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jozan飛 純米吟醸辛口 Tobi Junmai Ginjo Karakuchi純米吟醸
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小樽 酒商たかの
常山 飛 純米吟醸辛口 Jōzan Tobi Junmai Ginjo Karakuchi 原料米: 五百万石 100% 福井県産 Rice: 100% Gohyakumangoku from Fukui Pref. 精米歩合 麹米50% 掛米60% Rice polishing ratio: Kōji rice 50% Kake Rice 60% アルコール:16% Alcohol: 16% A good, classic style dry Sake with just a touch of fruitiness. Let it come up to room temperature to bring out more umami and bitterness.