阿佐波I was in a good mood.
I tried Yamahai⛰️😆
The acidity & the heaviness
It's a treacherous sake on a weekday holiday 🍶👿. ma-ki-Hello, Asanami-san.
Akabane - I have my own image of some kind of drinking mecca 😁✨✨.
I'm sure it must have been really blissful drinking time on your day off 🎵
🤣🤣 immoral drinking! 阿佐波Good evening, ma-ki-san!
I've just finished my vacation in the holy city of Akabane.
There is no room for salvation now. This is a paradise, or rather, a pure land. When morning comes, do we wake up in the lower world? The answer is nowhere to be found. 阿佐波I came to Akabane for a no-plan summer vacation.
I'll have a drink at lunchtime. ‼️
This place always has 48 kinds of Sake at 90ml per glass.
390yen➕tax. 1pm opening ‼️
It's 🌟subarassuii🌟a paradise for lunch only🏮🍶!
Oysters go great with sake 💕.
I'm planning to go if I can get a weekday off!
I'm really planning to go if I can get a weekday off and I'm really looking forward to it!
Miyoshikiku🌼The melt-in-your-mouth acid bitterness is killing me😍. 

ハリーOyster Oyster Restaurant
Last but not least, the Wild Goose.
It has a sour taste, high alcohol content, and
tingling on the tip of the tongue, and a pleasant drinking experience.
Don't drink too much in the daytime.
I peeked in at a standing oden shop
but I waited for 45 minutes even though it's a stand-up bar.
I waited for 45 minutes for a standing drink... 😅
There are quite a lot of young people waiting in line to get into the izakaya
They must be very popular! 阿佐波Hi Harry! Akabane is getting younger and younger for some reason 😢can't believe the 45 min wait time 😆we have oyster lovers here too 🙌I love that you are drinking so much good sake today too 🎉I haven't been to Akabane for a long time 😁. ハリーAsanami, thank you also here 😊 against youthfulness ❗️ go to Shibuya 😅 standing drinking oden🍢 and cono eel restaurant were also lined with young people. Let's get together sometime😊. ジークじこんGood morning Harry 😃.
Waiting 45 minutes at a standing bar ❗️😳
The city is indeed different 🏙.
I used to live in Hatogaya, Saitama and used to change trains at Akabane 🤗.
I miss it 😆. ハリーGood morning, Mr. Sieg Jikon.
Akabane was also deserted during the Corona disaster, but it came back to life, new stores, more callers and young people. I like Ojisan Street, but so does Ueno😅. ハリーOyster Oyster Restaurant
Next is Kamo Nishiki, the one you can't go wrong with.
Sweetness spreads in the mouth
It has a softness that is typical of Kamonishiki. ハリーOyster Oyster Restaurant
Next up is Umi Fudo, which makes me read "seafood" 😅, a perfect phrase for oysters.
This makes it read 😅, a perfect phrase for oysters!
It has a nice sour taste and is perfect for oysters.
It is also perfect for oysters!
After raw oysters, we had fried oysters!
We ordered one jumbo fried oyster each!
It is indeed huge, more than 4 regular fried oysters!
more than 4 regular fried oysters!
I thought it was empty because it was lunchtime, but there were about 6 groups of people there.
enjoying oysters and sake. T.KISOHarry, the strongest theory of fried oysters 💕 ハリーT.KISO, one piece oyster fry was the first time in my life, I felt like doing it: ❣️ ハリーOyster Oyster Restaurant
The second drink
Raifuku's Kijoshu
Of course it's sweet, but it has a nice sharpness.
I don't dislike it, and I can drink it with a gulp!
It also goes well with raw oysters!
Oysters are so juicy and juicy and delicious! 
ハリーI'm off today for lunch.
Asanami posted this.
Visiting an oyster oyster restaurant in Akabane
The main sales point is all about oysters!
And 48 kinds of sake for 380 yen!
5 kinds of salt and a glass of sake!
The sake was Tetorigawa 🍶, which is quite rare 😊.
3 kinds of raw oysters from Atsugishi, Kesennuma and Otomo.
It's good to drink from noon 😋, right?
Rafa papaHi Harry 😃
This restaurant is awesome 🤣380 yen no matter what sake you drink❓Salt as a side dish❓The menu even says which salt to go with which sake 😳⁉️ oysters look so good too🤤This is foul from noon 🤣. マナチーHi Harry 😃all sake for 380 yen while eating oysters😭That's too good 😆I've compared oysters from different regions before and they are quite different 😋. 阿佐波Hi Harry! You've been attacked 😄Here it is, here it is ❗️ It was good. I should have been in Akabane today too, I just commented on your new review 😅. ポンちゃんGood evening, Harry 🌙.
I've been back! Awesome place 👍the drinks are great but the oysters look delicious ❣️ and the fries are huge 😁 great place to drink and eat 😊. T.KISOGood evening, Harry😄.
Three kinds of oysters and 380 yen sake ❣️
Even if it's only about half a bottle, it's good ✨. ハリーGood evening Rafa papa😊.
The basics are junmai basics, but the 48 varieties are
It's fun. There was an all-you-can-drink option, but I decided not to drink during the day because it was too dangerous😅.
but I decided not to drink at noon because it was dangerous😅. ハリーManachy, good evening😊.
Yes, I really wanted to eat oysters.
I went on an expedition from noon.
Oysters from Iwate and Atsukishi are different in size and taste.
But they were fresh and delicious 😀. ハリーGood evening, Asanami🌊😊.
If it wasn't for Asanamis post.
