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Fukukomachi限定品 号外編純米原酒生酒
Fukukomachi Check-in 1Fukukomachi Check-in 2
Fukukomachi Check-in 3Fukukomachi Check-in 4
The aroma is like a melon. It has a moderate alcoholic smell. The taste is full of melon, with a rich jujikan flavor. It feels very fresh, which may be the reason why it's only possible to drink it unpasteurized. After the sweetness is felt, a spiciness from the alcohol passes through, but it is not strong. It's not so strong, just a little spicy. When it contains air, the taste of the melon settles down or becomes thicker. It may be easier to understand it as more than the red meat melon. On the paper it said "the sourness and the umami is very strong", so the sourness was probably the part that I thought was spicy. I love this melon type of sake, so I thought it was very good, but of course it is not for those who like light and dry sake...
GekkeikanTHE SHOT 爽やかホワイト うすにごり
Gekkeikan Check-in 1Gekkeikan Check-in 2
The aroma is light with a light rice aroma. Thanks to the muddiness, the taste is mild and soft like a sweet sake. It has a little sweetness due to the rice malt in it. There is a moderate amount of alcohol in the taste. It leaves a rough feeling on the tongue and a faint sweetness that continues to linger. It can be called a refreshing drink, but I think it is one of the tastiest one-cup drinks in the world.
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
The aroma is refreshing, like mandarin oranges without the acidity. It is a little thin. There is no alcohol smell. The taste is as the aroma suggests. After swallowing it, sweetness remains. When it contains air, the sourness of the mandarin oranges becomes stronger, so it tastes like the mandarin oranges themselves plus rice. It is a good drink.
Aramasa Check-in 1
Aramasa Check-in 2Aramasa Check-in 3
The nose is a mixture of sweetness and acidity with a hint of pineapple or kiwi. There is almost no alcohol smell. The taste is the same as the aroma, with a kiwi-like flavor. After swallowing, the sweetness remains. The flavor of white wine comes out when it is exposed to air. It is a form of sourness that weakens. It is a beautiful wine.
山の壽純米吟醸 山田錦 DRY純米吟醸
山の壽 Check-in 1山の壽 Check-in 2
The aroma is a light banana scent. You have to smell it carefully to get a sense of it. It tastes like a mixture of banana and grapes. It's not refreshing, so I don't think it's a summer drink. When it contains air, the taste of banana intensifies and it tastes like eating a banana crepe. It's not too alcoholic, and I think it's an easy to drink sake.
IyokagiyaKagiya 9 純米辛口 Dry Taste
Iyokagiya Check-in 1
Iyokagiya Check-in 2Iyokagiya Check-in 3
It has a banana aroma and no alcohol smell. The taste is half banana and half rice flavor. There is not much alcohol. A little bit of bitterness remains underneath. When it contains air, the rice flavor increases, so you can think it's dry. When you drink it, it is not a dry sake.
TakajiFrom Here
Takaji Check-in 1Takaji Check-in 2
The nose is sweet with a hint of pineapple. It has a refreshing summer feel, like a mixture of pineapple and white wine. It is truly a summer drink. It is not alcoholic, but gently stimulating. When it is exposed to air, the pineapple flavor increases and it tastes as if you are drinking pineapple juice. Delicious.
I forgot to take a picture of the third stage. It's a BY28 aged wine. It smells and tastes like cheese, just the taste is mixed with a sweet taste of white wine, or pineapple, or something like that. When it gets airy, the flavor becomes more like gorgonzola cheese, and it's like eating a snack when you're not eating a snack. The aftertaste leaves a cheese-like taste, which doesn't disappear easily when you drink water.
I forgot to take a picture... This one has been matured at a ryokan for about two years. According to the story, it had a refreshing taste when it was first opened, but maturing it seems to have given it a more robust rice flavor. The color is clear and I think it will turn yellow in the future. The aroma is like a mixture of peach and pineapple, but more like a peach. The taste is close to water, with a hint of rice sweetness and flavor. 2:8 The white wine flavors appear in the air. A non-sticky bitterness remains, but it disappears with water.
I forgot to take a picture this time... The nose is peach and pine with a moderate alcohol smell. The taste is about 4:6, with rice sweetness and flavor. As it gets airborne, the pineappleiness increases and you experience a very refreshing summer feeling. The bitterness comes later, and this disappears quickly without leaving any residue.
