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The smell is thin, and there is a smell like a melon slightly. However, there is also a smell that is not well understood, and it is a mystery when it is said what smell after all. The taste is gorgeous and fruity, as is the case with ginjo-shu, and it fills the mouth. After that, the taste of melon and banana is added and divided by two, and the taste of alcohol is felt. The taste of rice comes at the end, but it fades away after a while. The sweetness increases with air, and the taste becomes like a mixture of several fruits. The alcohol taste is moderate. General Comments Because it is a ginjo-shu, the overall finish is gorgeous and sweet. However, the sweetness has a crispness, so it has a refreshing impression at the same time. So it is certainly a suitable taste for summer sake. However, one of my personal concerns is that the rice taste at the end seems to smell awful. It's not bad, but it's kind of stale. It will fade with time, but it won't disappear, so that was my only disappointment.
東薫限定酒 純米大吟醸 山田錦純米大吟醸原酒
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The aroma is rich and sweet, like melon. The taste is like a banana, followed by a heavy Yamadanishiki taste. After that, it becomes a little clearer, but the unique Yamadanishiki flavor remains underneath. Almost no alcohol is felt. With air, the banana-ness becomes more pronounced. This is a development that I had not imagined from the melon-like nature of the aroma. The Yamadanishiki flavor that remains underneath has a slight stickiness to it. It's not sticky, but it's not so sticky that it will disappear over time. It will disappear if you drink some water. [Summary This is one of those bottles where you can enjoy the clean Yamadanishiki flavor that is typical of Junmai Daiginjo. It's been a long time since I've had a Daiginjo. If the ratio is 80 to 60, you will get tired of drinking it, and it is not suitable for the hot summer. This is one of the bottles that made me think that Daiginjo sake is good for summer. p.s. Next time, we'll have a summer sake.
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The aroma is a rich, sweet, wine-like scent. Since it's sparkling, I thought it would be a refreshing type, but apparently it's not. The mouthfeel is springy. And it's so sweet that it's hard to believe it's sake. What is this sweetness? It's as if you're drinking sparkling wine. Akitakomachi is used for the rice, so it's only natural that it would be sweet (when it's not sake rice, it tends to be sweet), but it was dozens of times sweeter than I expected. However, the sweetness was several dozen times sweeter than I had imagined, and as it took on air, the citrus-like sourness and freshness that had been hidden behind the sweetness came out. Furthermore, there is an aftertaste unique to sake that is not made from sake rice. It tastes like steamed rice. The alcohol is drowned out by the bubbles, so I'll skip that for now. The aftertaste, as I mentioned earlier, is unique, but it's not sticky, and once you get used to it, it's not that bad. However, I can't deny that the sweetness remains all the time, but... [Summary It's been a while since I've had a sake that wasn't made with rice. It's been a while since I've had a sake that wasn't made from sake rice, and I remember drinking sake made from Koshihikari rice before that was extremely sweet, and this one didn't seem to fall into that category. To be honest, I personally think it's possible to get this taste for around 400 yen. Sweet, but...
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It's been a long time since I've had a nama-shu, so I was really looking forward to it. The rice is So-no-Mai, which is not often seen, and is also good for a local sake. The aroma is banana and melon, with a slight melon leaning. It has a mellow, fully ripe aroma. When I drank it, I was surprised! It has an almond-like aroma that I couldn't imagine from the scent. There's also a hint of cashew nuts, so you can think of it as a nutty sensation. With air, the banana pushes the nut to the front. But because the nuts are also strong, the flavor changes from banana to nuts. It leaves a rice taste on the tongue, but the nuts are somewhere in the middle throughout, which is how I personally like the taste to stay. No sticky residue either. Alcohol is low in both aroma and taste. [Summary. Since this is a nama-shu, I thought the taste would change in my mouth and get out of control, but the taste was more integrated than I expected. So I think it is suitable for people who don't usually drink nama-shu, or as a drink for beginners. However, after all, nama-shu is good. It's delicious. We have a Junmai Daiginjo of this next, so we will drink that next, but after that, we would like to have some summer sake.
THE SHOT鮮やかジューシー純米
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The scent is purely that of rice. It smells a little bit like melon, but it's hard to tell because of the alcohol smell. The taste is sweet like an apple, and then the taste of rice comes quite heavily. it stays on the tongue for about 20 seconds, and then it softens a little. But it doesn't disappear. It disappears if you drink water. This can be said for all Gekkeikan, but the alcohol smells bad. This smell is not that it is disgusting, but that you can clearly tell that it is alcohol. However, there is not much stimulation to the throat, so it just smells bad. When it contains air, the grapes that were hiding behind the apples come out. It's just that the apples are replaced by grapes, and the rice crap that follows is the same. Personally, I don't like the taste of rice that this leaves on my tongue because it feels a little sticky. The only thing I can say about it is that it's average. As the product says, the taste is definitely bright and juicy, but the sweetness is such that even with this amount, it's tiring to drink. To be honest, it was spicy, so I would only recommend the silver one from THE SHOT. That one is delicious.
