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小樽 酒商たかの

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Aizuchujo鶴の江 会津中将 夢の香 純米吟醸 Tsurunoe Aizu Chuujyou Yume no Ka Junmai Ginjo純米吟醸
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小樽 酒商たかの
Tsurunoe Aizu Chuujyou Yume no Ka Junmai Ginjo Tsurunoe Aizu Chuujyou Yume no Ka Junmai Ginjo Rice: 100% Yume-no-Ka Rice: 100% Yume no Ka Rice polishing ratio: 55% Seimaibuai Alcohol: 15% Alcohol Sake Degree +2 Nihonshudo Acidity 1.5 This sake is so good that you don't have to choose the pairing. I guess you could say it brings out the best in food. I'll have it. Sampled over two nights Initial flavor is slightly bitter and medium dry. A tangy finish with a mild sweetness that coats your mouth. Paired nicely with lemon butter salmon foil Yaki, pork & gyoja garlic but not as well with soft cheeses.
Tatenokawa楯の川 マロラク 純米大吟醸 Tatenokawa Malolac Junmai Daiginjo純米大吟醸
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小樽 酒商たかの
Tatenokawa Malolac Junmai Daiginjo Tatenokawa Malolac Junmai Daiginjo Rice: 100% Dewasansan from Yamagata Rice: 100% Dewasansan from Yamagata Rice polishing ratio: 50% Seimaibuai Yeast used: No.28 (high malic acid producing yeast) Alcohol 13% Alcohol Sake Degree -15 Nihonshudo Acidity 2.6 Mellow and gorgeous aftertaste. I took a sip and compared it with cheese and banana chips.... It goes well with ❣️ this-love ❤️ Sampled over two nights Definitely yogurt like flavor Paired nicely with pork & gyoja garlic and really well with soft cheeses But dominated lemon butter salmon foil Yaki. Will save some to try with pasta.
Manozuru真野鶴 大吟醸 無濾過 生 Manotsuru Daiginjo Muroka Nama大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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小樽 酒商たかの
Manotsuru Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama Manotsuru Daiginjo Muroka Nama Polishing ratio 50% Seimaibuai Alcohol 18.5% Alcohol Rice: 100% Gohyakumangoku Upon first sip a thin syrupy tanginess grips your tongue, let it linger and fade into a mild bitterness. But watch out, the alcohol sneaks up on you! My wife says: A good, sturdy, full-flavored Sake. Sake that has its own axis. No need to say anything.
Fukucho富久長 秋櫻 ひやおろし 純米吟醸 Fukucho Cosmos Hiyaoroshi Junmai Ginjo純米吟醸ひやおろし
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小樽 酒商たかの
富久長 秋櫻 ひやおろし 純米吟醸 Fukucho Cosmos Hiyaoroshi Junmai Ginjo Hi everyone, sorry we were sick with the dreaded C-word so we had to take a break from alcohol for a few weeks. Seems like we still have not recovered our sense of taste,. sadly, this is really affecting our tasting notes so maybe we have to wait a little longer to enjoy Sake’ subtleties. In our current state, the only thing I can taste is Tangy and bitter, it overwhelms sushi. It’s matching better with Brie cheese and minced Katsu.
We will try again next week. Have a Happy New Year! Everyone
みやさか宮坂 純米吟醸 中通り MIYASAKA Junmai Ginjo Nakadori純米吟醸中取り
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小樽 酒商たかの
MIYASAKA Junmai Ginjo Nakadori MIYASAKA Junmai Ginjo Nakadori Rice polishing ratio 55% Seimaibuai Alcohol 15% Alcohol Bright and lively flavor maybe a bit like green apples. Some bitterness but also some sweetness and umami. My wife says It starts with a mellow aroma, then there is a slight tangerine taste, and after that there is a very wrinkled sensation in the mouth, which gives the impression that this sake is alive!
