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S風の森S Kaze no Mori

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TakachoKaze no MoriS Kaze no Mori

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Personal preference. 75/100 [Sweetness/Spiciness] Sweet☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ dry [Aroma] Brilliant 7/10 Refreshing 6/10 Gentle 5/10 Full 5/10 [Taste] Sweet 6/10 Sour 7/10 Bitter 6/10 Umami 6/10 Appearance [Color] Clear and colorless Aroma》 《Fragrance》 《Medium Medium Ginjo aroma ◯ Green banana, papaya Ingredient aroma: Mochi rice Aged aroma Other [Examples] Mainly fruity ginjo aroma Taste [Attack] Medium [Texture] Light Tight Fine texture of foam [Taste] Sweetness - Clean Acidity - Fresh Bitterness Umami (Full) [Complexity] Medium [Aroma] Medium Same as Kamitachiko [Lingering] Medium Length of the first half of the flavor and the second half bitterness ≪[Distinctive elements ≪Notes. [Classification by flavor characteristics] Sake with fragrance △ Sake with freshness △ Mellow sake Mature sake
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New line of Wind Forest. This was highly recommended. It is even lighter than Kaze no Mori. The freshness of the shwash is still there and too delicious.
S Kaze no MoriFirst Edition原酒生酒無濾過
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Store for A new brewery's sake, it was expensive but I wanted to support them so I bought it. This brewery brews with local rice, low rice polishing, and traditional Nara sake techniques.
S Kaze no MoriFirst Edition原酒生酒無濾過
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This sake is rich and refreshing with the good qualities of Akitsuho, and shows the determination to brew all the blessings of the Katsuragi Sanroku area. This is the second First Edition of S Kaze no Mori. The future sake level is ★★★. Pale yellow-green crystal. Fine gas bubbles stick to the glass. The nose is mildly fresh and volatile with a strong aroma. The nose is full of tropical passion fruit and young bananas with a hint of acidity. The woody nuance, characteristic of new breweries that use a lot of cedar, is also abundant. The rice aroma is about the same as that of white dumplings, with a slight malted rice aroma and powdery minerality. It is light and has a soft stimulation of gaseous sensation. It has a strong sweetness with a slightly tropical flavor, and is refreshing with a gentle acidity and the loss of a sense of schwarziness. The hint of aroma is soft with fresh volatile aroma. The aftertaste is bitter and astringent with a dry feeling. Very crisp, with a beautifully complex tightness on the finish. Although it has a relatively low milled rice feel, it is refreshing and the rice-derived flavors and complexity are beautiful, so it is not difficult to drink. The day after opening the bottle, the volatile aroma and gassiness settle down, and the rounded sweetness with tropical sensation is gently perceived, and the low milled rice feeling is more favorable as a fullness and depth of flavor. We would like to continue to support the efforts of Sanroku Kura from now on.
Aladdin, here too 😊🙏🙏. I know more and more people are drinking it, but I didn't read the label on the back 💦I see you are working on this! I have my own thoughts on satoyama, so I'd love to support you 😊.
Hi Aladdin😄 Detailed review, quintessential 🤩I thought of you when I drank S Wind Forest: ❗️ I'm sure you'll want to support this local love initiative 📣. I know it's early days, but I'd love to drink the next version 😋.
Hi Pon, good evening here too 😃. The soil fertility of rice paddies is also visualized by the number of microorganisms in the soil and published on the web😄. Inheritance of terraced rice fields and satoyama is essential for sake culture, and I want to support various breweries that are working on this 📣.
Good evening, Hiro 😃. Thank you 😊 Both the brewery and the brewer who brews the sake blend into the local satoyama like the rice and water, the ultimate terroir. ☺️ Next up is S Kaze no Mori, brewed with Akitsuho grown by Mr. Sugiura, a farmer liquor store 🍶.
