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This sake was also characterized by its mildness, which went well with a variety of tsumami.
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熊谷 朋之
Three days of drinking with my sons during the Bon Festival (laughs) The fourth bottle we brought out was a sake from Akita Prefecture called Hiduyoshi, which we received as a gift. I was not familiar with this brand and he did not seem to be much of a sake drinker, so I wondered if he might be? I tried to drink it. Ah, it was firm and slightly dry. Not twisted, but since I've been chasing after sweet and tasty drinks for 2 days, I thought it was a little different 😅... 😅 My eldest son's wife actually wanted to drink wine too, and she secretly called my wife afterwards. 😅 I was proud of the high level of sake I was serving, but I should have given her a little more room to talk while drinking 😅. No, it was a really enjoyable Bon Festival. But they came and went so fast! I wonder when the next drinking party will be 😄. I'm looking forward to it 😁.
Hideyoshi純米酒 Hideyoshi Cloud純米
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This was the first time I drank a "hiya-ori" (not hiya-oshi) but an "akiagari" (autumn harvest), and the taste was much mellower and rounder than I had imagined.
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Soukai Junmai Sake Refreshing, thick, and peculiar. It's not a simple sake. It is an odd kind of sake. Dry and dry. It is a summer sake, but it is strange that it does not go smoothly. Burnt aftertaste. Smoky. Not much umami. 83 points Sweetness: 2 Acidity: 2.4 Dryness:2.7 Aroma:1.5
Hideyoshi純米大吟醸酒 三石 小仕込み
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This is the first time for Mr. Hideyoshi. We were told that this was a tank-bought PB from Jizakeya Ohta in Akita. This one is cold 🍶. The top aroma is sweet, typical of daiginjo-style sake. The first aroma is a sweet aroma typical of daiginjos made from Yamada-Nishiki. I guess it has something to do with the polish, but it's like Yamadanishiki when it comes to daiginjos, but the flavors are pretty similar and I feel like I'm missing something 🤔. I thought that since it is a small brewed sake, they should give it an edge. I'm sure you'll say you're the one who drinks only perverted sake 😅. Thanks for the food ✨
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I had a BBQ with people at work, I bought this during my business trip to Akita. It's not too strong and it's very easy to drink. There were more than 10 people there, so it was gone in no time.

Brands from Suzuki Shuzoten

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