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Tamagawa玉川 純米吟醸 福袋 無濾過生原酒Tamagawa Junmai Ginjo Fukubukuro Muroka Namagenshu純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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小樽 酒商たかの
玉川 純米吟醸 福袋 無濾過生原酒 Tamagawa Junmai Ginjo Fukubukuro Muroka Namagenshu Wow a beautiful Junmai, rich and flavorful Sake. When the initial sweetness fades The aftertaste lingers a bit with a smooth mild bitterness. Let this warm up to 20°C for its character to come out. It holds up against today’s challengers: 蒲焼鰻 kabayaki unagi and きゅうり梅しそ鰹節 Ume Shiso Katsuobushi cucumber slices. Make sure you have some Sansho with your unagi