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12 events The last of today's events is S Wind Forest 😆 I finally met 👍️ The refreshing fruity aroma made me feel 💓 The lightness of the flavor was impressive and the flavor of the wine was clear this time ❗ It was freshness and bursting with deliciousness. That's all 🥴.
Hi N.E. 🐦. 12 cups in Asano-san 😳 strong! I love that the last one is called S Wind Forest 😊. It's great that you wrote all your taste impressions👍✨.
Good evening, Pon 😆. I've been in a restless environment so I've been drinking at one point 🤣. I'm still working the next day, so I had to cut it short 😅 lol. I like to have a quick drink at Kaku-uchi. 👍️
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When I heard that S Kaze no Mori had been released, I called a liquor store in Nara, where I sometimes have it sent, to place an order, but they replied that they were not a special distributor for S Kaze no Mori, and that there were only about 30 stores that were special distributors for S Kaze no Mori. I really wanted to drink it, so I looked around and got it. It was easy to drink and delicious. It is now on my list of favorite sakes. I have recently decided to rate alcoholic beverages based simply on whether I like the taste or not. It comes with a serial number card. Mine was 683.
S Kaze no MoriLaunch Edition原酒生酒無濾過
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The Katsuragi Sanroku Brewery (a.k.a. "Sanroku Brewery") was newly established by the Aburacho Sake Brewery to connect the satoyama 100 years in the future. This is the first sake (launch sake) brewed at the Sanroku Brewery. We will explain more about the thoughts that went into the brewing of this sake at another time. The gasiness is mild. The aroma is youthful and gorgeous. A veil of cedar and cypress aroma wafts over the outside of the glass. It was brewed at the Sanroku Brewery, which was recently constructed using a large amount of Yoshino cedar, and the cedar aroma seems to have been transferred to this brewery, and behind it is a scent that is typical of Kaze no Mori. The floral notes are light pear, white peach, melon, and tropical nuances like lychee. Positive volatile aroma with powderiness is also rich and refreshing. A clean rice aroma with a low graininess that makes it hard to believe it is a low-polished rice. The tropical and strong volatile aroma is intoxicating in the Kaze no Mori style! On the palate, the smoothness is stimulated by a gentle gasiness. Moderately fruity sweetness and gentle acidity flow with a sense of transparency. It is so beautiful that it is hard to believe that it is low-polished. From the mid-palate, the complexity of Akitsuho's character peeks out, and a bitter nuance gives depth to the beautiful flavor. The woody aroma is refreshing and adds layers to the complexity. It flows smoothly and finishes with a medium-length finish. Delicious 🍶.
Hi Aladdin, Good evening 🥹✨. ㊗️600 check in great 🥹✨ And S Wind Forest 🍶❣️ I was able to get it too but haven't been able to open a bottle 😅I'm eager to drink it after reading your delicious review 🤤.
Merry Christmas, Aladdin 🎁🎄Congratulations on your 600 check-in 🎉㊗️The new series of Wind Forest, S Wind Forest ✨Aladdin's rave about this drink, the tropical feel is a curious feeling😍.
Aladdin, congratulations on your 600 check-ins: ㊗️🎉 Aladdin, I see that less than 1/3 of the 600 are chuin, so I can see that you are very well acquainted with them😊I'm also happy that the Hankai Train is #5 😆.
Congratulations on your 600 check-ins, Aladdin: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I thought it was Urasato, but then I saw it in front of you 😳 What is it...a new series from Kaze no Mori! Your review is full of deliciousness and thoughts on the brewery 👍✨.
Aladdin, congratulations on 600 check-ins 🎊🎉🎅Kiri number in the first Wind Forest in the much talked about new brewery, that's great 😆Kenchi Tachibana drank it on TV, but reading Aladdin's review made me want to drink it more 😋.
Aladdin, congratulations on your 600 check-ins🎊. This Kaze no Mori, I feel the history and newness of this place. It's been a long time since I've had a drink in the Wind Forest 😋.
