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116 Katsuyama, Maniwa, Okayama
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This time it is "nine nine The final"! 🍶 A large amount of it was in stock at a local liquor store ✋. This is the last of the nine 😭. I was not lucky enough to have a chance to buy it, and when I finally did, it was the last one 😭😭.... I will savor it to the fullest! 🥺 The aroma is a ginjo aroma with a hint of sourness! The aroma, which is not too strong, wears a luxurious elegance. As a lover of sourness, I have high expectations at this point! The first thing you notice in the mouth is the acidity, but it is not too strong! However, it is not too strong and lasts until it passes down the throat at the same time as the aroma and sweetness! It lasts until it goes down your throat at the same time! What a delicious taste...! ...and then gradually the sweetness gets stronger and stronger to the peak of sweetness! Quite sweet! 🗻🗻🗻. The fruity flavor of white grapes stays deep in the mouth even after swallowing, extending the aftertaste! 💚🍇 It's amazingly delicious. ...... I wish I could have had a chance to taste it sooner... ...... No, I should be glad I got to drink it at the end! LOL! I may not be able to drink this brand anymore, but I will check out the brewery's future! 💪.
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Today's dish Salmon Rare Cutlet with Avocado Tartar Sauce✨ The label is stylish, so it's a bit of a fancy dish: ⭐︎ Now I want to try the yellow bottle: 🍋‍🟩
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The bottle is a rare 500ml bottle and stylish. I was caught by the word "demise" and bought it. I wonder if it will be gone soon. It is refreshing and goes well with all kinds of snacks. The sales floor says it goes well with sushi and sashimi. It is true that it has a sour taste in the throat. I thought it was very summery.
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It was discounted at a local supermarket! A clear and crisp sake. A fire-aged junmai sake with a mellow, mature taste. Bodaimoto" is said to be the origin of various sake brewing methods. The characteristic feature of this method is "soyashimizu," which is made by generating natural lactic acid bacteria in the water in which rice is poured. This water is added at the beginning of the "Moto" making process, This water is added at the beginning of the "Moto" making process to promote alcoholic fermentation while suppressing bacteria, making it possible to make safe and clean sake even during the summer months. NINE" will continue to challenge the roots of sake with a process that is rare in Japan, and will continue to refine and innovate as never before.
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Notes. Dry and slightly thickened. Easy to drink, slightly dry. It leaves a dry aftertaste, but it's not unpleasant. Delicious!
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. GOZENSHU I drank 9(NINE) for the first time. It is a slightly dry sake with a strong acidity. It has a complex flavor, and every time I drink it, the flavor changes a little bit, making it an enjoyable sake! I enjoy it on the rocks. Second day The acidity has settled down a bit, and the umami has become more intense and rich.

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