SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
お酒は、たしなむ程度です。 ビールは、炭酸だし、苦いので飲めません。 焼酎も、苦手です。 ワインは、機会があれば、いただきます。 日本酒は、大好きです! ※火入れがしてあるのが良い。 ※生酒は、苦手。 純米大吟醸のような、甘口で華やかな銘柄が好きです。でも、最近は、お料理と一緒に楽しめる辛口の気分です。素敵な辛口の日本酒を探し求めています。

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Masumi Check-in 1Masumi Check-in 2
How are you feeling? ➡️I'm tipsy and feeling really good 🎵. I feel clean and refreshed. When I opened the bottle, I could smell the alcohol smell that was rising in the air. When I put it in the glass and let it air out, it smelled so good. I think it was citrus, but not harsh. It smelled sweet and delicious. Mouthwatering and sweet. I like it 💕. For a junmai sake, it has no cloying taste and is sweet above all. It has a soft aftertaste, and the alcohol seems to come on slowly after a while after drinking. I think it's good! 😆 Oh no! I like kanzukuri ✨ I really don't know much about it at all, but kanzukuri, hiyaoroshi, yamahai, etc. taste better than usual. I wonder why? Anyway, it's delicious and what's more ‼️ Thank you! 😆
Masumi Check-in 1Masumi Check-in 2
Masumi Check-in 3Masumi Check-in 4
So refreshing and crisp 😃✨ I drank it all in no time 😋. Perfect for the hot summer ✨. This is a good ministry ️. With the extremely hot weather, you may lose your appetite. But with this Masumi, you can drink it smoothly. It has a nice mouthfeel and is not too harsh on the throat. I served it with salt-rubbed cucumber, a summer vegetable. The best marriage ✨. This will be my summer drink of choice 🎵. I bought this at Midori in Nagano station, following Mizuo the other day. It's a station building, but... they do it well 😏.
mizuo Check-in 1mizuo Check-in 2
This is delicious 😆✨ I was lured by the store's claim of being the No. 1 seller and bought it on the spur of the moment. For a sake from Shinshu, it is soft on the palate. The alcohol is as strong as ever, but I had no trouble swallowing it. The aroma smells of a sour type of smell. There is sweetness in the sourness, and it seems kiwifruit-like. In the mouth, one senses a delicious flavor. Most of the local sake from Shinshu I don't like, but this one is good! I purchased it at the local sake sales place in Midori, Nagano Station. I was surprised to see that the atmosphere had changed when I visited there after a long time. It is on the second floor of Midori, and they had opened a sake tasting corner. After tasting sake there, you can buy it at the sake shop. Very nice! 😆. The brands at the sake tasting corner are, of course, a collection of local sake from Shinshu, but some of them seem to change the brands they serve depending on the season. In the sake tasting corner, there were also sake snacks available, and even some snacks that are unique to Shinshu. Very nice! 😆. Please stop by if you visit Nagano City. I, for one, would like to take public transportation to take advantage of the sake tasting corner next time 🤣.
Sharaku Check-in 1Sharaku Check-in 2
Steady goodness. I like Sharaku because it is very palatable. It is sweet and elegant. It has a soft aroma. In the aftertaste, you can strongly feel the alcohol. This Sharaku may be a little sour. I was thinking, "Sake doesn't turn very well," but the moment it stood up, I felt dizzy. It's starting to turn! Good sake doesn't give you a bad headache ✨.
與五右衛門 Check-in 1
Refreshing and refreshing I was able to drink it quickly. There is no characteristic of a feature. It was empty after one try, but it didn't leave much of an impression of sweet, spicy, or other flavors. I don't know why. It could be because I have no sense of taste. I wonder if it's ok? I think it goes well with all kinds of dishes. It can't be the star of the show, but it gently accompanies it? However, there is no reason that it has to be this brand.
Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 1Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 2
Faintly tingling in the mouth. The aftertaste is clean and refreshing😃✨. That's what I'm talking about! It's just like the stable name of Kuheiji. I chose this sake because I wanted to have a famous sake. The claim was that "the impression will change over time, starting right after opening the bottle." I would like to enjoy it for a while. Postscript I thought I was going to enjoy it, but I drank it all in one go (lol).
HououbidenBlack Phoenix純米吟醸
Hououbiden Check-in 1Hououbiden Check-in 2
I was attracted by the cool label. At first, I find it sweet. A little sour? It also feels a little sour. After that, it starts to taste a bit sour. The alcohol that goes down your throat is quite harsh. I don't recommend it for sake beginners, but it gives you the feeling of drinking sake. I have had Houou Mita before in a sake comparison. This time, I bought it, but it was quite a challenge for me. It is delicious, but personally, I prefer a softer taste.