Aladdin, congratulations on your 600 check-ins 🎊👏. I saw a 📺 the other day about the Sanroku brewery and it was a beautiful brewery in a scenic spot 👀‼. That launch sake is a perfect sake for the number 👏!
Thank you, Mr. Muro😄 If you have already obtained it, Mr. Muro, then you are a clear ambassador of S Wind Forest: ☺️ When I think about how many more opportunities I will have in my life to encounter the launch of the new warehouse, I decided to cherish this opportunity 😊.
Merry Xmas🎄&Thank you, Wakata, a day late😄! The tropical feel is also very typical of Kaze no Mori! I can't talk enough about the thoughts that went into the S Wind Forest here, so if you'd like, please visit the brewery's Instagram, etc. 😊.
Thank you very much, Maru 😄. I unilaterally consider Mr. Kawada of chuin to be the master of my sake mind, so that's a lot 😁. I have yet to drink as many brands in one day as I did at Hankai Train, except for event tastings 🍶.
Thank you very much, Pon😄. I have a deep attachment to Sake because it was my first encounter with Kaze no Mori that made me want to learn about Sake anew 😊. As for Katsuragi Sanroku Brewery and S Kaze no Mori, I couldn't fit them into a post on Sake no Wa, so I cut all of them 🥲.
Thank you, Nemuchi😄. When I see the video and other images of the Katsuragi Sanroku Brewery nestled in the terraced rice paddies, I can feel Aburacho Brewery's desire to revitalize and pass on the satoyama: ☺️ I would love to actually go there someday and drink S Kaze no Mori there 🍶.
Thank you very much, Takashi😄. It is truly a sake that marks the start of a new challenge to connect the historic satoyama culture to the next 100 years through the cultivation of Akitsuho and the brewing of sake: ☺️ It's been a while since I've had it, but it was still drunk 😊.
Thank you, N.E. 😄 The Sanroku brewery is located in the terraced rice paddies where the Akitsuho used for S Kaze no Mori is grown, and the building of Yoshino cedar that looks like an ear of rice is impressive. ☺️ I hope the delicious S Kaze no Mori will still be brewed 100 years from now 🍶.
Congratulations on your 600 check-ins, Aladdin 🎉! A bottle too good for a commemorative sake ✨ [Thinking about the Noto Peninsula earthquake makes me think again about the future of sake breweries and sake rice farmers 🤔.
Good evening, Aladdin 😃. Congratulations on your 600 check in ㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️ 🎉! Wind Forest with an S! I didn't know that 🥲I'll have to drink this 😋I'll go look for it!
Masaaki Sapporo
Aladdin, thank you for all your help 👍Congratulations on the 600 check-ins 🎉The new series Wind Forest looks delicious 😋.
Thank you, Jive 😊. The reconstruction of Noto is still in the middle of the road. Once again, I am reminded of how difficult it is to recover from the loss. The Sanroku Kura is an initiative where the brewery and brewers become a part of the village and blend in, just like the farmers who grow rice in the satoyama that must be inherited 🍶.
Thank you, Jay & Nobby 😄. Due to distribution volume, the number of stores that carry S Wind Forest is currently even more limited among the stores that carry Wind Forest, so please check our installations, etc. 😌. We hope it will gradually spread with the progress of future efforts: ☺️
Thank you very much, Masaaki Sapporo! We are further promoting the terroir of S Kaze no Mori 🍶 which is based on the preservation, inheritance and development of the entire sake brewing culture in the satoyama, so please visit ☺️ if you like the taste!
Aladdin ✨600 check in ✨Congratulations 🎊🎉 This Wind Forest was visited and drunk by Kenchi on his travel salad show. I was curious about this drink 😆The concept is good as well as the drink 🐰🎶.
Thank you very much, Usagi-Goden😄. I saw the TV show too. If you are interested, I recommend UTAGE's YouTube page for more information! It's full of concepts, including the introduction of a new evaluation standard called "Future Sake Degree" 😄.

Brands from Yucho Shuzo

TakachoKaze no MoriS Kaze no Mori

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We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.