I couldn't have made it here, thanks ❣️
Oysters and sake are an excellent combination 😀
It's a privilege to be Japanese 😊. 阿佐波Hi Harry! The marriage of oysters and sake 🤗I'm happy that you enjoyed it 🌟Thank you 😭Today is the Emperor's birthday, well, not that it matters 😉In conclusion, I'm glad to have been born in Japan 😄. ハリーPon-chan. Good evening.
I skipped alcohol and oysters last night.
I went out for a drink😅.
I know I have a lunchtime drink every once in a while, but it's still
It's fun 😊. ハリーGood evening, T.KISO😊.
1900 yen for 3 kinds of sake and 420 yen for half a bottle of sake including tax is not cheap, but I guess it's okay that they can serve it well in Tokyo 😅.
It's not cheap, but it's not bad for what they can offer in Tokyo 😅 so don't go too deep into it 😀.
It's important 😀. ハリーMr. Asanami, I was wondering if you might be there.
I looked around, but alas...
It's a great combination!
It's at the end of the street.
I know it's a restaurant. 遥瑛チチGood evening, Harry 🌇.
I'm so excited to compare oysters and sake 🍶... ‼️
I wish I could eat oysters and drink sake too... etorannzyuGood evening 😃
Oysters and sake go too well together 😍
I've eaten oysters from many different regions, but I especially like the ones near Kesennuma and Onagawa in Miyagi Prefecture 😋. ハリーGood morning, Chichi 😃 I've been sober for so long that I'm drinking in my dreams? Last night, I was super impatient when my sakeshop suddenly went to the initialization screen, it was the end of the world ❗️. It went away after 2 hours, but I wonder if it happens sometimes, I'm in a hurry! ハリーGood morning, etorranzyu 😃.
I think Kesennuma's was the biggest and plumpest one too.
I also think the one in Kesennuma was the biggest and plumpest.
I was so hungry yesterday that I went out to eat it 😅. 阿佐波In Akabane
I found a sacred place for sake 😻!
380❣️❣️ for whatever you drink!
Calm atmosphere
that even creates a sense of luxury.
The atmosphere was so relaxing and
I was so excited!
Saturday afternoon
brewer kuheiji junmai daiginjo omachi💕
The rich and delicious flavor of OMACHI spreads through the palate while the aftertaste is clean and refreshing!
The aftertaste is refreshing!
When I first started drinking
I got dizzy after just one gong of this!
I got dizzy 🤣.
I'm still as weak as ever.
I'm still as weak as ever, but I'm enjoying getting drunk again today❣️
mamikoAsanami-san, good evening~(*^^*)
Akabane ❣️I've been there a few times and it's a fun place 😆♪♪You found a nice place ❗️Maybe I can go here? lol Kuheiji is delicious 😄 阿佐波Good evening mamiko ✨Akabane love❤️I will say it out loud at this point! I want to move here but I'm going to become even more of a bad person 😆 that's ok though 😅I want to be scolded by Kuheiji😍! 熊谷 朋之Hello, Asanami! (≧▽≦)
Oh, wonderful!
It's definitely a bad-ass restaurant, isn't it!
I love Akabane! I love Akabane!
I'd love to go to a restaurant like this, even if it's corrupt. 阿佐波Good evening, Mr. Kumagai.
Are you drinking tonight too?
Akabane, hi! It's bad 😆.
I stopped at a Showa retro cafe in front of the station for a snack, but I went back and toured around Ichibangai 😻😻
I went back and toured around Ichibanmachi 😻
If you want to be tested as a person 🤣 つぶちゃんHi Asanami 😄♪
You found a great shop❣️😆🙌
I wish there was such a store nearby 😍but I would be a bad person if there was 🤣 but I would be happy if it was within walking distance 🥰. 阿佐波Hi, Tsubu!
Ah, the red wings are coming and going 🤌 today!
Go for it! Aim to be 💕loved💕bad human being!
I'm in too good of shape 😆.
I even thought about moving out for a ton of reason.
No way! I'm living a human life somehow 😁. 阿佐波Saturday.
Sake Sanctuary Exploration @ Akabane
This is already the third restaurant we've been to.
I should have completed it here!
380❣️❣️ no matter what you drink!
Are you a god?
Oyster rolled egg with broth
This flavor and extract
melts into the extract.
Akabane is a 🍶 paradise🌟. ポンちゃんGood evening, Asanami!
Nice restaurant! Any of them would be great 😆👍And it's an oyster shop! Nothing to say 💕 阿佐波Good evening, Pon-chan 🌆It is, to put it mildly, a pon-sake drinker's paradise❣️The atmosphere is relaxed, and for such a great price! The oyster dashimaki tamago in the 🤑picture is so dashi delicious 😭 should have made it the first stop 🙌 こぞうAsanami.
Good evening.
I got this 寫樂 last month, but it's sitting in the fridge because I don't want to waste it.
I want to drink it! 阿佐波Good evening, kozo 🎶.
I must drink! Please drink! Drink, drink, drink!
But I understand that it's a waste of money.
I understand 😆 I'm so worried! ハリーGood morning, Asanami 😀
Congrats on your first time attending offline meeting the other day: 🎉🎊
I missed this post 😅I love oysters and 48 kinds of sake, I go to Akabane sometimes but I didn't know that, I'd love to go there 😀 阿佐波Good morning, Harry!
Thanks for your congratulatory ⁉️ message 😊Akabane🍶I think it's a little late for that, but I've got this thing called "my boom" coming. It must be a dangerous swamp ^_^ in the manner of an adult 😆 Enjoy! RecommendedContentsSectionView.title