SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
2021年からアプリ参加。同級生の酒蔵の息子オススメの酒飲んでから日本酒好きに 都内在住の会社員、土日に都内・近隣県をウオーキングしながら酒屋さんを巡り、たまに旅行先の酒屋さんで銘酒を見つけるのが専らの楽しみ アンチ転売ヤーのため特約店の酒屋さんでのみ購入、酒屋さんとのコネ無しのため、どこまで個人でレア酒買えるかチャレンジ中 家飲み85%、角打ち10%、外飲み5%の頻度で嗜んでいます

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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(2) Corner bar at my favorite liquor store on the eve of the typhoon (2) The second bottle was the last joint brew before the NEXT5 went on hiatus in 2010. NEXT FIVE THE FINAL 2024 This time, the main brewing design is by Shinmasa, the raw material rice is Yamamoto's Misato Nishiki, the koji molding is by Yuki no Bijin, the nama moto brewing is by Haruka, and the brewing is by Isshaku Suisei. The taste was still a little hard, but it had a light, bubbly mouthfeel with a pleasant muscat-like sweetness and acidity.
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After work, I had a long-awaited drink at a corner bar of my favorite liquor store! Yonotori Mist I thought I would never be able to buy it as an individual with no connections, but I was able to get it at a corner shop of my favorite liquor store! I loved the Yonotori O O Spark O Nigori, a favorite that never goes out of style! I asked for another glass, but was told that each customer is limited to one glass..., I would like to drink it again! Alcohol content: 12%.
SaraSara the starry night Altair
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Opening of Sara the starry night Altair, a limited time sake from Sairai You can enjoy the fizzy and bubbly sensation when you take a sip! The red ribbon on the bottle is reminiscent of a red ribbon, and the berry sweetness, sourness, and refreshing aftertaste can be enjoyed. Rice polishing ratio: undisclosed Alcohol content: 14%.
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Since we emptied the Jikin right away, we opened two bottles of this one! Kagamiyama Ginjo I always like Junmai and often buy it, but I tried Kagamiyama Ginjo-shu because it was recommended by the liquor store! It has a strong sense of "THE sake" and is very drinkable! It looked delicious even when heated! Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 15%.
Jikon三重山田錦 火入れ純米吟醸
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I was sick due to the heavy rain and extreme heat and had to cut back on my drinking, but I finally got back on track. I took it easy on my day off and enjoyed drinking at home. Jikin Mie Yamadanishiki Hi-ire This bottle was purchased by lottery at our favorite liquor store. It tasted sweet and delicious, like biting into a juicy fruit, with a refreshing acidity. It is very drinkable, so even if I drank it in small sips, it would not last for two days! Rice polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content: 14.5
Kamonishiki荷札酒 酒未来 淡麗フレッシュ純米大吟醸
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Kamo Nishiki's cargo tag sake Sake Mirai Tamarei Fresh opened over the weekend. Kamo Nishiki's Kamotsuda Sake✕ Sake Mirai is a combination of two very exciting things! What does it taste like with the addition of Tarei Fresh? The sweet and tasty image of Sake Mirai has been transformed, and the light freshness has won out! This is good in its own way, but it tasted fresh and sweet, like a grape just before it is fully ripe! Rice polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content: 13%.
AkabuAKABU 中務純米大吟醸
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Collaboration sake with Akabu✕GENERATIONS Nakamitsu One of several collaborations with EXILE and GENERATIONS members at the brewery The cost of this collaboration sake is 1.5 to 2 times the price of the regular Akabu Junmai Daiginjo, so it is not the most cost-effective sake, but the taste is worth a look! The regular Akabu is delicious enough, but the taste is even more refined and sweeter! It has a sweet flavor like an elegant Shine Muscat and a beautiful acidity. Rice polishing ratio: 45 Alcohol content: 14%.
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The heat can make you feel exhausted, but we'll get through it with good sake and snacks! Yonotori2022 We opened a bottle that we bought last year and kept in Lemacom! It was said to be ready to drink at last year's stage, but it was even sweeter and richer because it had been laid down. It was sweet and tasty, perfect for dessert sake!
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July of hard work as usual was safely closed, and this bottle was opened as a reward to myself. Flax Cat Spark 2023 Due to last year's abnormal weather, some sake rice is not as flavorful as others, while others have a more pronounced flavor. This one was clearly the latter! This is a bottle that you can enjoy the acidity brewed with white malted rice, but despite being sparkling, its sweetness and flavor are rich! The sweetness and flavor of the sparkling wine was just as delicious as the acidity and bubbles! Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 11%.
