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What shall I drink 🤔I chose this one today👍 The first aroma reminds me of sweet peaches. When you put it in your mouth, it is juicy and has a sweet flavor, but due to the slight bitterness in the aftertaste, it is more refreshing than you might imagine. Now, let's try it with cheese, natto, and kimchi omelette. Well, maybe it is because of the strong punch of natto, but is it a good match? I guess. On the contrary, it goes well with the tomatoes 😄It's like fruit tomatoes. Maybe the acidity is good. Rice: 100% Rikuwada rice Rice polishing ratio: 55%. Alcohol content】16度 Cheese, natto, kimchi omelette Price including tax】1,760 yen
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I was able to buy some fine clams, so this time I chose this sake👍. Now, let's get started 🍶The standing aroma is sweet with a hint of rice ear and sourness. In the mouth, you can feel the acidity, smooth and crisp sweetness, and the fullness of flavor that is typical of Omachi. Serve with steamed clams with sake. The resilient texture and the refined flavor and sweetness of the shellfish make the sake itself taste mellow and enhances the flavor of the clams. Delicious ❗️😋 Rice: 100% Akaban Omachi from Okayama Prefecture. Polishing ratio: 47%. Alcohol content】16度 Sake meter] -4 Acidity】1.6 Piping] Steamed clams with sake Price including tax] 2,199 yen
Good evening, Komacchan 😃. Really magnificent clams😍You did a great job choosing the sake 🍶 that would go well with the entree 🤗It looks delicious just by imagining it 🤤.
Jay & Nobby I was lucky enough to happen to find it on sale cheap at the fish store I always go to😄It went well with this drink 🍶.
KankobaiPlus 辛口純米吟醸
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I wanted something refreshing to drink today, so I chose this one👍. The nose is sweet and honey-like, with a refreshing acidity and a slight ear of rice. When you put it in your mouth, you first feel a slight sweetness with a fruitiness, followed by a sourness that gives it a refreshing aftertaste. The last taste is slightly bitter. This sake is perfect for the end of summer, when the lingering summer heat is still lingering 😄. Served with grilled and soaked eggplant 🍆 and green bell pepper 🫑. The sweetness and bitterness of the peppers and the bonito broth combine with the sweetness and acidity of this sake to leave a bitterness at the end, which gives a refreshing taste in the mouth. Great combination 👍I think it's a great value for the money at this price 😍. Raw materials: 100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio] 60 Alcohol content】15度 Pickles] Grilled and soaked eggplant and green pepper Price including tax】1,540 yen
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Today I went to Kakunodate in Akita. It was a nice place to visit, with the samurai residences still standing and the atmosphere of the townscape still very much alive😄But it was hot☀️💦and to be honest, the humidity was so high that I thought I might suffer heat stroke🥵. I thought I might get heat stroke 🥵. Let's get started. The nose has a hint of alcohol, ears of rice, and sourness. In the mouth, there is a citrusy acidity and bitterness like summer tangerine, and the taste is refreshing, just like summer sake. ❗️ Serve with a salad with Shotsuru dressing. Sour tomatoes, fresh myoga, fresh cucumbers, and Shotsutsuru dressing bring out the subtle sweetness and flavor of this sake and make it smooth to drink. They go well together 😄 Delicious 😋. Rice polishing ratio] 60 Alcohol content】15度 Salad with Shotsuru dressing Price including tax】1,793 yen
Good evening, Komacchan. I see you went to Kakunodate 🎵. I reacted that I went there on my honeymoon 😊. I love Mie sake, but I've never had it here, so I'm curious ✨.
ma-ki-san Good evening, I think the streets of the samurai residences are being taken care of a little bit, but I think you can feel the four seasons even more when you see the cherry blossoms in spring or the autumn leaves in fall. Also, the sake here is very refreshing and goes well with the Akita Shotsuru.
Nice to meet you, Komachan😊. I visited Kakunodate in the winter before and the contrast with the snowy landscape was wonderful❄️ summer is also very elegant with the greenery 🌿The summer sake from Tianyurin looks delicious and perfect for a hot day 😋✨.
Good morning, Kotaro-san. The streets of Kakunodate remind me of the Japanese spring, summer, fall, and winter seasons, don't they? It was hot yesterday, so the summer sake from Tianyurin was perfect 😄.
Hi Komacchan 🐦. You've been to some great places 👍✨I've been wanting to go there but haven't been to Tohoku yet😂. Have fun while soaking up the memories 😊🎶.