Hakkaisan八海山 唎酒 No.591 Hakkaisan Rishu #591
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小樽 酒商たかの
Hakkaisan Rishu #591 Hakkaisan Rishu #591 Rice: 60% Yamadanishiki from Kuchiyoshikawa, Hyogo, 40% Miyama Nishiki from Nagano-ken Rice: 60% Yamadanishiki from Hyogo-ken, 40% Miyama Nishiki from Nagano-ken Alcohol 16.5% Alcohol Soft mouthfeel, fruity but not sweet . Smooth and elegant this is a great Sake to drink after dinner. Of course, we drank it with dinner too! The mouthfeel is fruity and grapefruity, but it also has an indigenous flavor that is very consistent.
Mansakunohanaまんさくの花 純米大吟醸 愛山酒 Mansaku no Hana Junmai Aiyama-shu純米大吟醸原酒ひやおろし
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小樽 酒商たかの
まんさくの花 純米大吟醸 愛山酒 Mansaku no Hana Junmai Aiyama-shu 限定原酒 Limited edition Genshu 原料米 兵庫県産愛山100% Hyogo-Ken Aiyama 精米歩合 45% Seimaibuai アルコール 16% Alcohol 日本酒度 45% Nihonshu-do 酸度 1.4 Acidity アミノ酸 0.9 Amino Acid The gentle fruitiness of Aiyama rice gives this Sake a Mildly sweet and tangy flavor with plenty of umami to match up well with sukiyaki.
Shuho純米吟醸 八反100% 冷やおろし 🍁 Junmai Ginjo Hattan 100% Hiyaoroshi純米吟醸ひやおろし
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小樽 酒商たかの
Shuho Junmai Ginjo Hattan 100% Hiyaoroshi Shuho Junmai Ginjo Hattan 100% Hiyaoroshi Polishing ratio 50% Seimaibuai Alcohol 16% Alcohol Sake Degree -3 Nihonshudo Acidity 1.3 Amino Acid 0.9 Has a bit of an alcohol burn as it goes down your throat. Has a bit of an alcohol burn as it goes down your throat. Exquisite taste.
Ryozeki両関 亀の尾 純米吟醸Rz55 Ryozeki Kaneno-o Junmai Ginjo Rz-55純米吟醸生詰酒
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小樽 酒商たかの
両関 亀の尾 純米吟醸Rz55 Ryozeki Kaneno-o Junmai Ginjo Rz-55 Mildly sweet, melody or ripe banana flavored. Soft mouthfeel lets the flavor linger. An excellent partner for sashimi (maguro, shake, Hotate). Even goes well with hula girl tomatoes🍅 and 巨峰 葡萄🍇 Very versatile!
Tamagawa玉川 純米吟醸 福袋 無濾過生原酒Tamagawa Junmai Ginjo Fukubukuro Muroka Namagenshu純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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小樽 酒商たかの
玉川 純米吟醸 福袋 無濾過生原酒 Tamagawa Junmai Ginjo Fukubukuro Muroka Namagenshu Wow a beautiful Junmai, rich and flavorful Sake. When the initial sweetness fades The aftertaste lingers a bit with a smooth mild bitterness. Let this warm up to 20°C for its character to come out. It holds up against today’s challengers: 蒲焼鰻 kabayaki unagi and きゅうり梅しそ鰹節 Ume Shiso Katsuobushi cucumber slices. Make sure you have some Sansho with your unagi
Wagauji火先 純米大吟醸 にごり Hosaki Junmai Daiginjo Nigori純米大吟醸
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小樽 酒商たかの
吾有事 火先 純米大吟醸 にごり Wagauji Hosaki Junmai Daiginjo Nigori Okay, definitely heed the warning on the label about the cap flying off. It happened to me and I wasn’t even trying to open the bottle yet. Despite the cap flying across the room, in the choko this Wagauji is not so effervescent. The flavor is slightly sour and bitter, but refined. Definitely a distinguished handsome Daiginjo Sake, if that makes any sense?
