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山川光男Yamakawa Mitsuo
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Yamakawa Mitsuo

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Yamakawa Mitsuo2024 はる
flos_lingua_estI was told of its existence at a sushi restaurant in Roppongi in 2018 or so. Since then, I kept finding it and then passing it up because of my refrigerator situation, and when I wanted to buy it, it was sold out, so it was off my wish list. But this time, I happened to see a review of it at a certain liquor store, and it looked delicious, so I ignored my refrigerator situation and went out and bought it. I wonder if the aroma is quite weak. I've been drinking a lot of fragrant stuff lately, so maybe my nose is getting a little stupid... but it has a nice muscat aroma. But it has a nice muscat aroma! I love this! I was so swooning that I couldn't help but read the words in a robotic tone. The elegant grape-like aroma. Wine? The taste is completely different from wine, though, as there is no astringency. The acidity and aroma make it seem fruity. At first it seems dry, but as the temperature rises in the mouth, the sweetness that appears and the hints of aroma make it seem juicy somehow. It is beautiful, but it is not limited to that; you can also taste a voluminous fullness, which is very satisfying. It is the most delicious wine I have had recently! Impressive!
アラジンHi flos_lingua_est 😃 Oh, it looks like you got into this one perfectly: ☺️ This time it's brewed by Mitobe Brewery, but I've never had Yamagata Masamune yet either, so I'm suddenly curious. I'd love to try this one too 🤩.
Masaaki SapporoThanks again, flos_lingua_est 👍This one looks like a very tasty drink 👀I'd like to try it 😋.
flos_lingua_estHi Aladdin! I'm totally hooked! I've never had Yamagata Masamune either, but it was a gem that made me want to try it: ☺️
flos_lingua_estHi Masaaki Sapporo, Good evening! Sorry for the late reply 💦 due to signal failure. It's probably almost gone from liquor store shelves, but if you see it in a tavern, maybe... 😊✨
Yamakawa Mitsuo2024はる
yukiI bought this one in February. Mitsuo, the theme for 2024 is "timeless sake brewing". To reduce CO2 for the future? Making gas-filled sake? 😆. Sweet & acid aroma like drinking yogurt. But the taste is refreshing. Easy to drink with just a hint of gas. Tasty but not harsh, low acidity. It's like a 00 sour. What is it, light banana?
Yamakawa Mitsuo2050 2024はる
しんくんMitsuo Yamakawa...nicely named 😃. The gasiness and clean dry taste attack and the umami comes later 👍. Looks like it would go perfectly with tempura and sashimi 😊. It's a collection of great breweries, so there's no reason it can't be good... 😆.
Yamakawa Mitsuo2024 はる
たっつうThe third glass was Yamakawa Mitsuo, this time produced by Mitobe Brewery. I drank the winter version just a few weeks ago, and compared to that, I got the impression that the lactic acid-like taste was less pronounced and the sweetness was stronger 🤔. I like sweet after all, so this was my favorite in the drinking comparison! LOL!