Pon-chan, I was also transferred to Morioka, so I have been able to visit many places. Tohoku is a nice place with beautiful rivers and green landscapes that remind me of the original landscape of Japan 😄If you have a chance to visit, I highly recommend 👍❗️
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From PrinceMichael3's comment 📝 I thought fried food would be good too 🤔 and tried it with fried horse mackerel and cod 🐟👍 So let's get started. The nose has a sweet and sour aroma with a hint of ear of rice. In the mouth, there is a hint of alcohol and the sweetness and acidity of Omachi-like rice. Above all, it has a lingering soft umami taste. ☺️ Next, fried horse mackerel and cod 🐟 with tartar and lemon 🍋. I think the fried cod is a little too light and the taste is lost in the impact of this sake. On the other hand, the fried horse mackerel has just the right amount of flavor unique to blue fish. The horse mackerel is the winner. ❗️😋 If anything, the more acidic or more umami taste would be a better match than the bland ones🙆. Rice polishing ratio: 70%. Alcohol content】16.5度 Fried horse mackerel and cod with lemon 🍋. Price including tax】1,430yen
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I wondered which one would go well with braised beef 🐂 and chose this one 🤔👍. Let's start with this one. The aroma is a little sour, like yogurt. In the mouth, there is a slight gassy feeling, a little bit sweet and honey-like, and a refreshing sourness and bitterness. Serve with beef and radish stew. The sweetness of the beef's rich fatty meat enhances the flavor of this sake and makes the overall taste stronger. This is not so bad 😄. Rice] Ishikawamon Polishing ratio] Koji rice 50%, Kake rice 60 Alcohol content】13度 Beef and radish stew Price including tax】1,980 yen
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I wondered 🤔 what would be good to pair with the broiled eel sent from the wife's parents' house, and chose this one, which I also bought to support reconstruction efforts: 💁‍♂️ Let's take a look at it. The color is a little yellowish. The aroma has a strong alcohol taste, acidity, and a hint of rice ear. In the mouth, it has a crisp mouthfeel with a sense of ear of rice, acidity, bitterness, and astringency. After that, the sweetness and umami of the rice spreads. Serve with broiled eel. The sweetness of the sauce and the tender fatty flavor of the eel bring out the richness of this sake and the umami of the rice, making it even more delicious. Happiness This time, I compared a wine glass for sake and a wooden Soba-no-Inokuchi and found that the Soba-no-Inokuchi was a better match. ❗️I think it is a sake that tastes totally different depending on the sake container. ‼️ is very deep 😄. Rice】Ishikawamon 100% from Okunoto Polishing ratio] 65 Alcohol content】18度 [Snacks] Kabayaki eel Price including tax】1,705 yen
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I got the hairy crab I've always wanted at the fish shop I always go to😁It's small this season as it's a seasonal word for summer, but the meat is packed and delicious 🤤I enjoyed it 😋I paired it with some sake this time 💁. The color is yellowish. The standing aroma is I think it has a light alcohol and rice ear feeling. I can also taste a hint of rice sweetness. In the mouth, it is dry and refreshing with acidity. As you drink it, you can taste the moderate sweetness and umami of the rice. Perfect for hot summer 😁. Now, let's have it with hairy crab 🦀. The crab's deliciousness and the light, tender meat of the crab, when combined with this sake, enhances the taste of both and makes me feel something like summer 🎐As I was eating, I encountered crab miso 🚀 which was also great 😙‼️ blissful time 😙. Rice] 100% Sasasigure produced in Miyagi Prefecture [Polishing ratio] 50% [Alcohol content] 16%. Alcohol content】16度 Snacks】Kegani (hairy crab) Price including tax】1,870 yen
大嶺3粒 夏のおとずれ原酒
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I chose this one tonight because I wanted to feel the sweet and savory taste with the advent of summer👍. The aroma is refreshingly sour with a little bit of alcohol. When you put it in your mouth, it is juicy and has a good sweetness, grapefruit-like acidity and a hint of bitterness, perfect for this summer heat 😁. Compared to before, the impression of the flavor seems to have changed a bit. I think it is less sweet and more refreshing this time. Now, let's try it with yakisoba. I think the flavor of minced pork enhances the sweetness of this sake and makes it a little sweeter. Easy to drink and delicious 😋. Rice: 100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content: 13%. Snacks] Yakitori Price including tax】2,420 yen
Hi Komacchan 😃 I know I'm late getting this up 😓 but we had the same one last night 🤗It was our first time drinking it and as you said, it was a refreshing and easy one to enjoy 😋.
Jay & Nobby, it was delicious and the perfect summer drink 😁.