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The smell is banana itself as written in the product description. As soon as you put it in your mouth, the banana aroma fills the air, and it's so good that you think, "Is this really regular sake? I was surprised to be honest. To be honest, I was surprised. It's true that after the banana, there's a clean rice feeling and a bitterness unique to aluzoe, but even with that, it's at a level where I can recommend it. When I thought I could feel some bubbles, I found that it was carbonated. This is possible because it's a regular sake, and I think it's interesting. Personally, the foaming reminded me of Kaze no Mori. However, I'm not a big fan of alcoholic beverages, so it was a little hard to keep drinking for a long time. The bitter taste peculiar to aluzoe (or Kou shochu) stays on the tongue, and the taste of rice is still there, but it is lost. If it is like this, we think Junmai-shu is better. As a general comment, it may be good for when you want to buy sake suddenly outside. (It's also about the size of a one-cup bottle.) Since I basically have sake at home, I'm not sure if I'd bother buying this for drinking at home. However, I think it's a good sake for a regular sake, so it's okay to buy it once in a while. Personally, though, I would recommend Junmaishu.
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The aroma is a combination of the freshness of grapes and the richness of a ripe banana. When you put it in your mouth, the grapes are nowhere to be seen. The banana comes to you, but it is more subdued than you might imagine from the aroma. However, it is very easy to drink because it adds a watery, refreshing taste. With air, a citrus-like freshness comes to the fore. The aroma is grape freshness, and with air, a citrus-like freshness that is very strange. The alcoholic sensation is moderate, and although you can feel some of it in the aroma, it is much weaker than the stimulation in the mouth. After swallowing, there is a slight taste of rice on the tongue, but since the base is refreshing, it doesn't bother me. After swallowing, the taste of rice lingers a little on the tongue, but it's so refreshing that it doesn't bother you. The taste is soft and gentle, like the taste in your mouth after eating cooked rice. The flavor of the rice is strong, but the base is refreshing, so it is recommended as a sake during meals. On its own, it may be a little lacking.
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This is one of the bottles I bought at a certain department store while talking with the brewer of Tamanomitsu about the situation of sake in Corona. The aroma is like a ripe banana. The mouthfeel is slightly stimulated by the alcohol. Along with the banana aroma comes the almond smell (and taste) characteristic of Omachi. The taste changes from banana to almond to banana and almond. When it contains air, the almondiness stands out more than the banana, and sometimes you can feel a sweetness like walnuts. When swallowing, there is a little alcohol stimulation in the throat, and the flavor of the rice characteristic of Omachi rice remains in the mouth, but it does not feel sticky. As time goes by, the flavor fades, but the aroma lingers on and on, and it goes right through the nose. It's expensive for a daily drink, but I personally think it's good for an occasional drink because it's tasty enough to be expensive. It's so good that I would recommend it to anyone who doesn't care about money to drink it regularly.
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The aroma was somewhere between banana and melon. The mouthfeel is mild, and although the alcohol smell was not that bad, the stimulation is moderate. The alcohol is not felt at first, but it comes later. You can feel the fruity banana and the heavy rice flavor. When air is included, the sweetness of the banana and the stimulation of the alcohol are felt more. The flavor of the rice is solid whether it is included or not. In the aftertaste, the rice flavor lingers on the tongue, but it is not overpowering and disappears quickly when you drink water. It is a stable Tamanomitsu quality, and it was delicious.
Tokai Zakari特別純米 瓶火入れ 自社栽培五百万石特別純米
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japanese sake stand 85
This is another melon and grape split in two. The mouthfeel is fizzy and the grapes are very assertive. The orgeat stimulation to the throat is small, but the stimulation to the tongue is moderate because of the fizzy feeling. The taste of rice can be well felt, and a solid taste can be felt after the sweetness.
Takachiyo無濾過生原酒おりがらみ Re;for you生酛
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japanese sake stand 85
The aroma is that of grapes. The mouthfeel is fizzy, like a sparkling wine. Although it is origarari, it is not so different from nigorizake in appearance. It's like a grape version of Uguisu in the garden, but this one has a stronger fizzy feeling.
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japanese sake stand 85
Sweet grape aroma like a white wine. The mouthfeel is hypoallergenic alcohol, subtly sweet but clean. Not much stimulation comes to the throat. It's not dry, but it's refreshing, so there's no problem pairing it with the same food you would pair a dry wine with. In fact, it's probably better that way.
