KennyMurayu常磐ラベル純米大吟醸生酒無濾過村祐酒造Niigata3/14/2025, 11:35:38 AM21KennyElegant sweetness like Wasanbon sugar spreads Yet the aftertaste is refreshing.Japanese>English
Kenny昨 雅乃智 中取り純米大吟醸Shimizuseizaburo ShotenMie11/8/2024, 12:15:24 PM22KennyElegant flavor with a gorgeous fruity aroma, smooth sweetness and pleasant acidity.Japanese>English
Kenny新政 No.6 X type純米生酛生酒Aramasa ShuzoAkita11/8/2024, 12:07:51 PM23KennyNo. 6" top-end model is fruity with the elegant sweetness of melon and green apple and citrus acidity.Japanese>English
Kenny作 和悦純米吟醸Shimizuseizaburo ShotenMie11/1/2024, 12:12:41 PM22KennyAroma of pear and apple Smooth sweetness and flavor on the palateJapanese>English
KennyYuki no Bosha純米吟醸Saiya ShuzotenAkita11/1/2024, 10:23:07 AM20KennySweet and fruity with a dignified tasteJapanese>English
KennyKatsuyamaLUXESendaidateya Katsuyama ShuzoMiyagi10/11/2024, 8:33:25 AM14KennyJunmai Ginjo with a rice polishing ratio of 50%. It has a gorgeous apple aroma with a sharp aftertaste.Japanese>English
KennySeppiko-san純米原酒Tsubosaka ShuzoHyogo4/20/2024, 1:46:20 PM14KennyA sparkling wine with a rich muscat-like aroma and impressive sweetness on the palate, served on a cask server.Japanese>English
KennyMitsutake純米大吟醸Mitsutake ShuzojoSaga4/15/2024, 11:40:04 PM21KennyFreshly pressed sake from a fresh barrel server Refreshing attack and pleasant LaFrance aromaJapanese>English
Kenny裏雪月花Ryozeki ShuzoAkita3/8/2024, 10:46:44 AM14KennyBottle-fired, back-to-back version of the IWSC's highest gold medal Fruity and fresh aroma like white wineJapanese>English
KennyHououbiden純米大吟醸 無濾過本生Kobayashi ShuzoTochigi3/8/2024, 10:14:45 AM16KennyGentle, natural fruity aroma with a rich, oak-mochi-like aroma typical of nama-zake.Japanese>English
KennyShinomine純米超辛無濾過生原酒Chiyo ShuzoNara11/10/2023, 10:54:26 AM15KennyYes, it's spicy, but easier to drink than I imagined.Japanese>English
KennyHououbiden完熟ももKobayashi ShuzoTochigi1/25/2023, 10:16:59 AM17KennyThe aroma, pulp, and taste are all so fruity that they could be mistaken for peach juice, but the liqueur taste spreads at the end.Japanese>English
KennyHiroki特別純米無濾過生原酒Hiroki Shuzo HontenFukushima1/25/2023, 9:52:42 AM21KennyFruity aroma, sweetness, and a good balance of umami, suitable for Japanese cuisine.Japanese>English
KennyDenshin雪 純米吟醸Ippongikubo HontenFukui12/24/2022, 8:47:37 AM15KennyThe sweetness spreads when you take a sip, though it was not felt in the standing aroma. It has a clean, refreshing taste and is like snow.Japanese>English
KennyJikon特別純米 無濾過生原酒Kiyasho ShuzojoMie12/15/2022, 2:06:05 PM25KennyMellow and refreshing despite 60% polished riceJapanese>English
KennyJuyondai純米大吟醸 播州山田錦Takagi ShuzoYamagata12/15/2022, 2:02:29 PM22KennyMelon-like fruity flavor that lives up to its sweet aromaJapanese>English
KennyNabeshima純米大吟醸 愛山Fukuchiyo ShuzoSaga12/9/2022, 12:08:31 PM20KennyGlossy, sweet aroma and rice flavorJapanese>English
KennyDenshu純米大吟醸Nishida ShuzotenAomori12/9/2022, 11:59:05 AM19KennyFruity aroma like melon and elegant flavorJapanese>English