After the flavor that only Junmai can bring, the aftertaste pulls away quickly.
It is exquisite.
I drank it cold, but it would be excellent heated as well.
I saw it at a liquor store in my neighborhood and bought it by the jacket.
The alcohol and sake content is 14 degrees, which is the same as his back number.
The alcohol content is kept low, but the sake has a good flavor for 14 degrees.
We had a sake brewed with rice grown by the students of a nearby agricultural high school.
It has a clean taste and is perfect as a midday sake, and when we paired it with yose-nabe, we were able to finish the whole bottle.
We hope to see it again next year.
Commonly known as pin-maru.
Apparently there are only a limited number of stores that carry it.
When I brought it to the cashier, the store manager praised my taste in selecting it, and it left a lasting impression on me.