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This was also a friend of mine who was tying me up, but as an Akabusha lover, I wanted to drink this one someday. I have never been able to pick up a bottle because I was afraid of the price and the Akabusya that stood up to Nioi, but I heard that Gokujo no Zan is read as Gokujo no Kirei. It was written with furigana (furigana is a Japanese phonetic alphabet). As the name suggests, it is characterized by its sharpness. It is full of flavor, but this sharpness may be the only one of its kind. I don't know if this is due to the ice pressing process, but the fact that there is almost no ginjo aroma even though it is polished to 35% may also be a characteristic of this sake. It is a sake that no one will dislike, but not many people will love. I guess it will stick with those who like Hiroki and Tasake. I'm glad I got to drink it.