Niwa no Uguisu純米吟醸生酒 あらばしり純米吟醸生酒荒走り
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japanese sake stand 85
The aroma is of melon. The mouthfeel is mellow and fizzy, like melon soda. It is moderately alcoholic and has little stimulation to the throat. I personally like it, but it is still delicious. It is regrettable that there is no liquor store nearby.
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Smells more like melon. Alcohol smell is not so much. The taste has a strong rice flavor, and the juiciness of the melon is low. It is also a little watery, so you can taste the diluted rice flavor for a while after drinking. It doesn't change much with air, just a little more melon-like rice sweetness, which you don't need to do at all. There's almost no alcohol pungency, but it's not a refreshing taste at all, as the rice bitterness is very strong for something so watery. It doesn't feel sticky, but you have to drink water for it to go away. The price is cheap, so it's good and cosy for everyday drinking. However, I personally wouldn't buy it at this price because there are other junmai sakes that I like better... (although I also don't like watery sakes)
Hakkaisan貴醸酒 2018貴醸酒古酒
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Banana-like aroma. The mouthfeel is mellow and a little alcoholic. The taste is rich banana, and the sweetness like eating a ripe king continues from the beginning to the end. The sweetness of the banana increases even more with air, and the alcohol comes in bursts. What remains on the tongue is the honey-like sweetness and the rice flavor, and this flavor is more assertive than while drinking it. Overall, the balance is very well integrated, and it is a beautiful honor student. I highly recommend this as a noble sake for everyday drinking. However, it is sweet, so it should be drunk in the same way as a dessert wine.
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It is a Yamahai sake made from Kinmon Nishiki, which is a hot topic these days. The rice polishing ratio is 80, which is not easy to find. The aroma is like a ripe and sweet banana. The taste is very sweet, with a melon-like flavor mixed in with the melting banana. However, you can feel the flavor of the rice in it, so it's not just sweet. With air, the taste seems to fade away when you drink it normally, and it becomes closer to water. (Although it is still sweet.) This is a sake that tastes better when drunk normally. Although there is a subtle alcohol smell, there is almost no stimulation, so you can drink it easily, but it is sweet, so you will get tired of drinking it. It's great because it's a delicious sake that you can control yourself with!
北光金紋錦 特別純米特別純米
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You can hear a pushy sound when you open the bottle. Kinmon Nishiki is a rare type of rice that is rarely grown in many areas. We bought it while chatting with a brewer who was selling it at an antenna shop in Hokuriku. We were not allowed to taste it after Corona, but we were allowed to do so at the time. Thank goodness. The aroma is banana, but it's not sticky, but light. In the mouth, the taste of rice is transferred to the tongue along with alcohol. After that, the flavor turns to sweetness, and this sweetness gives a unique taste as if you were eating a hazelnut sweet. Perhaps this may be due to the influence of its parent Yamada Nishiki. However, it's not as sweet as Kishoushu, though. When air is present, the sweetness increases and the pineapple flavor that was behind the lightness appears. Instead, the nuts disappear. It is easy to drink with less alcohol smell and less stimulation. It has a sweetness, but the flavor left in the mouth shows that it is a sake that you can enjoy the flavor and is more towards the dry side, so I think it can be used as a mid-meal drink as well. (But it's only lightly seasoned).
Morita純米吟醸 無濾過純米吟醸無濾過
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All of the rice used is "Yumeginko", a type of rice suitable for sake production in Aichi Prefecture. The aroma is banana-like. A little bit of white grape aroma. The mouthfeel is soft, and the fruity rice sweetness comes gently, so I wondered if it was the easy to drink type. You may think that you are going to drink it, but then the alcohol stimulates you. The flavor of the rice spreads in the mouth and the lingering taste of the rice continues to linger. Air accentuates the sweetness of the fruit, giving it a rich banana flavor that makes you feel like you're eating a ripe king. It's a dry sake with a strong rice flavor, and the rice flavor alone is so delicious that I personally recommend enjoying it for its own sake without matching it with food.
MiyoshikikuKIT CAT!純米原酒生酒
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I wonder what this magic is that keeps me coming back to it again and again...it still comes back to this. I get a banana aroma on first impression, then it changes to a nutty aroma while rolling around in my mouth a bit. Almonds might be the closest thing to it. Some might say grapes here. The bitterness is grapefruit. But at the end, the aroma and flavor of rice that makes you feel like it's a proper sake goes through the nose. It's a very strange "how can it be like this? It's so good! I would definitely recommend it to people who don't like sake. In fact, I would recommend it to everyone. This year's wine is a little more acidic. The alcoholiness is stronger than before, and the moistness of the banana is stronger. Instead, I got the impression that the roasted nuts were less burnt. It's good, though.