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I attended a book reading 📚 today. Picked it up and had a drink with the wife: ☺️ The standing aroma is alcoholic and citrusy with a hint of grapefruit. In the mouth, there is an alcohol taste at first, followed by a pleasant slight sweetness and a grapefruit-like bitterness. Now, let's try it with sausage. The juicy flavor of pork and the smoky aroma of smoked pork bring out the flavor and sweetness of this sake even more, and the bitterness is softened, making it easier to drink. It is much tastier than I had imagined ❗️. Rice polishing ratio] 60 Alcohol content】15度 [Snacks] Sausage🌭. [Price including tax] 1,650 yen
Good morning, Komacchan 😃! The two of you are having a drink with your 📚reading📖 thoughts as a snack! You are a chalet couple 😄Yes! We are more sausages than books 😆.
Jay & Nobby, the book club is fun with all kinds of people participating ☺️, but I guess we are more of a sausage group too (lol).
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Well, I got some urgent work yesterday and this heat 🥵 got to me😅. I chose this one to change my mood👍 The color is a little cloudy. The aroma is faintly grape? Muscat? The aroma is sweet and refreshing. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel the acidity and moderate sweetness reminiscent of grapes, and the bitterness will give you a refreshing aftertaste. Perfect for hot summer 🎇👍. I immediately went with the yam wrapped with pork belly. The sweet and spicy sauce, the fatty pork, the crispy, crunchy, and sticky texture of the yam, and the sake combine to give it a delicious flavor and a slightly crisp taste 👌Great as a food sake 👌 From the beginning to the end of the drink, I finished it more refreshingly than I expected. ☺️ Rice polishing ratio] 65 Alcohol content】11.5%. Pork belly wrapped with yam Price including tax】1,705 yen
Kaze no MoriALPHA TYPE1 夏の空 無加水純米生酒無濾過
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I paired it with a sausage from Iwate Prefecture that I bought at a roadside station😄. The nose is citrus-like with a hint of sourness. The palate is juicy and refreshing with hints of melon and lychee. Then, let's try it with sausages. The meatiness and juices spread in the mouth, and the combination with this sake makes the flavor and sweetness mellow and makes me happy 😋No, it's delicious 🤤It will be gone in no time 😅. Rice] 100% Akitsuho rice from Nara Prefecture Rice polishing ratio] 70%. Alcohol content] 11 [Snacks] Sausage 🌭 [Tax included Price including tax】1,430 yen
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I chose to go light today👍. The aroma is a little alcoholic. In the mouth, there are acidity and bitterness reminiscent of grapefruit, and a refreshing sweetness and umami. I immediately tried it with pizza. The richness of the cheese and sauce inspired the flavor to become richer and juicier. It's a good match 😊. Rice polishing ratio] 70%. Alcohol content】13%. Snacks] Pizza 🍕. Price including tax】1,452 yen
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Oh no. The week is over - 😮‍💨 let's drink sake😄 Well, let's get started 💁The standing aroma is slightly alcoholic and has a slight rice ear aroma. In the mouth it is juicy and sweet like melon🍈 and at the end you can taste the umami and freshness with bitterness. With Nametakarei flounder. The elegant flavor of the flounder and the sweet sauce brings out the sweet and umami taste of this sake, and you can't help but say "ahhh". The slight bitterness is also a nice accent 😋. Rice: 100% Omachi Polishing ratio] 50%. Alcohol content】15度 Yeast] No.14 yeast Pickles】Nameta Flounder boiled in soy sauce Price including tax】1,925 yen
Hi Komacchan 😃. Thanks for your work! I can't stand a drink on the weekend 🤗If it's with Morishima, you can't go wrong👍We have a lot going on this week and I won't have a drop💧 this week until Sunday 🥲 hurry up and get to tomorrow 😆.
Jay & Nobby That's what I'm talking about, and the sake you've been waiting for is a treat 😄🍶Savor it 😍.
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I asked the owner what kind of sake goes well with seafood, and he recommended this one 💁. Let's take a look. The nose has a hint of acidity and alcohol, with a grain-like aroma at the back. In the mouth, there is a hint of rice sweetness and acidity with a crisp finish along with umami. Serve with squid sashimi. The texture is sticky while being firm, and the sweet flavor enhances the sweetness and umami of this sake 😋😋. Rice】100% Ginotome produced in Iwate Prefecture Yuko no Soui (Yeast) Polishing ratio] 65 Alcohol content】16度 Pairing] Sashimi of squid Price including tax】1,633 yen
Hi Komachan 😃 I'm sure the liquor store will recommend it! Colliery and sticky ‼️ sounds delicious 😋 I've never had it, but it looks absolutely delicious 😚.
