SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Masumi Check-in 1Masumi Check-in 2
How are you feeling? ➡️I'm tipsy and feeling really good 🎵. I feel clean and refreshed. When I opened the bottle, I could smell the alcohol smell that was rising in the air. When I put it in the glass and let it air out, it smelled so good. I think it was citrus, but not harsh. It smelled sweet and delicious. Mouthwatering and sweet. I like it 💕. For a junmai sake, it has no cloying taste and is sweet above all. It has a soft aftertaste, and the alcohol seems to come on slowly after a while after drinking. I think it's good! 😆 Oh no! I like kanzukuri ✨ I really don't know much about it at all, but kanzukuri, hiyaoroshi, yamahai, etc. taste better than usual. I wonder why? Anyway, it's delicious and what's more ‼️ Thank you! 😆