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The standing aroma is a hint of soft acidity. In the mouth, it is juicy and has a mild bitterness along with the acidity. The taste is typical of spring 🌸. Serve with stir-fried prawns with yamnyeom. The spicy shrimp flavor brings out the fragrance, sweetness, and umami of this sake, making it even more delicious 😄It's not a bad match with Korean food either 😚. Rice used: 100% Akita Sake Komachi Polishing ratio] 55 Alcohol content】15度 Yeast] AB-2 Prawns stir-fried with yamnyeom Price including tax】1,705 yen
Good morning, Komacchan! Chokaizan‼️ had a green label a while ago and it was really good, so I'd like to have some 🌸 here too 🥹.
Good evening, Jay and Nobby. This flower label was easy to drink and tasty too.
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Whew, it was snowing ☃️ again today, so I opened it 😅. Let's get started. The aroma is fresh, like white grapes. In the mouth, it is fresh and reminds of muscat, with a hint of sweetness and sourness, and a pleasant bitterness at the end. Easy to drink 😄. Serve it with a plate of yam. Morioka is a good place for yam because it is cheap and can be used in powdered products 😉. The combination makes this sake more crisp and more suited for a meal than drinking alone, and it has a sweet aftertaste. I think it runs out fast too 😅. Sake rice type: 100% Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 55%. Alcohol content] 15 degrees Celsius Yeast] 1401 yeast [Firing] 1 time Yamato Teppan (Japanese yam) [Price including tax] 1,980 yen
Yamagata Masamune直汲み純米吟醸生酒袋吊り
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I wondered which one would go well with grilled pork fillet with miso 🤔I chose this one which seems to match both tastes 👍. I thought 🤔I chose this one that seems to match the flavor of both👍. Then, let's try it. The aroma is fresh, with a hint of sweetness and sourness, and a touch of soda. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a slight gas and smooth texture with a hint of sweetness, followed by sourness and umami. There is also some koji taste. Serve with grilled pork fillet with miso. The koji taste becomes stronger, the umami is more concentrated, and the aftertaste is crisp. It has a smooth and clean mouthfeel with the umami of Omachi. Delicious 😋. It was good last year, but whether it was the rice, the climate, or the location, it tasted better in Morioka 🤗. Domestic rice: 100% Omachi from Okayama Prefecture Polishing ratio] 55%. Alcohol content】16度 Pork fillet grilled with miso Price including tax】2,090 yen
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It's kind of cold 🥶, so I thought about sake that can be heated up and this is what I came up with 💁. Today we will compare cold and hot sake 😁. Let's start with the cold sake. The nose has a hint of koji, sweetness, and a little bit of ear of rice. In the mouth, it is fresh, with an initial acidity, followed by the sweetness of the rice, and finally a bitter, crisp finish. Next, I would like to try it with hot sake. The aroma of grains becomes stronger. The mouthfeel is mellow and the acidity increases, and the taste is mellow at the end. I think I prefer it heated up today. ☺️ I tried it for the first time with pickled squid with sakekasu (sake lees), and the overall flavor of the squid, which is gentle and not too salty, and the soft taste of sakekasu goes well with this sake. Koji rice: Gohyakumangoku Kake rice: Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio] 60 Alcohol content】15度 Pickles】Pickled squid with sake lees Price including tax】1,500 yen
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Oh, I bought the same thing when I looked at my history of past sakéwas😅. I guess we are all attracted to the same things 😆. Let's start with the first saké. The aroma is fresh, with a hint of sweetness and acidity, and a hint of koji. When you put it in your mouth, you can taste the bitterness in the sweetness. The bitterness and acidity are stronger than the last time I drank it. Is it because of my physical condition, the season, or the fact that I drank it in Morioka this time 🤔. Chicken chicken sasami with shiso cheese yakiin ume plum. The chicken was a bit dry, but the saltiness of the cheese and the sourness of the ume plum were nice and salty, bringing out the flavor of this sake and a good amount of acidity while easing the bitterness. I think they go well together 😁. Rice: 100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio: 55%. Alcohol content】16度 Sake meter] -2 Acidity】1.3 Pickles] Shiso cheese-roasted chicken breast with ume plum paste. Price including tax] 2,200 yen
Hi Komacchan 😃 I know that even if you drink the same drink, you feel different from the last time 🤔It's the food and physical condition to match, but it's also the place 😆But it's the same delicious 🤗.
Jay & Nobby, good drinks are always good no matter where you drink them 😄.