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1
Miyoshikiku Check-in 2Miyoshikiku Check-in 3
The aroma is a mixture of pineapple and white wine, just like the usual Sanpangiku. It has a strong rice flavor. The alcohol smell is almost zero. The taste is on the thin side for a Mihochrysanthemum, but the sweetness like pineapple comes on the palate, and then it is replaced by the rice flavor. The ratio of sweetness and umami of the rice is about 2:8, but it is sweet to begin with, so overall it is a sweet sake. The alcohol is a little stinging in the throat, which is one of the weakest parts of the drink. When it is exposed to air, it becomes more like a wine, with a foul smell (not in a bad way) for some reason. This change was unlike anything I've ever had in the Mihochrysanthemum I've had before, so I personally found it a very interesting drink. The usual*. It has little change in taste, but it is sweet to begin with, so if you are a wine drinker by nature (which is the case with Miyoshikiku in general) or if you are a beginner to sake and drink fruit wine, it will suit you very well. In the case of Miyoshikiku, the flavours change in the mouth as you drink it, but this one is simple and sweet, but you can also taste the rice flavour, so it covers the basics. So I personally felt that this is a sake that is suitable for a wide range of people. This is a very educational sake.
MiyoshikikuTUSK ジビエ ヌーベルヴァーグ山廃
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1
Miyoshikiku Check-in 2Miyoshikiku Check-in 3
The nose is refreshingly sweet, like a combination of pineapple and banana. The taste is sweet like pineapple candy with a strong touch of alcohol. The alcohol is strong enough to stick in the mouth as well as the throat. What started out as a pineapple flavor settles down to a rice flavor, and eventually a slight rice flavor with no stickiness remains underneath. When air is present, the pineapple flavor becomes stronger and the banana flavor weakens. The usual*. This time, however, it is made with "Koshihikari" instead of rice that is suitable for sake brewing. If you think about it, you can feel the familiar soft and slightly sweet taste of this sake. It may look like it is a good choice for a mid-meal saké, but in order to make it taste like the habitual taste of gibier, it is a little sweet. It is not suitable for a normal meal, since food is usually considered to be on the side of the food. It's delicious on its own, so I personally recommend drinking it normally unless you're eating gibier or some other food with a habit.
MiyoshikikuHORN ジビエ ヌーベルヴァーグ純米吟醸
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1
Miyoshikiku Check-in 2Miyoshikiku Check-in 3
The scent is a fresh pineapple scent, similar to the usual Sanpangiku. It might have some banana in it. It has a moderate alcohol smell. The taste is full of the rice flavor and the banana flavor is strong and you can feel the alcohol stimulation on your tongue to some extent. It also has a certain amount of stimulation in the throat. There is a strong bitterness that lingers in the mouth, and this is hard to erase with water. When it contains air, the banana taste increases. The usual*. The flavor is stable and it doesn't change in your mouth because it's cooked in the fire. It's basically pineapple, but it has a banana element added to it, which I thought was interesting. Personally, I prefer to drink it, but this drink was very good with beef and I thought it was perfect as a mid-meal drink.
Miyoshikiku壱 ICHI原酒生酒
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1
Miyoshikiku Check-in 2Miyoshikiku Check-in 3
The color is much more yellowish, and the aroma is floral, with the usual Sanphochrysanthemum-like fresh scent of pineapple mixed with a few roses. The alcoholic smell is weak. When you take a sip, you will get a strong jab of the rice flavor. It's not sure if it's a jab or not, but it's a complex mix of flavors afterwards. After the jab, the usual pineapple comes in, then a lemon tartness, then a strong bitterness like over-roasted almonds. Then it returns to the rice flavor. The alcohol is there in moderation, but in the normal range. In the air it tastes like white wine, but not pure white wine, but a mixture of tangerine acidity. The usual*. Kit Cat! I was surprised at the complexity of the flavor, which was on par with that of this one. I was surprised at how complex the taste was, as it was the same as Kit Cat! Since they are completely different even though they are the same Yamadanishiki rice, I think there may be some people who say that they are not good at one or the other, but I like both of them. Ichi ICHI may be more suitable for summer.
Fukukomachi Check-in 1Fukukomachi Check-in 2
The color is slightly yellowish. The aroma is gentle and sweet, like white wine. The alcoholic smell is similar to wine. In the first sip, the taste of sweet grapes is as you would expect, but then it changes to a rice flavor. The alcohol is the type of alcohol that sticks in your throat with no irritation in your mouth. So if you decide it's mellow in your mouth and swallow it, you'll be surprised at the gap. When it contains air, it becomes more like white wine. The aftertaste leaves a strong taste of rice. It is not sticky, but it doesn't disappear naturally, so if you don't like it, you can drink water to get rid of it. The usual*. This sake seems to have won an award in a French sake competition. From this point of view, I thought it must be similar to wine, but I didn't expect it to be this close. Of course, it doesn't have the sweetness and acidity of grapes because the ingredients are different, but the aroma and the mildness in the mouth made me wonder how they could be so similar, and at the same time I thought, "The possibilities for sake are endless.