As usual, we are enjoying Sake with sashimi, but I think we should save half of the bottle and drink
It with unagi later in the week.
Hi! We’re back! Wow today was hot, even up here in Hokkaido, so we picked up a 3種類、うなぎ蒲焼寿司セット…
(Which was, meh, not so tasty) and some 白焼 (which was good). As expected Wagauji was great w/ unagi
(Which was, meh, not so tasty) and some 白焼 (which was good). As expected 吾有事 was great w/ unagi
jozan飛 純米吟醸辛口 Tobi Junmai Ginjo Karakuchi純米吟醸
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小樽 酒商たかの
常山 飛 純米吟醸辛口 Jōzan Tobi Junmai Ginjo Karakuchi 原料米: 五百万石 100% 福井県産 Rice: 100% Gohyakumangoku from Fukui Pref. 精米歩合 麹米50% 掛米60% Rice polishing ratio: Kōji rice 50% Kake Rice 60% アルコール:16% Alcohol: 16% A good, classic style dry Sake with just a touch of fruitiness. Let it come up to room temperature to bring out more umami and bitterness.
Kamoshibitokuheiji協田 純米大吟醸 Kyoden Junmai Daiginjo純米大吟醸
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小樽 酒商たかの
醸し人九平次 協田 純米大吟醸 Kamoshibito Kuheiji Kyoden Junmai Daiginjo First sip was Kind of 甘辛い AMA-Karai with a tangy bitter finish. The nose/fragrance is a little alcohol-heavy but also has a distinct Koji-kin scent. The Omachi has rice has a rich, full flavor & body. Delicious! We could drink this anytime! I guess you could say that we are クレージー for 九平次 ha ha ha 親父ギャグ❗️🙏ごめん❗️
Surprisingly, this goes well with dark chocolate too!
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小樽 酒商たかの
Wow! Delicious! Tangy almost yogurt flavored with a strong alcohol finish. A good sturdy flavorful Sake that holds up against Yakitori (甘いタレ). Not much information on the label, even though the Seimaibuai is 50%, it’s not listed as a Daiginjo. It has the richness of a Junmai, but… apparently it is not. Made from 100% Ginpu rice 精米歩合 50% Seimaibuai アルコール 14% Alcohol
Pairing with sashimi really brings back the tanginess flavor
Pairing with sashimi really brings back the tanginess flavor
TatenokawaSHIELD 亀の尾 Kanebo-i純米大吟醸
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小樽 酒商たかの
楯乃川SHIELD 亀の尾 Tatenokawa Shield Kameno-o 純米大吟醸 Junmai Daiginjo Made from 100% Kameno-o rice from Yamagata Prefecture. 精米歩合 50% Seimaibuai アルコール 15% Alcohol Rich flavorful Daiginjo with nicely balanced sweetness and a little tangy bitterness in the aftertaste. Pairs well with (supermarket) sushi and sashimi but I think this would be a good Sake to drink just on its own.
KamoshibitokuheijiSAUVAGE Junmai Daiginjo純米大吟醸
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小樽 酒商たかの
醸し人九平次 SAUVAGE 純米大吟醸 Kamoshibito Kuheiji SAUVAGE Junmai Daiginjo Rather tangy, but with a good amount of sweetness. Be careful if you are sipping this sommelier style, you will feel a little bit of alcohol burn on the back of your throat. For a Daiginjo, this is rich and full flavored For a Kuheiji, this is a little dry, well-balanced We love 💕 Kuheiji and buy it every chance we get.
宮寒梅Miyakanbai Junmai Daiginjo純米大吟醸
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小樽 酒商たかの
Miyakanbai Junmai Daiginjo Seimaibuai 40% Alcohol 15% Lots of umami and tanginess in the first cup.. Distinct rice and Koji flavor. Tanginess lessens as you drink and eat. Very tasty! Delicious! The flavor lingers in your mouth, Take your time and enjoy drinking this.