hinotonaMifuku速醸本醸造 二月十九日 朝しぼりMifuku ShuzoShiga2/24/2025, 9:37:26 AM17hinotonaHayasakusen Honjozo (fast brewing honjozo). Fresh and tasty as ever!Japanese>English
hinotonaMifuku山廃純米 二月 五日 朝しぼりMifuku ShuzoShiga2/10/2025, 11:33:40 PM14hinotonaFresh & rich flavor!Japanese>English
hinotonaFukukomachi純米吟醸 原酒 無圧汲み出しKimura ShuzoAkita2/1/2025, 3:07:11 AM19hinotonaWe received it last year and again this year!Japanese>English
hinotonaKinoenemasamune純米大吟醸 直汲み生原酒Iinuma HonkeChiba1/2/2025, 2:28:24 PM20hinotonaSecond bottle in the New Year. Fresh & juicy!Japanese>English
hinotonaPray for 2024 純米大吟醸 愛山40 中取り無濾過生原酒Kankiku MeijoChiba12/31/2024, 10:45:53 PM1/1/202524hinotonaMay this year be a good one. Happy New Year with a very special drink!Japanese>English
hinotonaBenten出羽燦々100% 純米大吟醸 生原酒Goto ShuzotenYamagata12/29/2024, 8:21:18 AM12/29/202416hinotonaRich taste! Good at the end of the year.Japanese>English
hinotonaMizubasho直汲み 純米吟醸 生原酒Nagai ShuzoGunma12/1/2024, 7:16:16 AM16hinotonaNot only fresh, but also aromatic and flavorful.Japanese>English
hinotonaDaishichi純米生酛 生原酒Daishichi ShuzoFukushima11/29/2024, 3:36:58 PM21hinotonaRich, mellow. It also has a fresh feeling. I want to savor it slowly and carefully.Japanese>English
hinotona純米大吟醸 酒々井の夜明け 2024Iinuma HonkeChiba11/9/2024, 11:17:09 AM11/9/202410hinotonaAnnual! Fresh...Japanese>English