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Hanaabi備前雄町 おりがらみ
みかん@Marusake @ dried fish and sake from all over Japan Mr. Sunaga of Nanyo Brewery and the president of Yajima Sake Shop were going to stop by on their way home from a soccer game, so we waited while sipping Hana-yosu to show our appreciation. Yup. It's always delicious. I especially like the aroma and want to keep sniffing it. Nanyo Brewers, I greeted you upon arrival 😆 but I was too nervous to express my gratitude properly.... It's difficult when it comes down to it 😓. I was glancing at them, wondering what they were going to drink. They were drinking all kinds of things, but they were not drinking hana-yosu, lol.
SenkinHellowWorld by サケラボトーキョー
みかん@Marusake @ dried fish and sake from all over Japan Similar to Yukidaruma, but sweeter than Yukidaruma.
Aramasa瑠璃-ラピス- 2020
みかん@Marusake @ dried fish and sake from all over Japan A day when the Shinmasa brand is discounted. While we were enjoying the Niimasa, the manager said, "Well, we got a rare one." It wasn't even a last lapis. The manager generously served it to was the first time I had ever had lapis to drink properly. I was so happy because I thought I would never be able to drink it again. And...yeah! My favorite! It was delicious. I hope we meet again.