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MOUNTAIN, the last of the EARTH series trilogy from Akabu, is on tap. It has a distinct acidity, which is typical of the white malted rice used, and its taste is very drinkable despite its low alcohol content of 14%. Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 14%.
AramasaNo.6 S-type純米生酛生酒
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On a day that falls on a 6, open a bottle of chilled SType. All the sake is now made from sake yeast since last year, and I really like the taste! The taste is a little closed when chilled, but it gradually blooms in the hot summer temperatures.
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I got my favorite Sairai's Evening Wind & opened the bottle that day! It has a refreshing sweetness like white grapes and a dignified acidity that makes it easy to drink! It has a high alcohol content, so be careful not to drink too much! Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content: 16%.
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The second Collage Aizan this month The second bottle of this month, we bought a bottle of Aizan, but it was too sweet and tasty like a Muscat juice, The best thing about it is that it's so easy to make, I must buy my favorite Aizan and Nagoshi Sake, but other than that, I buy less because of the price..., Polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content: 16
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Today is the day of the Ox in Doyo (the day of the Ox), so we are serving eel & Katsuma The sweetness and sharpness of KATSUKOMA washes away the flavor of the soft fatty eel. The taste of Katsuma never gets boring, and it is a stable and enjoyable dish. Rice polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content: 16%.
Fusano Kankiku閏日純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I noticed the 1111 check-in* mark. Since it was the first day of the month, we opened a bottle of Kangiku Leap Day, which we had stocked up on. This is a very limited edition sake that is shipped on the leap year day that comes once every 4 years. This special bottle is brewed with 29% polished Gohyakumangoku rice in honor of the leap year and tastes exquisite! Despite the special specs, it is a great value at just under 2,500 yen! Like a sweet-ripe grapefruit, it has a sweet and sour taste with a bitter aftertaste that is addictive! Rice polishing ratio: 29 Alcohol content: 15%.
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Akabu Junmai Daiginjo Gin Ginga is opened. With the continuous price increase, 2000 yen without tax for Junmai Daiginjo seems reasonable.., Akabu has a strong impression of sweetness and flavor, but this one had a refined, clear sweetness, pleasant acidity, and a nice sharpness! Polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content: 15%.
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Since April, I have been very busy, I opened a bottle of Cosmos, which had been stored for about a year, to make it work a little harder. Shinsei Colors Cosmos 2022 This bottle was also kept in Lemacom according to the brewer's advice. Many of the Colors series sake become better if they are laid down for a while, so we laid this one down for about a year, and the fruity sweetness and flavor developed and it was very delicious!
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
GET MURAYUKU after a long time! I was in the mood for summer sake, so I bought a Natsumi Heated Sake with a name like that! Before I bought it, the word "heated" caught my attention, but I thought it was just a guess. I thought it was just a guess, but when I bought it and opened the bottle, I found that the sweetness and umami were not so good, I thought it was just a guess, but then I bought it and opened the bottle. I thought it was a mistake, but it turned out to be a limited edition sake for "hot sake", When I heated it up, the sweetness and umami spread out and it was delicious, but I should have read it more carefully as I like it cold!
Fusano Kankiku酒未来50 -Wonderland-純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Miraculously, last weekend I got a bottle of Rasch at my favorite liquor store. Kangiku Meikozo Sake Mirai 50 Wonderland This is the first unfiltered unpasteurized sake made from Sake Mirai that will be sold at Kangiku Meizou for the first time this year! It is a limited edition sake and sold out in an instant when it went on sale this year. I went to several stores on the afternoon of the release date, but all of them failed.., When I went to my favorite liquor store the next morning, they were sold out of the four-pack bottles, but I was lucky to find a single bottle for retail use on the shelves! I immediately opened the bottle and found it to be a very rich melon juice! Many of Kangiku's sakes have a strong sweet flavor, but this one gave the impression of being much sweeter than most, while still having the freshness of an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake! There is a bitter aftertaste at the end, and the flavor changes, which I personally liked very much! Rice polishing ratio: 50% (Yamagata Prefecture's Sake Mirai) Alcohol content: 15%.
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Ecru 2022 pulled out of last weekend's Lemacom liquidation. I read the comments carefully and found that it was ready to drink as of last year! I opened the bottle in a hurry! The first glass had a bit of a squishy feeling despite being an Ecru, but the mild sweetness and intense acidity made it delicious! On the second day after opening the bottle, the taste became more settled and more to my liking, but it was already empty... I love Ecru in Colors because it is consistently delicious!