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What would be good to pair with fried chicken? I thought 🤔choose this 🤔👍 I didn't realize that this sake I happened to find at the liquor store was from the rice and agave craft series😅. Let's start with the sake. The aroma is lychee. On the palate, it has a gassy taste and tastes like a mixture of lychee sweetness and grapefruit bitterness. Easy to drink 🫢 also tastes like a fruity craft beer 🍺. With fried food. The sweetness and bitterness in this drink is a good balance when paired with fried food. But it's easy to drink 😁. Next, with grilled asparagus with mayo. This is also good ❗️ It might go well with snacks that go well with beer. Item】Other brewed sake Ingredients] Rice, rice malt, hops Rice made from 100% Akita-grown rice. Polishing ratio] 90 Alcohol content】14度 Snacks] Fried bean curd Price including tax】 2,310 yen
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It has also been opened😅The color is more yellowish than expected. The standing aroma is fresh, but also slightly sweet and fermented. In the mouth, there is first sweetness in the freshness, followed by sourness and bitterness, which is typical of sake. Overall, it is well-balanced and clean. It is easy to drink. I had it with a yam griddle with chopped natto and a little bit of cheese. The richness of the sauce and the tangy accent of the mustard further mellowed the sake and increased its flavor. It's 👍😄. Rice] Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio] 55 Alcohol content】16度 【Tsnacks】Yamamo iron plate with chopped natto + a little bit of cheese 🧀. Price including tax】1,854 yen
Good morning, Komacchan 😃. You went quite a bit this weekend 🤗Great review of both the drinks and the snacks, makes me want to drink this combination 😋.
Jay & Nobby I know, right? I drank too much over the weekend 😅I need to take care of myself if I want to drink for a long time 😄.
Yamagata Masamune稲造 ナマ純米吟醸
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Today I was able to buy a small kichiji so I paired it with this sake👍. Let's start with the first saké. The nose has a pleasant acidity and a slight alcohol taste. The mouth has a good acidity, sweetness, and umami. It is well-balanced, cool, and easy to drink. The aftertaste is a little bitter and refreshing. Serve with salted grilled kichiji fish (🐟). It is small and not so fatty, but the sweetness and umami of this sake increases the sweetness and deliciousness. ❗️😋 It can be served as a food sake or on its own 😉. Rice: 100% Yamagata rice. Polishing ratio] 60 Alcohol content】15度 Pickles] Grilled Yoshitsugu with salt Price including tax】1,980 yen
Hello, Komacchan 😃. Kichiji? I googled it! If I can get my hands on this, I'll have to drink it 🤗This is a great snack 😋.
Jay & Nobby Good evening... Yes 😉 When I get a few good snacks, my drinking switch gets flipped and I end up drinking 😆.
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When the sake glass is placed on its side, it looks like a bottle of white wine. But I digress, let's get right to it. At first, the standing aroma had a ginjo aroma behind the alcoholiness, but gradually freshness and acidity started to emerge and a freshness was felt. In the mouth, there is a light sweetness, followed by a slight bitterness and acidity, resulting in a refreshing aftertaste. There is also a nuance of white wine 😄. Vegetable kakiage and maitake mushroom tempura with salt. The lemon 🍋 on top of that gives it a refreshing taste combined with the freshness of this sake. Great match 👍😋. Rice: 100% Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio] 55 Alcohol content】15度 Vegetable kakiage and maitake mushroom tempura Price including tax】1,705 yen
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The aroma is mild and not very strong. In the mouth, it is fresh and sweet, followed by umami. There is a hint of bitterness at the end. Unlike the dry and crisp image of Kenkunichi, it is more of a sweet and umami type. It is easy to drink and delicious. It is served with octopus and asagi dressed with vinegared miso. The elasticity of the octopus, the crunchy texture of the asagi, and the sweet miso with vinegar harmonize with the sweetness and umami of this sake, making it smooth to drink. It goes well together. ☺️ I also had tempura of asagi root, and its bitterness, which reminds me of spring, went very well with this sake 😁. Rice: 100% Sasanishiki grown in Miyagi Prefecture. Polishing ratio] 50%. Alcohol content】16度 Octopus and leek with vinegared miso Price including tax】1,870 yen
Good morning, Komacchan 😃 I have an image that "kenkunichi" is written on the Dawn label, but this one is different 🤔 so it tastes sweet and tasty too? Asagi and octopus with vinegared miso sounds delicious, but bittersweet root tempura! A good snack!
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😁 I had the same image, but by sticking to local and using a different yeast than usual, I may have changed the name and font to be softer to match the taste 🧐.
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I knew the name of this sake but I had never tried it before. This time I bought the Ecru 2019, Ikizakizake Junmai. In a word, it's sweet! . I was struck by the sweetness that I couldn't imagine from the clean scent. I wonder if this is more for young women. But I don't have any snacks and I'm drinking it like juice. LOL! There's still a lot more to drink that I don't like, so I'm in trouble. I've got one foot in the world...
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Kaze no Mori (Yamadanishiki 80), which I bought at Kibune, The gasp and the refreshing sensation that goes through your nose the moment you take a sip is amazing. I've been awakened to sake since I came to Tohoku, and now I have more sake to drink after returning to Kansai.