なIshizuchi土用酒純米Ishizuchi ShuzoEhime6/25/2024, 7:30:10 AM6/18/20242なEels 🤤🤤🤤🤤. As the name suggests, this sake is made to go with the "unagi" (eel) eaten on "Doyo no Ushi" (the day of the ox).Japanese>English
な山吹極燗がうまい純米生酛原酒無濾過Asahikawa ShuzoYamagata1/8/2023, 5:26:14 PM1/8/20231なRice used: Kame-no-o Rice polishing ratio: 58 Sake degree: +13 Acidity 1.2Japanese>English
なHanamura愛山純米大吟醸Ryozeki ShuzoAkita1/8/2023, 5:19:43 PM1/8/20232なRice: Aiyama 100% Fine rice: 45%Chinese>English
なHanamura雄町純米吟醸Ryozeki ShuzoAkita1/8/2023, 5:18:03 PM1/8/202326なRice: 100% Omachi Alcohol content: 15%. Rice polishing ratio: 50Japanese>English
な福顔本醸造Fukugao ShuzoNiigata1/8/2023, 5:15:11 PM6/3/202215なAlcohol content: 15%. Rice used: Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio: 60Japanese>English