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I got the hairy crab I've always wanted at the fish shop I always go to😁It's small this season as it's a seasonal word for summer, but the meat is packed and delicious 🤤I enjoyed it 😋I paired it with some sake this time 💁. The color is yellowish. The standing aroma is I think it has a light alcohol and rice ear feeling. I can also taste a hint of rice sweetness. In the mouth, it is dry and refreshing with acidity. As you drink it, you can taste the moderate sweetness and umami of the rice. Perfect for hot summer 😁. Now, let's have it with hairy crab 🦀. The crab's deliciousness and the light, tender meat of the crab, when combined with this sake, enhances the taste of both and makes me feel something like summer 🎐As I was eating, I encountered crab miso 🚀 which was also great 😙‼️ blissful time 😙. Rice] 100% Sasasigure produced in Miyagi Prefecture [Polishing ratio] 50% [Alcohol content] 16%. Alcohol content】16度 Snacks】Kegani (hairy crab) Price including tax】1,870 yen