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1
Miyoshikiku Check-in 2Miyoshikiku Check-in 3
The aroma is the usual Sanphochrysanthemum-like fresh scent of pineapple mixed with a heavy aroma typical of Omachi. In one sip, a mild sweetness like a banana (the male town element here) comes along with a sweetness like pineapple. The alcohol flavor is quite present, but it's not stimulating, just a strong alcoholic smell. When you let the air in, it changes to a hazelnut-like flavor. After swallowing, the distinctive taste and aroma of Yomachi exits the nose and the taste of roasted hazelnuts (i.e., about half Yomachi bitterness and half hazelnut) lingers on the tongue for a while. It's a very clean combination of flavors that naturally dissipates over time. This is a very unusual aftertaste for a Mihochiku. The usual*. It's 60% milled from Omachi rice, so the Omachi is a riot in your mouth. But it's very interesting because the base is the usual Sanphochiku-like pineapple flavor. Normally, there should be almost no pineapple in Omachi... I don't know how they do it...
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1
Miyoshikiku Check-in 2Miyoshikiku Check-in 3
I've already reviewed last year's, but this is a new brew. The aroma is subdued, but reminiscent of a fresh summer, with a hint of pineapple. There is no alcoholic smell. In the mouth, you can detect a pineapple-like sourness and a peach-like sweetness. The sweetness is very strong, and the sourness is almost as strong as the accompanying alcohol. After swallowing, the sweetness remains in the mouth, but it's not sticky. You have to drink water to get rid of it, but if you don't mind, you can leave it alone. The usual. It has a very simple taste for a sampo chrysanthemum. The others have a bitter taste like almonds and caramel and it's hard to describe. But this one is not like that. That doesn't mean it's not delicious. It's very tasty. I looked at my past posts and wrote myself that it wasn't tasty, so that was probably a while after opening the bottle. I thought that they must have been placed there. Sanpho chrysanthemum is a match for freshness, after all. I recommend it.
Tamanohikari酒魂 しぼりたて原酒純米吟醸原酒
Tamanohikari Check-in 1Tamanohikari Check-in 2
The aroma has a hint of banana-like sweetness. It also smells much like alcohol. In the mouth, you can feel the smell of alcohol and then the taste of rice. After that, the sweetness like a banana comes with the volatilization of alcohol. There are few miscellaneous tastes and the flavor seems to linger for a while, but it almost disappears after a while. But it doesn't disappear completely, so if you don't like it, you need to wash it down with water. Overall, it's a very beautiful taste. (Although it is not as beautiful as the Daiginjo. It's not sticky. The throat passage is very good, but the alcohol stings a bit. The usual. It's been a while since I've had a strong alcoholic sake. It's probably stronger than normal, just as the label on the back says it is medium-hot. It was delicious, and I have absolute faith in Tamano-Mitsu, so I don't mind the bias. I know it's costing you, though. In case you're wondering, this is a limited time item from last year... I bought too many other things and decided to keep it for a while Thanks to that, I don't have to go out to buy alcohol due to the corona crisis at the moment.
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1
Miyoshikiku Check-in 2Miyoshikiku Check-in 3
The aroma is sweet and refreshing, like a pineapple, with a touch of white wine, which is typical of Sanpho-Chrysanthemum. On the palate, the sweetness and the deliciousness of the rice are mixed together, which is also typical of Sanpho-Chrysanthemum. It has a slight nutty taste but the base is in the direction of white wine. When it is filled with air, it becomes more like a wine. However, the flavor of the rice is present in all conditions. What was interesting was the unique taste of Omachi (can you tell?) The first time I drank it, I could feel it firmly about three seconds later. The mouthfeel is Yamadanishiki, but it tastes like Omachi, which is very strange. It's a bit on the alcoholic side, but not as much as you'd expect. It was less alcoholic than normal. After swallowing, there is almost no residue on the tongue. If I were to say anything else, I would say that the flavor of the Yamadanishiki and Omachi is strong. But there is almost nothing of that either. So, here's the usual editorial postscript to that one. I've never been much of a "blended sake" drinker, so this flavor was really interesting to me. It's a very good example of how the Yamadanishiki and Omachi come together. The fact that Yamadanishiki and Omachi come at the same time, and Omachi comes later, is not surprising. It was unexpected. The taste of Omachi and Yamadanishiki's strong rice flavor does not linger because the taste of Gohyakumangoku is so good. It must be counteracting. This is delicious.