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エキニシスタンド アメニモマケズ

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Taketsuru純米清酒 秘傳 2017醸造純米古酒
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Drinking out series After a quick visit to Tsuneyama, we moved on to aged sake. I believe that the ultimate sake is one that can be sipped slowly at room temperature, and this is just that. The matured flavor derived from the acidity is very pleasant. I guess it depends on the person who drinks it, but I like this kind of sake. I get excited when I see colored sake. Of course it's good heated, but it's best to drink it cold and hassle-free. I know it's not a trend, but I would like to meet such sake.
jozan純米辛口 超純米
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Drinking out series Good acidity. It is easy to drink because it disappears quickly, although I think it is strong at the moment. It has a nice sharpness, so you can drink it in small sips and it will run out quickly. If you want to drink it with side dishes, it would be better with something salty than sour. I think it is a good sake to start with because you can taste the sake flavor, but it is not heavy.
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Outside drinking series(2022) Purchased at Fukko (Hiroshima City) This nigori sake was recommended to me as a toast to an acquaintance's birthday. I brought the purchased bottle and drank it together. The lactic acid taste and the sake taste are well felt. It tastes sweet and sour and thick. To put it plainly, it is like a thickened calpis sour. I can feel a peculiar peculiarity, but I don't think it lingers. The carbonation makes it easy to drink. I think it did its job well as a toast.
Okuharima純米吟醸 芳醇辛口純米吟醸
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Outside drinking series(2022) I counted more than 200 drinks in a year, and there are many that I have not listed yet, so I would like to update and add them to the collection little by little. The taste impressions are based on my notes at the time of drinking. It is a strong tasting wine with a strong acidity. It has a sharp and clean aftertaste. It was dark but sharp, so it was drinkable.
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Drinking out series The moment you put it in your mouth, you think it tastes sweet and sour, but it disappears too quickly and you're gone before you feel it. But it disappears so quickly that it's gone before you can feel it. It tastes like a white wine, not like sake. It tastes just like you would expect from Sentori. The atmosphere is light, but the taste is strong. But it is easy to drink because of its short aftertaste. I would like to drink it well chilled.
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エキニシスタンド アメニモマケズ
Drinking out series Fruity, sweet and sour. It's like pineapple or something like that. It doesn't feel like sake at all. It is not too sweet and easy to drink, but if you drink it too much, you might get a bit of a headache. It would be nice if this kind of sake-like sake could be a gateway for people to enter the world of Japanese sake.
Kidoizumi純米 秋あがり純米
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Drinking out series The acidity is pleasant anyway. The first sip reminds you of the solid taste of the royal road, but the taste is sharp and easy to drink. It has a nice balance of acidity, sweetness, and umami. The balance of acidity, sweetness, and umami is good. I would recommend this wine to people who like the trendy light type. I can recommend it to those who like the trendy light type of sake because it is easy to drink. It is a delicious sake.