神経溌剌Kudokijozu純米大吟醸Kamenoi ShuzoYamagata3/12/2025, 5:11:37 PM1神経溌剌Fruity but not too sweet.Japanese>English
神経溌剌AKABU純米吟醸赤武酒造Iwate3/12/2025, 3:14:21 PM1神経溌剌Fresh and light but satisfying. Seriously delicious.Japanese>English
神経溌剌Senkinナチュール 貴醸酒せんきんTochigi3/12/2025, 3:11:13 PM2神経溌剌The rice polishing ratio is amazing, and the indescribable tang in the sweetness is not disturbing at all. The sweetness is not disturbed at all!Japanese>English
神経溌剌AramasaNo.6 S-type 2022Aramasa ShuzoAkita3/12/2025, 3:08:27 PM3/13/20251神経溌剌It's been so long ago that I don't remember, but I don't think I can tell much difference compared to the new one, stupid tongue.Japanese>English
神経溌剌AramasaNo.6 S-typeAramasa ShuzoAkita3/12/2025, 3:03:29 PM1神経溌剌It was interesting to drink the way it was fruity with a slight effervescence and then swept away by the acidity. I would like to drink it again.Japanese>English
神経溌剌Hohai特別純米Mira ShuzoAomori3/12/2025, 3:00:14 PM1神経溌剌I've had a few, but I personally prefer this one.Japanese>English
神経溌剌Hakurakusei純米大吟醸Niizawa JozotenMiyagi3/12/2025, 2:57:44 PM1神経溌剌What a drink I've been drinking the most. It's light and refreshing.Japanese>English
神経溌剌Jikon純米大吟醸Kiyasho ShuzojoMie3/12/2025, 2:55:35 PM1神経溌剌It smelled like pineapple and was one of my favorite sake I've ever had. I forgot to take a picture of the bottle.Japanese>English
神経溌剌Zaku智 滴取り 純米大吟醸Shimizuseizaburo ShotenMie3/12/2025, 2:53:01 PM1神経溌剌It was very sweet and indescribably fruity, but not for me yet.Japanese>English
神経溌剌HirokiHiroki Shuzo HontenFukushima3/12/2025, 2:48:22 PM1神経溌剌My sister often brings it to me and I like it because it has a strong fruitiness and flavor.Japanese>English
神経溌剌うららとくららIchinokuraMiyagi3/12/2025, 2:45:55 PM22神経溌剌I heard it was some kind of collaboration. It's dry, refreshing, and umami!Japanese>English
神経溌剌もえ姫 純米大吟醸Niizawa JozotenMiyagi3/12/2025, 2:44:00 PM19神経溌剌I got some kind of creepy sake. It was sweet and sour.Japanese>English
神経溌剌Dassai純米大吟醸 45Asahi ShuzoYamaguchi3/12/2025, 2:39:44 PM23神経溌剌I had never had it before, but it is easy to drink. MellowJapanese>English
神経溌剌MasuizumiLINK8Masuda ShuzotenToyama3/12/2025, 2:35:02 PM24神経溌剌I like seabass quite a bit, so it was nice to get a closer vibe with sake. I like it a lot, not too smoky and refreshing.Japanese>English
神経溌剌華一風カネタ玉田酒造店Aomori3/12/2025, 2:31:30 PM18神経溌剌The aroma is gorgeous, the mouthfeel is pretty clean, like a white wine.Japanese>English
神経溌剌宮寒梅Kanbai ShuzoMiyagi3/12/2025, 2:25:41 PM2/14/202521神経溌剌I buy and drink it every now and then. I like the slight fizziness, it's sweet, but not too acidic.Japanese>English