This is Bunraku, a well-known brewery in Sala.
This one has been around for a long time and tastes old style. Normally, I would not write about it, but I bought it because it was an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake.
As expected, the fruity taste is moderate. It has a lot of umami and is a good value for money.
I would buy this Bunraku again.
The expensive one of my favorite instrument.
I was able to drink it in a cuddle. Magnificent sake with a moderate fruity taste. I would like to have it not too cold.
It is still delicious.
Ibi for the first time in 2 years. It's become a brewery that you have to chase to buy.
The soliloquy of the father on the back label is one of the pleasures.
I think it was more fruity, but it's good.
There are a lot of impurities in it, but that's just the way it is.
It's a noble sake, 12°, and 500 ml when you think you'll be drinking it in no time.
It may be a challenge, but it is a sake that seems to have been created for cuddling.
This was also a friend of mine who was tying me up, but as an Akabusha lover, I wanted to drink this one someday.
I have never been able to pick up a bottle because I was afraid of the price and the Akabusya that stood up to Nioi, but I heard that Gokujo no Zan is read as Gokujo no Kirei. It was written with furigana (furigana is a Japanese phonetic alphabet).
As the name suggests, it is characterized by its sharpness.
It is full of flavor, but this sharpness may be the only one of its kind. I don't know if this is due to the ice pressing process, but the fact that there is almost no ginjo aroma even though it is polished to 35% may also be a characteristic of this sake.
It is a sake that no one will dislike, but not many people will love.
I guess it will stick with those who like Hiroki and Tasake.
I'm glad I got to drink it.
Daiginjo bought at a special package deal. 35% polished rice, a very high quality product. It has a lot of umami, but the fruity taste is moderate. I still prefer raw sake.
Slightly fruity, hello Mr. Greffle.
I'm a low alcohol denier, but it's good.
The aftertaste is sharp too.
The instrument is good even if it's not raw sake, and I would definitely buy it if it were available. It's not easy to buy but...
It's amazing what you can get for this price.
The label is also classy.
Please cool it down.
Dry and refreshing. Full of flavor. A taste that stings.
This is all you need to drink Hirotogawa!
I'll save a bottle for New Year's. ☺️
I'm gradually getting tired of Zykon and Hanabatake, and I'm getting more and more attracted to dry types.
But the first one this year was a snowman. Please lower the price next year: ‼️
What is this?
It is very tasty.
It's the best ever, and the best of the year.
I used to look at the "Edogari" with a cold eye, but this is a great success.
I think it's because the bottle I bought was from Dokasetsu, but it's good and has a nice sharpness.
I've had all the major brands except Hirotogawa, but so far this is by far the best.
The only thing I would do next would be to lower the price.
I bought another bottle and would like to compare it with Hirotogawa.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby. Thanks for your comments. It was too good and gone in no time. Snowmen with friends and sushi, awesome. ‼️ I'll be sneaking a peek at it. ☺️
It's good again this year!
Feels a little light, maybe because it's 14%?
Why don't they all brew it at CEL-24?
If that happens, the Otters of 2038 will be born!
Zicon's Nigori, which I was into for a while.
I guess I'm a little underwhelmed because the other levels are rising.
But I'm glad I could drink it again this year.
Miyazumi Junmai Sake Hi-ire in comparison with Sharaku. It is light, fruity and has a thicker umami.
For sake lovers, this is more to their liking.
I would like to keep this sake at home.