甲斐の開運 Check-in 1甲斐の開運 Check-in 2
Sake that makes you go awww. Slightly colored. Sweet taste. The aftertaste is tangy. It has a strong miscellaneous taste. Is it because it is not junmai (pure rice)? I don't know, I don't know... I want to say that it is not smooth on the palate. To be honest, the sake soft-serve ice cream we had together was better. 😆 It wasn't a crackpot, it was real sake. You should definitely try it when you visit Ide Brewery. Seriously yummy 🍦.
Jikon Check-in 1Jikon Check-in 2
Jikon Check-in 3Jikon Check-in 4
Unh! Unm! Ah! What's this? Putting aside sweet or spicy or whatever, it's good! Anyway, it's good! Not delicious, but good. It's thick. It's slightly, just a little bit, soggy. It seems sweet. Maybe sweet. Anyway, it's good! I was feeling sleepy, but after drinking this, I woke up with a start. I was feeling sleepy, but after drinking this, I woke up. It's just the kind of taste that wakes you up. This is the first brand I've had today. I can see why it is so popular. If I come across it again, I will definitely buy it.
Roman七ロ万 一回火入れ純米吟醸
Roman Check-in 1Roman Check-in 2
Refreshing😃✨ It soaks into my sunburned and burning body. Good thing I worked hard all week ✨. No scent. Color is clear and colorless. No consistency. Nothing special in the mouth. Tingling sensation on the upper jaw when swallowing. When it goes down the throat, there is a strong stimulation of alcohol. But it does not linger. It disappears quickly and easily. The label claims it is a "perfect summer saké. It is a great sake for summer. I highly recommend drinking it on days when you are working under the scorching sun.
Hello. Thank you for praising our sake from our hometown, Minamiaizu Town!
Good evening. It is wonderful to have good sake in your hometown. I would like to visit the brewery someday.
いきおいまさむねYELLOW CARP純米
いきおいまさむね Check-in 1
Well, I'm getting drunk in a good way 🎵 It's nice! I think it's perfect for when you want to drink and get drunk. The second day after opening the bottle. The second day is also good. It's a nice alcoholic drink. Perfect when you want to get drunk ✨ This is an excellent local sake from Nagano. If I have to repeat this next time, it will be this one. I can recommend this to my friends from other prefectures. If someone asks me which sake I prefer, I will recommend this one 🥰.
いきおいまさむねYELLOW CARP純米
いきおいまさむね Check-in 1
いきおいまさむね Check-in 2いきおいまさむね Check-in 3
The bottle has just been opened. When the bottle was opened, the aroma of the sake spread softly in the room. It is slightly colored. The aroma is like a junmai sake. It smells like rice, rice. It is sweet and refreshing. It does not linger. It is light. It might be good with yakiniku (grilled meat) or when you eat something rich. It is a good sake from Nagano Prefecture. It may be a repeat purchase. It was recommended to me at the first liquor store I went to. When I told him my taste, he said He said, "It's difficult...". I told him that it was difficult to find a sake that I liked. After all, it is difficult to find a sake that I like. I can't wait to try it at an izakaya.
Roman Check-in 1Roman Check-in 2
Just opened. Sweet! It's thick and sweet. I love it! Put it in your mouth, roll it around a bit? And then, it rolls around a little bit? (Not the tip of the tongue...;)), you can feel the spiciness. It's just a little bit. I can't describe it well, but... This is the finished taste. It is very well put together and has no cloying taste. Best of all, it has a nice aftertaste, a hint of sweetness that lingers ✨ I love it! Once again, I found that I prefer it if it was fire-roasted. The sweetness soaks into your body after a hard day's work. It's perfect for a work launch. I would like to recommend it to myself after a hard day's work.
Zaku Check-in 1
Light sake. I didn't mind the quantity, and in no time at all, it was gone. Light and sweet. It does not linger. It is soft on the palate, and I didn't notice much alcohol or other unpleasant tastes. It gives the impression of being young, but overall it is well put together and easy to drink. It has been a long time since I have had sake. It was a very smooth and tasty sake. It's a great drink after taking a bath ✨.
Kikuyoi Check-in 1
Clean aftertaste ✨ No cloying taste, good mouthfeel. The alcohol is a bit strong. There is no aftertaste and it disappears quickly. At first, it is slightly sweet. A little bit of spiciness comes in, and then it disappears without any aftertaste. It is said to be "dry," but there is no harsh spiciness. But when you roll it around on your tongue, it might be spicy. There is not much "umami" in it. It was more like a food wine.
Tosa-shiragiku Check-in 1
Sweet. Mouthfeel is mellow. No cloying taste, good all the way through. I thought the overall finish as a sake was very well put together. It is touted as "cool," but it is not "refreshing. It has a strong "sweetness," which is more impressive.
Sharaku Check-in 1Sharaku Check-in 2
Tingling. It was a little bit colored. I accidentally bought the wrong Polish sake (Polish). Next time, I will be careful and look at the brand name.