyama Goju Check-in 1Yokoyama Goju Check-in 2
"I asked for a glamorous dish, and this came out. Yes. It smells like muscat. Easy to understand. When you put it in your mouth, it is still muscat, but it doesn't linger. There is a slight fullness to the baseline. As you approach the finish, the sharpness becomes more pronounced. Hmm, it's delicious. But this type is relatively common, isn't it? That's the point. It's not my favorite, so I might be harsh.
飛鸞 限定搾り 純米磨き60 Check-in 1飛鸞 限定搾り 純米磨き60 Check-in 2
Alc.:16 Rice: Nikomaru Rice Polishing Ratio: 60 Yeast Fireproof Sake degree Acidity A gorgeous ginjo-like aroma. It is a light and picturesque Ginjo sake. The aftertaste disappears like falling off a cliff when it comes to the finish.
Matsunotsukasa Check-in 1Matsunotsukasa Check-in 2
Sake degree: -3 Acidity: +1.4 Yeast Alc: 13 Rice Polishing Ratio: 55 BY:R2 It seems that the water was carefully selected. It's been too long since I've tried Matsunohji. Light mouthfeel Modest but gorgeous aroma, banana type? A slight acidity makes a nice aftertaste. Would be nice to do in the summer. It's so light it won't stop you!
Morishima Check-in 1Morishima Check-in 2
Junmai Daiginjo Alc.15 Rice: Omachi Rice Polishing Ratio: 50 Yeast: No.9? Fireproofing: ○? Sake degree: +2? Acidity: 1.7? I don't like it that much in terms of specs. But when you drink it, you are greeted with a melon-like aroma. It's fire-retarded but still has a good amount of freshness. It has a very soft and fruity sweetness, with a moment when the fullness of the rice comes out, and then it closes with an elegant acidity. It is refreshing after drinking.
The bottle design, the story, the Omachi.... I drank it chilled. When you put your nose close to it, you can feel something close to the ginjo aroma for a moment. The moment I put it in my mouth, I felt the "goodness of water" with a smooth and rounded taste. You can hardly feel the fullness. At the end of the taste, the tongue is numbed by the sour taste. In a word, it's not my favorite. I knew it when I bought it. The closer it gets to room temperature, the fuller it gets and the less sour it gets, so I think I'll go with that.
Tenmei Check-in 1Tenmei Check-in 2
It is Yume-no-Ka 40, Daiginjo. Hmm, what do you think? I didn't mean to make it too cold, but it's -1, isn't it? The aroma is.... For a moment, it smells like milk. I was told it was melon, but I'm not good at judging aromas. I don't like melon, watermelon, cucumber and so on. If I had to guess, I'd say it's more like green apple, but I really don't know. The alcohol is stronger than I expected, and the acidity is front and center. A slight astringency at the end. The sharpness is not that great. I'm not good at this kind of sake. If you follow the shadow of the leap number, you will be hurt, or something like that. The second day. Oh no, I'm scared. The aroma is seriously subdued, but melon... The initial mouthfeel is round, while an elegant acidity appears towards the end. There is no astringency anywhere, and I retract my evaluation of the first day. Wow. I'm impressed. Don't chill too much, chilled x refrigerated x
Shichisui純米大吟醸40 雄町 delicieux デリシュー 生
Shichisui Check-in 1Shichisui Check-in 2
I had it with cold sake. Slightly subdued aroma. Grape? Hmm, I don't know. I'm not good at judging aromas. Pleasant freshness on the palate, slight fizz. Slightly sloppy texture. A little acidity helps to outline the flavors. There is nothing outstanding, but the balance is terribly good. The balance is terrific, and it is very typical of Nanamizu. (I prefer this to the Wakakoma I drank on the same day).