ジェイ&ノビィさん ここの酒屋さんは日本酒愛が強いので見に行くと色々と教えてくれるから楽しいです😄
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Today's choice 🤔 here 🤔 as it is the end of GW and I thought of pairing it with pork shabu shabu 👍. The color is cloudy. The nose has a refreshing acidity and a hint of koji malt. In the mouth, it has a soft rice sweetness, a clean aftertaste, and a full mouthfeel with a unique bitterness. Serve with pork shabu-shabu. The richness of the sesame sauce and the sweetness and umami of the pork are in good balance with this sake and do not interfere with each other, making it a delicious drink. Rice】100% Akaban Omachi from Okayama Prefecture Polishing ratio] 70%. Alcohol content】16:00 Pork shabu-shabu Price including tax】1,870 yen
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The blowout when opening the bottle was terrible 😅The store told me to be careful, but I didn't realize it was this bad 💦. Let's start with the first sip. The nose has a faint aroma of a combination of calpis and koji malt. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the gasiness as well as the hints of incense, and the taste is clean and refreshing. After that, there is a slight sweetness. Serve with beef millefeuille cutlet. The fat and umami of the beef brings out the depth, umami, and richness of this sake, as well as the full flavor of Omachi and the sweetness of the rice. Delicious! Rice: 100% Omachi Rice polishing ratio] 55 Alcohol content】14度 Beef millefeuille cutlet Price including tax】 2,167 yen
Good evening, Komacchan-san ^_^ I drank this sake myself ✌️ When the bottle was opened, it was very healthy 🍶. I had a hard time getting it to settle down 😁. It didn't go well with sashimi, but it goes well with fried food and strong flavored dishes👍.
Manta-san Yes, that's right. It was very difficult to open the bottle 💦 Actually, I read Manta's comment and used it as a reference for the pairing 😆 It went perfectly👍😊.
Komacchan. Oh, I see ✨ I'm glad I could help: ✌️
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Today I stopped by Kibune-san on my way back from pedaling my bicycle🚲 to go to Yamada Denki, which is a bit far away. I asked him what kind of sake goes well with fish at night, and he recommended this one. My thighs are so sore, so I quickly open a bottle to distract myself (lol). The aroma is slightly like sake. The sweetness, umami, and richness of the rice spread in the mouth. The flavor is richer than expected. It is like eating rice. Served with grilled mackerel. It is really a good sake for a meal with the mackerel's delicious flavor. Rice polishing ratio] 60 Alcohol content】16度 Grilled mackerel with salt Price including tax】1,705 yen
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I paired it with the Oirase Garlic Pork Pork Cutlet and its friends that I bought in Towada 🍶. The nose has a grain-like aroma with a hint of sourness. In the mouth, there is a hint of fruit and gas, as well as freshness, and after the umami, the aftertaste is refreshing with light acidity. With pork cutlet and its friends. The moment you eat it, the sweetness of the pork🐖 fat spreads in your mouth with a juicy yet light taste. Delicious 😋It also goes well with its friends 😊If it were sauce and ponzu, I would have to go with the ponzu. ☺️ Rice: 100% Hitanishiki Polishing ratio] 55 Alcohol content】15度 Ponzu is a Japanese traditional sake made from rice polished to a high standard and served with a variety of drinks. Price including tax】1,760 yen
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Whoa, I found a sake isshuji I liked when I lived in Okayama😊I bought it without thinking👍It goes well with fish from the Seto Inland Sea 👍I wonder how it would go with sashimi from ☺️ Iwate 😁 looking forward to it 😋. Let's get right to it. The aroma is of rice sweetness with a good amount of graininess (omachi). In the mouth, the sweetness of the rice comes first, followed by a unique sourness, and then a full umami, followed by a refreshing finish. Is it because of the climate or is it more elegant than when I drank it in Okayama? Is it my imagination? With sashimi. I knew it would go great with sashimi. ❤️ It brings out the flavor of the fish while also having a hint of sweetness and a smooth finish. It's really good 😍. Rice】Akaban Omachi Alcohol content】16.5%. Piping] Sashimi Price including tax】1,155 yen
Hi Komacchan 😃 Awesome sashimi from Iwate to go with the sake one from Okayama ‼️😍It's great to see the fusion of Okayama and Iwate 🤗But this sashimi looks delicious 😋!
Jay & Nobby I tried to match the sashimi festival 🎇 held at our house once a month 😁 and the sake one was delicious😇.
Hi Komama 🐦🐦. The sashimi is so gorgeous 😳💕They are so gorgeous 😻The variety and freshness of the sashimi is amazing, but each slice is so thick 😆👍.
Bonchan When I want to eat sashimi, I ask for it at a fish shop in my neighborhood. I've been going there a lot lately and they give me a little service. ☺️ very conscientious shop👍