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941 Naganonishinomoncho, Nagano,
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Nishinomon純米吟醸 美山錦 中取り無濾過生原酒 氷温壜囲い純米吟醸原酒生酒中取り無濾過
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I'm in a junkie mood tonight. Maybe I'm a little tired. I'm going to match this with a medium bottle of this. It's been a year and a half since we last met. When the bottle is opened, it has a juicy and gorgeous ginjo aroma. In the mouth, there is a weak fizziness on the lips. There is a firm sweetness, followed by sourness and a weak bitterness. It has a strong taste but a clean aftertaste. Delicious♪ It goes well with the deep-fried eggplant with three cups of vinegar, which did not go well with yesterday's sake. The sweetness is rounded out and the sourness and bitterness are reduced, making it easy to drink. After the salad of mekabu/cucumber with Chinese soup stock/nyeoknam/oil, the sweetness and sourness stand out. The sweetness of the pizza with the pineapple on top of the anchovies is good because it brings out the refreshing flavor of the alcohol. There is no reason why it would not go well with the three kinds of cheese in the salad chicken bar and the four kinds of cheese in the snack kamaboko that I bought for snacks. I could go on endlessly.
Nishinomon純米大吟醸 あらばしり無濾過生原酒 五百万石純米大吟醸原酒生酒荒走り無濾過
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Tonight's accompaniment was this one, which was a bit expensive. I took too good care of it and let it sit for more than a year. I wonder how it has matured. When the bottle is opened, the fresh ginjo aroma makes you salivate. The aroma alone is delicious♪ The flavor is quite strong. The sweetness is followed by sourness, and when swallowed, there is a weak bitterness. The balance of a strong flavor with a clean aftertaste is one of the best things about it. It's a bit weak. After the komatsuna with spicy noodle soup, the roughness of the sake is masked and it's delicious! It's great. The main dish to go with this special sake is a charbroiled hamburger with a Mexican flavor (lol). I hope it won't be a sacrilege. The sake is as good as the burger, but I wonder if it will increase the bitterness. This might be a shame. I'm a little sorry! I liked it with homemade pickled plums...I'm curious to see how it tastes freshly pressed, but it was a delicious sake even when aged!
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A cleaner version of the Nishinomoto ✨✨✨✨. It has a schwatty feel and a fruity🍏🍎 aroma. Clean aftertaste ✨✨✨✨.
Nishinomon純米大吟醸 ハイブリッド無濾過生
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Thanks again for all your hard work this week 🐵. Today is Nishinomoto! Miyamanishiki and Hitogokochi hybrid 😎! I've had a few bottles of Nishinomoto, but generally I get the impression that it's light 😎😎. I like it 🐰♥️
Nishinomon美山錦 R酵母仕込純米大吟醸生酒無濾過
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After Tenma Taishukai (4) For some reason, I'm not into Nishinomon, but bouken-san said this was delicious, so I ordered it. I expected it to be a bit fruity because of the colorful label. It was fruity, sweet and sour, a little bit sweet and sour, and juicy. Yes, this was my favorite type 😋. I will keep in mind that I will drink Xinoumen with colorful labels as well 😁.
Nishinomon美山錦 長野R酵母仕込純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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楠木フサヱ おもや
Nemuchi said she didn't have a good image of Nishinomoto, but I pushed her 😁. Well, I don't usually drink Nishinomon myself 🙄🙄. It had the same label and yeast as the one I drank at home in the past, but it was upgraded from junmai ginjo to junmai daiginjo. Sweet and sour, juicy and delicious. Like Koshi, I don't like the aroma of sake made with malic acid-producing yeast, but I don't dislike the taste.
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Tonight, we are accompanied by this slightly special Yamada-Nishiki, polished to 40%. When the bottle is opened, the slightly sweet, juicy aroma is irresistible! The sweetness that flows smoothly in the mouth is also irresistible! The sweetness that flows through the mouth is also irresistible! The first sip is sweet, but once you swallow it, it is so smooth that you forget you have swallowed it. It's really delicious. â™" When paired with a salad with a dressing made with miso from a miso shop in Kameido, the sweetness stands out, but the refreshing aftertaste remains the same. The main dish was a chanchan-yaki style of salmon and Chinese cabbage. The salty taste and fishy aroma are washed down by this sensation, which also makes for a great match. The taste of the sake asserted itself, but it also complemented the meal, making it feel like a good guy. It was a wonderful encounter!
Hello BacchusNY😃! I went to the Nishinomon brewery but still haven't had a chance to drink it at home 😅I want to feel the slurpiness 🥹 that makes you forget that you've drunk it 😊.
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😩 I'm not an SE. I can't do the bare minimum of OS or SW installation. I can only do the bare minimum of OS and SW installation," he mumbled and sang. It was a rare day that our leader was the only one who talked to other people today, except for the sales clerk. And that was at 3:30 p.m. I want to talk with people! I bought a lot of drinks at the convenience store next to the hotel and drank them in my room. After the beer, I had a Nishinomoto. It's sweet and tastes like rice 😋 This is nice, it's just like Nagano, where you can buy it at a convenience store. It's good. But boring if you can't go home early🥲. I hope I can go to the corner tomorrow. Now, what shall I drink next 🎶?
Ane-san, thanks for your business trip to Nagano. I envy Nagano where you can find this level of convenience store 🤩. When you drink alone at a hotel, don't you pace yourself faster because you don't talk? Ah! I guess it doesn't matter because Ane-san's pace is always fast 😁.
Good evening, TOMO! There are some convenience stores that have everything you need and some that don't have much. Even in the same 7-Eleven. I drink while talking to myself, so I take my time. I'm just so-so 😆.
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During my Zenkoji pilgrimage, I stopped by a storehouse on the side of the temple. It seemed quite businesslike. I tasted and bought the one I liked best. It has a low aroma, a subtle sweetness, and a nice sharpness. Good for a mealtime sake. I guess the strong salesmanship can't be helped because there are a lot of tourists.

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